Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 302 These two are not simple

Chapter 302 These two are not simple
Although it is called a haunted house by some water friends, Li Shuyao still carefully arranges her new year's house. As for the fact that it looks like a haunted house, it is actually because some horror games always use it as a material.

After all, if horror games want to rely on tradition, they will always be unable to bypass these traditional festivals, which can arouse everyone's longing for beauty.

Because festivals are beautiful, when accidents happen, the feeling of contrast will be greater, and it will cause more pain to players.

Li Shuyao started streaming after setting up the house that day, but there was still no live broadcast of the game. She had played the game for more than a month before, and she really didn't want to touch it these two days.

Li Shuyao was also a little emotional. After a month of high-intensity play, she became a little impatient. Those who have been playing professionally for several years... Uh, well, they are jobs, and this is more or less a game.

That's about a year, and after that, she won't play life and death. If she didn't win more games to gain more, she would definitely not play like this life or death.

Looking at the beautiful home she arranged, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction. She also bought some pet clothes for Brother Gou and Xiaojiu, which became popular, but they were not released during the live broadcast.

She instinctively felt that Little Wine Red seemed a little special. After all, she had never seen a red-haired kitten before, and it was impossible for someone to dye it if it came in from the wild.

When I was at the pet hospital yesterday, the doctor also said that its coat color is quite special, and asked Li Shuyao if it was dyed, and said that it is best not to dye the pet or something.

So she decided to try not to let this guy appear on the screen, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Go back and look up the information by yourself to see what is so special about this red-haired kitten.

Even if it is a wild cat, the fighting power of this product is indeed a bit ridiculous.

Seeing that she was forced to put on a red coat with the word "Fu", Li Shuyao slammed her mouth and said, "What the hell are come you have such complicated genes..."

Through the system, Li Shuyao can see that this red-haired kitten has a special red-haired gene. I don't know if it is because of this gene, this kitty's physical fitness is much better, and even its IQ is much higher.

If Brother Gou hadn't been transformed by Li Shuyao with the system, he might not be as good as...

Uh, that's not right, Brother Gou also had the blinding gene back then, but he was just collapsing like crazy. She was busy with her own affairs for so long, and didn't study carefully why this phenomenon happened.


Anyway, there is nothing to do now, the things that should be arranged are almost finished, and the things to buy... well, those food can be bought tomorrow. Anyway, the supermarket in the community has a complete supply of food, and the price will not increase.

Uh, although those ingredients are already several times more expensive than outside.

But it won't be any more expensive!

Throwing the two kittens aside, Li Shuyao ran back to her room. She had nothing to do today, and she didn't want to play games. She didn't need to shoot videos or make music. It happened to be a free window.

Li Shuyao threw the phone away, then turned on the computer, and skillfully opened several webpages, some domestic and some foreign.

She quickly started browsing.

There are still a lot of related papers, and each one is extremely long... However, almost all of these academic papers can be regarded as meaningful, and it is not boring to read.

It's just not as literary as the literary papers, basically straight to the point.

Li Shuyao can be directly memorized after reading one article, but she just needs to understand a little bit, after all, the content involved in many papers is quite advanced.

If the former Li Shuyao would definitely not be able to understand...

Bah, who looked at this thing before, shit, is this something that people can understand?Aren't those who write these things really cheating?
Is this something normal people can write?
It's scary to look at it.

She can be sure that if she didn't hang up, even if she knew English, French, German, and Russian, she wouldn't be able to understand what these people were talking about.

But after seeing so many things, she suddenly understood a truth.

What exactly is the ladder of human progress?

guinea pig.

For the advancement of human science, how many mice have died, and how many experimental subjects the great mouse race has contributed to biology...

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. The genes of these mice are highly similar to those of humans, and there are also some that are taller than mice, such as chimpanzees and cats...

The chimpanzee is too similar, the cat is not close, but it is also higher than the mouse.

But as far as the laboratory is concerned, mice are still used more.

No way, who let the little white mouse give birth...

To some extent, humans and mice are the same ancestor, and they began to separate about 8000 million years ago, becoming humans and mice today.

After reading these papers, Li Shuyao instantly made up countless plots of novels in his mind, why these little white mice were originally human beings, and then they became little white mice for research after being captured by an organization hiding in the dark.

Then the next thing can be that the protagonist turns out to dig out this huge criminal context from the case of missing persons, because the interests are too huge, and the organization owns countless scientific patents researched by mice, so the protagonist The road to counterattack is extremely difficult.

Along the way, he also encountered countless mutants and mutant animals. In the end, relying on cheating, cheating and cheating, the protagonist finally overthrew the huge shadow that enveloped the world!
Well, aside from the facts, this plot is still so fascinating.

Maybe it will be able to write millions of words.

Having said that, Li Shuyao did a rough research. She only read a few papers, and her research on biology is not in-depth, but she almost has some ideas about some things.

From her very intuitive feeling, Brother Gou's situation at that time was very similar to having suffered nuclear radiation... and it was all-round.

Li Shuyao couldn't figure out where this guy suffered from nuclear radiation.

At that time, the genes of its whole body were collapsing. If Li Shuyao hadn't forcibly opened and repaired the genes, the chance of this thing surviving would be infinitely close to zero.

The story of mutating into a super soldier after undergoing radiation is only in comics, and novels dare not write like this, because after being exposed to strong nuclear radiation, if there is no God’s blessing, they will basically be taken away by death. ...

It can be said that Brother Gou is favored by her, the god.

Otherwise, it is certain death.

As for the little dark red, although it is not as exaggerated as Brother Gou, it still looks very powerful.

Exclude this product from using some natural hair dye in nature, then this product should be the legendary reddish animal...

It seems to be an existence that is more cherished than albino animals.

And this seems to be a positive buff. The fighting power of this guy can be regarded as the ceiling of the kitten world. It is estimated that when he was smashed by Brother Gou, this kitty who has beaten all the cats invincible in the cat world may have suspected that the cat gave birth.

 Yesterday was probably because I was a little dizzy from drinking the day before yesterday, and I had a somewhat magical dream. In the dream, I seemed to be Li Shuyao, can you believe it, and then roller skating in the city, and even ice skating!I may write this paragraph in a few days, haha, it's very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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