Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 303 The New Year's Eve Dinner

Chapter 303 The New Year's Eve Dinner

Although it seems that he accidentally collected two Godzillas among cats, Li Shuyao didn't feel proud. Anyway, neither of them can beat him. What's wrong with it, big fists are the last word in nature, you know!

Well, in order to swear his status as a god, Li Shuyao went down and took Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong to beat him up, and then filled the two bewildered-looking kittens with cat food.

Heh heh, giving a stick to a sweet jujube old lady will also use it...

Bah, you were taught by my mother.

In the evening, I made video calls with Fang Xuening, Tantai Jingyi, and Lu Yao respectively, and showed them the result of my arrangement today, and then I washed and went to bed.

Li Shuyao lying on the bed was very relaxed.

Although let's talk about running up and down today to dress up my room, and also checked a bunch of papers, but overall I am still very relaxed.

The front is happily looking for the taste of the new year. Although some water friends said it was a haunted house, but it was all their nonsense. Just now she turned on the electricity, and the red lantern at the door was glowing red in the dark night. It swings back and forth when the wind blows, what a feeling!

Look at the little lanterns in that room, right? They are red for a while, yellow for a while, green for a while, and they flicker and flicker against the beautiful window grilles.

What a haunted house, these people don't understand at all!
It's not tiring to check those things in the afternoon. After reading it, she is now very sleepy, so she doesn't have to worry about insomnia at all.

Hmm... It seems that after she started exercising, she basically stopped insomnia, and the quality of sleep every day was really good.

Sure enough, a healthy life is the eternal god.

After falling asleep, Li Shuyao had another dream. In the dream, the world has entered the doomsday era, human beings are extinct, and the whole world is full of radiation.

At this time, a bloody kitten was wailing on the ground, was about to die from radiation, and just when the kitten was about to return to the cat star, she descended from the sky as a god, with endless kindness and brilliance Came down to the side of the kitten.

She mercifully rescued the kitten, bathed the kitten in the radiance of God, and personally enlightened the kitten, making it a wise and powerful kitten, and gave it back to the kitten. He gave it a very pleasant name—Brother Dog!
Then Brother Gou led a group of kittens who were struggling to survive in the apocalypse all the way.

Then, it met a gray kitten. Although it looked inconspicuous, this kitten was very powerful and became a general under Brother Gou's subordinates!
But Brother Gou didn't like his kitten being dirty, so he took everyone to take a bath together. Afterwards, everyone suddenly discovered that this kitten had red fur!
Then, Brother Gou shaved off the cat on this guy, made a fake one and sent it to Li Shuyao who is a god...

Li Shuyao was awakened suddenly, and then looked at the dog brother next to her and slapped his head.

"Meow meow?" Brother Gou didn't fall asleep at this time, it came up to wait for Li Shuyao to exercise and then cook for them. Although there are still a lot of cat food, but it can eat the meal made by Li Shuyao himself. Why eat cat food?
Although it is impossible to make that kind of cat food with so much effort in the morning, it is also very happy to have breakfast together.

But it was a little dazed after being slapped in the morning for two consecutive days. What's the matter? This is...

"Hmph, I've been so nice to you, and you just gave me a bunch of wigs? They're still made of cat hair!" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes, and then went to wash up.

Leaving Brother Gou with a meow on the bed and continuing to be obsessed...


"Haha, Happy Chinese New Year everyone. Today I'm going live again in advance. I may spend a little longer with you today. I will accompany you all to celebrate the New Year."

After a simple lunch, Li Shuyao opened the live broadcast room. She didn't plan to eat too much at noon. She mainly wanted to make a big meal in the evening. She was looking forward to it.

Naturally, the dinner should start in the afternoon. After all, the New Year's Eve dinner is relatively rich, and she is alone, so many things need to be dealt with little by little.

All the ingredients and so on were delivered this morning...they were not surprised by the fact that they delivered too much. After all, everyone delivered a lot today. It is the end of the year, and even here, there are many family reunions.

I don't know how they will feel if they know that Li Shuyao eats alone...

"The first thing we have to do is fried food. Although it is not good to eat too much fried food, but we don't eat it often, right? Eat some of this stuff during the Chinese New Year. fine."

"The first thing we're going to do is turnip shredded meatballs. Hehe, actually, I don't like radishes very much. Of course, I don't hate them to the extent that I hate them. But, I really like these shredded turnip meatballs."

"We mainly use this green radish. You can deep-fry it softer or harder. They are both delicious. Moreover, this thing is also delicious for the second meal. Just stew it with that dish. .”

While talking, Li Shuyao began to chop shredded radish...

"Hiss... Yaoyao's knife technique is really unparalleled. This is the strength of the gourmet up master."

"Yaoyao seems to really want to teach me how to cook New Year's Eve dinner."

"Yaoyao has a life, I also think that meatball is delicious."

"I actually watched her cook New Year's Eve dinner in the live broadcast room of a professional player!"

"Oh my God, Yaoyao seems to really know how to cook, I just know."

"This skilled operation..."

"Is Yaoyao really only 19 years old? How did she learn so many things?"

"I saw Yaoyao cooking again, haha."

"This seems to be Shake's first live broadcast of cooking. Before that, it was all about videos."

"My God, I really want to eat..."


Li Shuyao has shown cooking many times in the video, but this is the first time that she cooks live directly. Many fans who don't watch the video but only watch the live broadcast really just found out that she can cook.

There are also some fans of CR or netizens who watch e-sports. Most of them have never watched Li Shuyao's video and live broadcast, and they jumped over from some e-sports self-media messages.

Now that Li Shuyao is in the limelight, e-sports self-media will naturally repost her live broadcast during the offseason.

It's all traffic!

So now several e-sports self-media with relatively large traffic are reposting Li Shuyao's news, um, anyway, just edit a small video or post a photo.

"Today I'm still going to fry fish, meat, etc. By the way, I'll make Sixi meatballs for you later. Haha, every time I go to eat, I always feel that it's not enough. Let's make Sixi meatballs this time. free."

Li Shuyao laughed while scooping up the French fries in the pot. There are already a lot of croquettes in the big plate next to her. She prepared a super-large plate in advance and planned to put all the fried things here. Absolutely super satisfied.

"Haha, the French fries are almost ready, tsk tsk, look at the color, this... well, it's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, it's so delicious, haha." Li Shuyao also poured the French fries into the nearby plate, and then By the way, I took out one and ate it...

"Come on, come on, come on fried chicken, haha."

Fry more things, this pot of oil will not be wasted at all...

(End of this chapter)

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