Chapter 304

"I originally prepared the whole hot pot tonight, but after thinking about it, we won't eat hot pot after the Chinese New Year, and the hot pot doesn't go well with other meals at the New Year's Eve dinner, so I finally chose not to cook hot pot , cook directly."

Li Shuyao laughed while stewing the meat:

"This meat, I'm going to simmer it for two hours on a low heat. Hehe, I'm a kung fu dish. Let me tell you, haha, my veal, tsk tsk, the tendon looks crystal clear. Ah ha ha."

"Okay, let's leave this here Gudu, let's continue cooking haha..."

"I saw some students asking me if it would be cold in the future, don't worry, I have a special warmer, haha, and I will also control the time, basically I will basically control some meals that need to be freshly cooked When exactly."

"Well, although it is said that this dish has been washed and sent, but Nie, we still wash it a little bit, this is him... cough cough, this is a damn sense of ritual!"

Li Shuyao was busy in the kitchen. At present, only those fried foods have been finished, and some fried foods are half finished, and they still need to be fried again.

In addition, meat and soup were stewed in the pot, and chicken wings were marinated in the refrigerator. In the afternoon, Li Shuyao was basically making preparations.

In addition to fried food, she is currently preparing to cook braised pork, pot meat, Sixi meatballs, baked chicken wings with salted egg, braised prawns, squirrel fish, dumplings, celery shrimp, hot and sour soup.

Well, that's all there is to it.

You can't eat too much by yourself, just make less, there will definitely be some leftovers, and you will continue to eat them in the next few days. If Fang Xuening and the others come, they will eat with them.

The meals on the New Year's Eve have been eaten until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month!
Uh, a little bit exaggerated...

But it is normal to eat until the first day of the new year. It is not a problem for those who cook a lot to eat until the second day of the new year. It is also possible for those with a small family to eat until the third day of the new year.

There is more than enough every year. In many places, the food for [-] nights cannot be eaten until the second year.

Waste is definitely not wasted, and everyone will always eat clean for the New Year's Eve dinner.

It's delicious after all.

Li Shuyao has been busy until 6 o'clock in the evening, and Li Shuyao has finished all the preparatory work for the meals, and she has finished making the dumplings, which are the most basic dumplings stuffed with three delicacies. Her favorites are cabbage pork dumplings and three delicacies dumplings. Others are ok, but not as much.

I bought a bit too much shrimp today, so I just wrapped them in the dumplings.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shuyao directly turned on the "robot" mode...

In an instant, the barrage was covered with a piece of 666:



"Fuck, is this a human?"

"This... Isn't this edited from the video?"

"Haha, you are questioning the strength of our female ghost."

"As expected of the legendary female ghost genius, simply inhuman."

"Yaoyao I love you, marry me!"

"I used to listen to them live, and I didn't believe it when they said it live, damn it."

"Who would have thought that people are really so good."

"The live broadcast really can't be edited, right? Surely it can't be edited..."

"I doubt, I really doubt, cooking robots may not be so good."

"Let's open a restaurant in Yaoyao, I'll eat there every day..."

"Hiss, it looks delicious...I feel like my saliva is about to come out."


This is the first time that Li Shuyao cooks with full firepower during a live broadcast, making several dishes at the same time, and the timing is just right, which is exactly the same as what she cooked in the previous video.

The cooked dishes look delicious just by looking at them!

There have been so many up owners saying that Li Shuyao's cooking is delicious, how could this be worse?

To be honest, many people thought it was edited before, and it can be done through editing. There are many exaggerated movies in the movie, but few people think it is true.

But this live broadcast is different.

It's not that no one can do this. If it's an old chef who has been working in the chef industry for decades, everyone will be amazed at his skills, but they won't be so shocked.

Because that's what people do, it's quite normal to know a few unique skills.

But... But this is not an old master who has been immersed in a certain industry for decades, but a little girl who has just turned 19!
And this little girl is not the kind of person who concentrates on cooking. She can earn tens of millions of broadcasts by singing, and she can win seven consecutive victories in the top league directly by playing professionally.

Some old fans also know that this guy is really good at martial arts, and has even rescued someone who committed suicide by diving into the water.

this person……

It's almost doubtful that she is not from this world after all.

It was about eight o'clock in the evening, and Li Shuyao's New Year's Eve dinner was finally ready. She chose the balcony on the second floor that had been arranged before. She removed all the small bookcases and tables in advance yesterday. So there is still plenty of space.

The one in the middle is of course squirrel fish, and next to it is a large bowl of hot and sour soup, followed by other dishes placed around, and the plate of fried food is placed on a small table next to it.

The big meals are these dishes on the table, and fried foods are naturally small snacks. These fried foods are basically in the shape of balls, strips and blocks, and you can eat them with plastic gloves.

Li Shuyao also prepared seasonings such as tomato sauce, sweet chili sauce, pepper powder, etc. It can be said that you can eat whatever flavor you want.

Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong are both hungry, but Li Shuyao is not sure if Xiao Jiuhong will have problems eating too greasy food.

Ordinary cats definitely can't eat these things, but they don't seem to be ordinary cats...

Li Shuyao tried to let it eat a little bit, and then checked it with the system, there was nothing wrong with it.

It's okay, just let it eat, anyway, there is no problem with the system.

Brother Gou, she is not worried. She has been eating this product for a long time, and there is nothing wrong with it. She can eat anything. That guy is old and healthy.

After setting up the New Year's Eve dinner and turning on the big screen, Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief and picked up her small rice bowl... Uh, the small rice bowl is ready to start eating.

She put the camera on the side, so she could see herself and part of the food and the big screen, and then there was a mobile phone in front of her, mainly for watching the barrage.

She put on clothes for Brother Gou and Little Wine Red, basically covering up the color of their coats, and demarcated the range of activities. It should be fine if they flashed by occasionally.

Li Shuyao was sitting directly on the carpet, leaning against the beanbag sofa, holding a bowl and looking at the large table in front of him, chewing meatballs, and the big screen in front of him had already turned on New Year's greetings.


After eating a large piece of braised pork happily, Li Shuyao looked at the barrage, and was about to say something when suddenly a large barrage floated over:

"The blue and white porcelain is amazing!"


"Yaoyao, do you know how to make blue and white porcelain?"

"It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds good..."

"This is the best chinoiserie I've ever heard today!"

"The finishing touch, this is definitely the finishing touch for this year's New Year's greetings!"

"I announce that there is one more song to accompany me in my homework!"


 I'm going to work next Monday, and the holiday life is gone...well, I can only wait for the summer vacation...

(End of this chapter)

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