Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 308 I feel like I don't have enough food

Chapter 308 I feel like I don't have enough food

After letting off the fireworks, Li Shuyao downloaded the broadcast directly and prepared to go back to sleep. By this time, it was already quite late. If it wasn't for this damn sense of ritual, she would have gone to bed long ago.

But, although the live broadcast has been live for a long time today, she is still very happy. After all, she has never set off fireworks in person in her previous life, and she always watched others put them off.

I released it myself this time, and it feels somewhat different.

Before going to bed, I took the mobile phone and replied to the friends who were paying New Year's greetings at this time, and I replied... Well, I slowly fell asleep.

After a very satisfying sleep, Li Shuyao woke up refreshed and started exercising. The air outside still smelled of firecrackers.

Mixed with the freshness of the morning, this smell is somewhat nostalgic.

There are still some sporadic firecrackers in the distance. It seems that they should have had an early rest last night, and they got up this morning to set off firecrackers together.

After exercising and having breakfast, Li Shuyao took a big broom and prepared to go out to be a volunteer.

She also thought about it, if she went there in such a straight-forward manner, she probably wouldn't be ashamed of others, so she could just scan it by herself, just ignore it, and it's over!
Naturally, this broom was originally reserved for sweeping the yard, and the eldest broom stood taller than Li Shuyao.

Well, it refers to the top point.

Li Shuyao didn't start any live broadcast, so she took a broom and took two selfies and posted them on the feed of Station B: "I'm going to start sweeping the floor [吃瓜][吃瓜][吃瓜]"

This dynamic is a response to the casually said last night. She doesn't plan to broadcast live, there is no need for that, just tell them to fulfill their promise, and it doesn't matter whether those people believe it or not.

He went out waving his broom.

Because it wasn't snowing, the community was actually quite clean. It was estimated that someone had come out to clean it early in the morning. The debris from yesterday's firecrackers in front of Li Shuyao's house had been cleaned up.

Li Shuyao sighed a little. She came out at 7 o'clock in the morning. At this time, the house had already been cleaned, which meant that she came out very early.

It was quite hard work to clean up early in the morning on New Year's Day.

But Li Shuyao didn't give up, it's still on, so she has a chance to play it!

This morning, many people who came out to set off firecrackers saw a girl with a big broom watching them set off the firecrackers. I swept it to a pile next to it, and then started packing with the big black plastic bag I didn't know what to ask for.

The whole family felt embarrassed...then they cleaned up together.

As a result, the security guards and cleaning staff in the community were stunned. Are all the people in this community so qualified?It's already very civilized to go out for a walk with the dog and clean up the dog's excrement by yourself. It's really...

Shocked my old swan!
What kind of moral ceiling community is this? The first day of the new year makes people so moved!
So excited, some staff members recorded a video of this behavior and posted it online.

Look at how high the quality of people in this community is!
Well, anyway, when I post it, no one will watch it. Usually, everyone will occasionally post a small video or something. Basically, it’s good to get dozens of clicks. Basically, it’s all acquaintances like you who click on each other.

Then it was discovered by some people on a certain sound...

Yo, isn't this the nursery rhyme in the book?

Then everyone started commenting and forwarding...

Then, there is nothing more, what can be done just after it is released, everyone is still sleeping in the early morning of the first day of the new year, okay!

In fact, Li Shuyao has not been a volunteer for a long time. She just wandered around the community with a broom for about two hours and then went back. The main reason is that someone came to pay New Year's greetings. I have come to see her several times...

I'd like to see who came out so early in the morning, the good guy came out to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year, which is quite dedicated.

Then Li Shuyao just ran back when she saw Lost Jiaoji walking down from the sports car with two girls.

"Happy Chinese New Year, Yaoyao, this is..." Lost Jiaoji was a little dumbfounded seeing Li Shuyao walking over with a big broom, what kind of posture is this?I didn't see the video either...

Oh, he did make a video, but Yaoyao knew in advance that he was coming?Impossible, they just decided to come, and they didn't tell her, so could it be possible to count on Yaoyao?

Hmm...maybe it looks like he is talking like a god!

"Haha, the firecrackers were set off yesterday, and I will clean up with everyone today, haha, this is a big deal, it is to lighten the burden on the cleaning aunts." Li Shuyao smiled and greeted the other two girls, very happy. It's not easy, and those who celebrate the New Year have to accompany the boss to pay New Year's greetings.

"Okay." Out of Focus Ji nodded: "I never thought about making a video or something?"

"It's not necessary." Li Shuyao shook her head: "By the way, the other two are inseparable, haha."

"The sixth director is not here, Brother Mao has been tossed about by some things recently, so he doesn't have much time." Lost focus Ji slammed his mouth a little emotionally, since that incident, their circle has never been together to shoot In the video, some former friends also turned their faces.

Sometimes I have to feel that this is impermanent.

"Ang? What's the matter with him?" Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment. She doesn't have much time to eat melons recently. She has been training all the time: "Come, come, let's talk in the room."

"Well... it's nothing wrong, now he has also come out, opened an offline board game store by himself, and is about to start again. This incident is also a baptism for him, whether it is good or bad. I can't see it, but at least for now, it shouldn't be very good." Lost Focus Ji said as he walked.

"Okay, it's almost noon, let's stay here and have a meal together today." Li Shuyao said with a smile. In other words, my first joint video was with someone, but recently they did Nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, some problems were encountered.

As soon as the four of them walked through the door, they heard the sound of a brake coming from behind.

"Yaoyao, I'm coming~" Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu ran down from the car, followed by Mrs. Bao Jian and Xiao Rou also walked down with a smile.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, what about the social barriers that she said, and the autism that she said, what about the barriers now?Could it be that this is a familiarity, why come here in time for dinner.

Okay, this time I brought my family with me.

"Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Chinese New Year, haha, we saw it yesterday, you must not be able to eat that big table of dishes, we are here right now, aren't we?" Liyuan Bacteria said with a chuckle.

"I'll help you solve it." Brother Yu immediately picked it up.

"It's over, it's over, these two are getting more and more shameless." Mrs. Bao Jian said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Xiaorou also pursed her lips and nodded.

Then the two of them came up together to greet Li Shuyao cordially for the New Year.

When several people were happily preparing to go home, there was another sound of brakes coming from the door...

Li Shuyao looked up, ah, even brought all the little zongzi.

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, it seemed that she didn't have enough food.

 Recently, I met a patient on the Internet... who seems to be schizophrenic... I feel very pitiful. When I chatted, I was a little scary, and suddenly became another person... If I have a chance, I will add such a character to the novel. I hope this Let the world be more tolerant and understanding towards such people.

(End of this chapter)

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