Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 309 Is the good guy so lively?

Chapter 309 Is the good guy so lively?

"Actually, I didn't plan to come out to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year. This, at home, is it a bit annoying to visit relatives all the time. Hey, let's discuss this. Let's go to other up owners' houses to pay New Year's greetings, and then we will come Yes, sister Na can testify!"

Li Shuyao was busy in the kitchen, while the others sat on the sofa and chatted about the mountains, ah, Zong immediately expressed that he came to Li Shuyao's house to contact the relationship between the up masters, right, this relationship still needs to be contacted, otherwise In the future... Right, how do you find someone to shoot a video with, right?

If you want to say who is the hottest in the up main circle recently, it is undoubtedly Li Shuyao.

Look at this Divine Comedy one after another, as if it doesn't cost money, it is considered very popular in lpl... well, as for cooking and so on, it's secondary, they won't say that they watched her do it yesterday I'm too hungry for dinner, and I'm going to come over for a meal today.

"Hey, I think it's right to say this. This relationship requires everyone to contact each other. Look, it's Chinese New Year. Let's come together to pay New Year's greetings, right... It seems that our up masters are mutually connected. We love each other very much." Out of Focus Ji nodded approvingly.

"The boss is right!" Two ruthless nodding machines nodded together.

"That's true." Liyuan Bacteria nodded and said while looking at the kitchen: "The meaning of our shooting video together last year came out."

"That's right, what were we doing for it? Is it for traffic? Is it for playback volume?" Brother Yu immediately picked it up: "Is it... We are for..."

"For food." Mrs. Baojian ruthlessly exposed Brother Yu's thoughts.


The up hosts here chatted with each other haha, while chatting, they looked at Li Shuyao who was busy in the kitchen over there.

If we talk about the past, everyone wouldn't let Li Shuyao cook over there by himself, and they would fight beside him anyway.

But now everyone basically understands that everyone should not interfere when Li Shuyao is cooking, even if you want to!

As long as Li Shuyao starts cooking, no one else can get in his way. Everyone will understand that when he is cooking, you can just call 666 next to him, and you don't need to participate in other things.

At the beginning, everyone was still talking and laughing, and then gradually began to change to the grandpa model of all members of the subway...

The subway grandfather was looking down at his phone, and all of them were looking at Li Shuyao with their heads up. Well, their expressions were very similar to a certain extent.

"No matter how many times I watch it, Yaoyao's cooking is so pleasing to the eye." Mrs. Baojian looked at Li Shuyao longingly.

"Yes, can I learn how to cook from her." Xiao Rou also nodded.

"Me too." Sister Na nodded along with her.


The other three men also nodded together... Hurry up and learn, look at this skill, and then look at you... Ahem, your skills are very good, we all like it...

The three women didn't talk nonsense anymore, they just went up together to observe how Li Shuyao cooks at close range, how could he master the cooking so well!
You look at the technique, you look at the color, you smell the fragrance,'s absolutely amazing.

"So, why don't you two follow suit." Lost focus Ji looked at the two interns beside him...

"I don't know how to cook."

"I don't cook."

Out of Focus: "..."

"Well, Yaoyao, you don't need to do so much, we can eat the leftovers from yesterday."

"Yes, yes, you are too troublesome."

"Will it be very tiring?"

"It's okay, I'm not tired, hehe."

Three women and a doll surrounded Li Shuyao, which somehow made her a little Alexander. Well, the main source of pressure was the little doll. She was afraid that she would hit someone with too much force, so she became more focused in an instant.

So, under everyone's shocked eyes, Li Shuyao's hands gradually began to take on double shadows.

"This... is the hand speed of a professional player... huh? Hahaha..." Ah Zong smashed his mouth and then turned to look at Brother Yu, Liyuan Bacteria and Out of Focus Ji who followed: "This... ...Master, you are not close to women, hahaha, can you fix it?"

"This... if you want to add some effects, it's okay."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb other people's cooking, just sit and wait obediently when you see their kittens." Mrs. Bao Jian pointed to Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong who were sitting on the stool next to them.

Following Mrs. Baojian's hand, other people's eyes focused on the past. The two kittens sat on the chairs and watched Li Shuyao cook directly—be cute.jpg.

Seeing so many people looking at her, Xiao Jiuhong felt a little nervous, licked her mouth, rubbed her little feet on the chair, her little paws almost popped out.

"Slap!" Brother Gou slapped Xiao Jiuhong directly.

You look like you haven't seen the world, isn't it just a bunch of two-legged beasts here, you have to get used to it in the future, you know, Mama can be regarded as a little famous two-legged beast among the two-legged beasts, and it's normal for there to be many people Yes, if you are nervous every time, then you will be scared to death.

Brother Gou rolled his eyes at Xiao Jiuhong, then continued to lazily watch Li Shuyao cook.

It doesn't matter if you are stared at or something, it's serious to wait to eat.

After being slapped by Brother Gou, Xiao Jiuhong sat up straight again, and raised her head—elegant, gentle, sensible, modest, reserved.

Several people glanced at each other, these two kittens are really interesting.

Well, why are their kittens never so well-behaved waiting to cook? They are either demolishing or on the way to demolish the house all day long.

"Yaoyao, I'm coming in, and I won't answer your calls. I keep the door open... Hey, there are so many people, you don't come home during the Chinese New Year."

Just as everyone looked at the two kittens with emotion, the door was pushed open...

"Brother Potato, why don't you...come at this time." Liyuan Bacteria said with a smile and put his arms around Big Tomato.

"Didn't I learn this from you? Didn't you come here at this point last time?" Big Tomato laughed, then walked to Yaoyao and took a look, um... don't bother others.

After shouting a happy new year, he put the gift he brought in the pile of gifts.

Well, of course the others didn't come empty-handed, they more or less brought gifts.


There was a ringing of the doorbell at the door.

"Haha, I think it's not good to keep the door open, I closed the door when I came in." Big Tomato laughed when he saw other people's eyes: "Let's go, let's see who is coming. "

"Hey, isn't this a fantasy?"

"Haha, he's here at this time too."

"One or two of you have learned badly, hahaha."

A few girls gathered at Li Shuyao's side to "learn" to cook, while the others ran out to watch a certain Huan standing at the door.

"Hey, good guy, it's so lively, why are you all here." A certain Huan was taken aback when he saw a group of people coming out of Yaoyaojia, and then he shouted: "Is there any strange party today? Why are you guys here?"

Immediately afterwards, he whispered: "Good guy, you guys came so early!"

(End of this chapter)

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