Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 310 Today's Randomness Is Good 1

Chapter 310 Today's Random is So Uniform

"How did you all come here? Is it planned?" Mou Huan also sat on the sofa, glanced at the world for a group of girls over there, then looked at the others, and then raised his eyebrows.

"This..." The others glanced at each other, and then at the camera next to them.

"Cengfan challenge, New Year's greeting version!" Brother Yu suddenly roared, then turned around and buried his face in the sofa under the strange eyes of everyone.

"What are you yelling, it will scare people." Bao Jian's wife turned her head and stared.


"Uh, let me testify, we did randomize for a while before we set off, and then we happened to randomize to Yaoyaojia. It's just...a coincidence, you know." Liyuan Bacteria said with a laugh.

"Hey, you said so, I actually came here randomly." Out of focus Ji slapped his thigh: "I thought at the time, where should I go to eat today...ah no, I am today...haha, don't take pictures of me, I just want to Where are you going to pay New Year's greetings today, right, and then I listed a whiteboard with a bunch of names of up masters written on it..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Then you said so, so do I. I made a turntable and wrote the name of the up master on it." A certain Huan gestured: "Right, I just turned it like that."

"Then me too, I just opened the watch list, swipe up and down with my eyes closed, and then hey, just stop, right." Big Tomato also took out his phone, tilting his head and swiping up and down the watch list.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Look at it, look at it, isn't it a coincidence, isn't it, we all came here randomly, hahaha." Ah Zong laughed.

"That's right, that's right, God, sometimes it's so outrageous, sometimes you can't keep up with so many random things, and sometimes he bumps into you and says you can't be angry, oops, it's so annoying , hahahaha." Brother Yu also turned around from the sofa.

"Hey, look at it, look at it, it's God's will, God's will cannot be violated, haha."


The random challenge was a huge hit last year, and in the end, it was so messed up that no one wanted to touch it anymore. The appearance of a lot of shoddy random challenge videos angered some viewers.

But, if these up shoots are randomly challenged, the audience will definitely buy it. After all, these ups don’t talk about anything else, even if they get together to chat, it’s quite interesting.

"Since Yaoyao's side hasn't finished cooking yet, and we don't have anything to do here, I suggest, how about we play a little game." Ah Ma Zong raised his hand and said.

"Okay, so you can use the material." Liyuan Bacteria laughed.

"That's necessary, so many people, such good material, don't rub it for nothing, hahaha."

Everyone is an old up master, and naturally there will be no nervousness in front of the camera, so the performance is still very casual, anyway, it will be edited when the time comes.

"What game are you playing?" Brother Yu scratched his head.

"I didn't bring any cards, I just brought a small book of stickers... Hey, hehehe..." Ah Zong took out the stickers from his pocket while smiling.

"Why do you carry this kind of thing with you?" Mou Huan opened his mouth.

"Okay, this is obviously planned for a long time." Big Tomato laughed and said, "You just want to record and guess the name of the up master."

"Tsk tsk, that's called hanging head stickers." Ah Zong skillfully took out a pen.

"Okay, come on!"

"It's time to eat!"

A few people just rolled up their sleeves and were about to start, when they heard Sister Rou shout...

In an instant, several people threw the stickers aside and rushed to the restaurant.

Hmm, ah, the fastest running!

Looking at a large table full of dishes, the first reaction of several people... was to hold the camera back and forth, and take crazy shots up and down.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Is this considered an occupational disease of the up owner... or is this group of people too short of material!
Shouldn't it be the kind of people who want to throw up when shooting videos every day, and don't want to touch the camera at all?

Li Shuyao suddenly looked at the child again, and suddenly understood.

It's all for living.

"Come on, come on, I think you all came here by car, so you don't drink, and I don't have any alcohol at home, haha, I prepared lemonade." Li Shuyao laughed: "Come on, lemonade is here In the beverage machine, freshly squeezed, lemonade is a good thing, this supplements vitamin C, right?"

Li Shuyao didn't expect so many people to come today, and I didn't say it before, you two are used to making surprise attacks last year!

After everyone was seated, Li Shuyao stood up with a lemonade in hand: "Well...why can't I express my thanks after seeing you all... Hahaha, let's stop talking, happy Chinese New Year, that's fine , hurry up and eat, haha."


"Just say something, why do we have no idea why we came here, haha."

"Let's eat, let's eat!"

"By the way, why is there a small table next to your house?"

"'s okay to have two cats, why are there two squirrels?"

Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou and the two little squirrels on the small table next to him and laughed a little: "There are usually four little squirrels here, but there are too many of you, and the other two little squirrels are too scared to come down. "

Everyone still has a lot of curious things about Li Shuyao, such as why she knows so many things, why she is so powerful at such a young age, why...

Allow cats and squirrels to eat at the same table.

Isn't this squirrel afraid that if he eats it, he will become a cat's meal?
Is it really okay for you to break the laws of nature so blatantly?God don't want to lose face?It’s okay that the cat is weird, why are you two squirrels so unconscious!
"Come, come, let's toast to our randomness today!" Ah Ma Zong held up the lemonade and smiled.

"Come and cheers."

"Good guy, it feels like there are more people than we randomly challenged to the Supreme Edition that day."

"Hahaha, isn't the effect of the show coming out?"

"Isn't it all because we can get together randomly today? Isn't it a coincidence?"

"Come on, let's drink to God who passed out today, hahaha."


Li Shuyao also laughed along with him, these people are too messed up, it seems that they will never lack the effect of the show when they are around.

She was also quite strange, she was here by herself yesterday, but today suddenly such a large group of people came.

Don't worry about why people come here, whether it's for eating, for material, for communicating feelings, or for the convenience of linking videos in the future.

It's a good feeling to be cared about.

There is a saying how to say it, it is rare to be confused.

Sometimes there is no need to delve into those purposes so much. She is not really the emperor, and everyone approaches you with a purpose.

The presents are not too expensive, they are just some common things that people would bring when visiting during the Chinese New Year, such as drinks, milk, wine, snacks, etc. She even saw a Want Want gift bag!

This feeling is very comfortable.

Even if this kind of comfort is deliberately created, she still thinks it is very good.

And she also felt that these people really regarded her as a friend.

You said you didn't contact me, you happened to come here...

Humph, who would believe it?

It happened to be so neat?

Well, forget it, just trust me a little bit.

 Go to work~ Comrades, go to work~ Work hard~
  Cough, cough, the sound of touching fish.

(End of this chapter)

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