Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 311 Titled Douluo, Right?

Chapter 311 Titled Douluo, Right?
She heard all the laughing and joking voices of those people before, and the noise of her cooking here is not small, but she also heard the voices of talking over there. Was it collusion?
Forget it, I'll wait until your video comes out, I'll see how many of you colluded together.

Li Shuyao has now almost realized that these people should be shooting videos, and she is a little moved. You didn't notify me in advance of what you are going to shoot in this video, hehe.

There is also a camera for each person, pretending that they are all here temporarily, right?

The quality of Li Shuyao's cooking is still guaranteed. No one recorded the eating process before. Anyway, if it is not for recording the eating video, everyone is basically not good at recording the eating scene.

After all, not many people are used to being recorded as eating videos.

After eating, Li Shuyao was supposed to clean up, but was forced to be held down by other people. They couldn't get in the way of cooking before, but now they are doing the dishes...

Professional counterpart!
So, Li Shuyao was pulled over by several girls and sat on the sofa, and then the fellow men began to clean up the dishes skillfully.

"Hey, it seems that I don't need to wash the dishes..."

"Yeah, not even a dish towel."

"Yes, yes, no need, just put it in the dishwasher." Li Shuyao stood up and shouted.


"Isn't it over if you say that earlier, haha."

Today...Of course there is nothing left. Everyone was a little embarrassed at first, but they gradually let go.

Everyone is quite familiar with it, and Li Shuyao also said not to leave it alone, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up alone, so...

After everyone was full, Li Shuyao basically finished the rest.

Well, there are not many left, so Li Shuyao can post four of them!Absolutely not much left!
Because I ate clean, I don't need to clean up the leftovers, just put the plates and bowls in the dishwasher.

"Tsk tsk, this dishwasher is really good."

"My dishwasher doesn't seem to work well."

"The dishwashers are all connected to artificial intelligence, and they can be opened directly with a shout, that's fine."

"I'm also going back to get an artificial intelligence for my dishwasher."

"I want to change it too, this dishwasher is really clean."


Several male compatriots felt that their dishwasher was something that could be thrown away after passing by the miraculous dishwasher in Li Shuyao's house that could even open the door by itself...

Li Shuyao had thought a lot about how she would spend the first day of the new year, but she really didn't expect that a large group of up masters would come to pay her New Year's greetings, and then put a piece of paper on her head for her to guess the up master's name.

Hell, although she usually looks at station B, she doesn't know the names of many up hosts, and she doesn't even call the names of the lpl players. Doesn't this make her offend people!

"Am I a human being?" Li Shuyao pointed to the sticky note on her head and said.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

Several people glanced at each other, and then laughed hahahaha.

"Yes, yes, it must be someone, haha." Big Tomato laughed.

Li Shuyao looked at the strange expressions of several people and raised her eyebrows: "Is this person a girl?"

"Should...not." Ah Zong pursed his lips and smiled.

"Probably not." Li Yuan Bacteria said.

"Probably not." Brother Yu pursed his lips and smiled.

"It doesn't seem to be." Lost Jiaoji laughed.

"Well, no." Mou Huan nodded firmly.

Hiss... Li Shuyao took a deep breath. Could it be that the matter of her time travel has been discovered?Probably not, but what they said seems very mysterious.

Li Shuyao rubbed her chin. She guessed that it was written on it before, but now it seems that it should not be her. What makes these people laugh happily? There must be a fraud in it!

So, who is it that makes these people smile so weirdly?
There must be a lot of questions in this!

Therefore, it must be some unexpected people who can make these people smile like this. If they are people, not women, and they are laughed so happily, everyone must know them!

"Understood!" Li Shuyao slapped her thigh, "I'll cover you!"


"No, no, next one."

"You asked about the word count."

"Come on, come on, next round."


Li Shuyao rubbed her chin, and now Liyuan Bacteria began to guess, this product is also an old fritters, although she didn't guess it directly in the first round, but the basic information is quite clear.

Judging by the thoughtful look on his face, it seems that he almost has the answer in his heart.


Who on earth is it?
Li Shuyao scratched her head, forget it, never mind him, let's talk about it in the next round.

Thinking of this, Li Shuyao excitedly participated in other people's guesses, laughing heartlessly.

"It's my turn, it's my turn." After turning around, he returned to Li Shuyao's place. After the first round, except for Brother Yu who guessed that his head was Mrs. Baojian for some reason, the others I didn't even guess it.

"I see, Big Tomato, right!" Li Shuyao smacked her chest confidently, then pointed at the Big Tomato next to her, and laughed.

" why don't you ask about the word count." Big Tomato said dumbfounded.

"I guessed wrong?" Li Shuyao blinked.

"Ah..." Big Tomato nodded: "There are two more questions, you can ask them."

"Hiss..." Li Shuyao took a deep breath: "Okay, it actually stumped me, haha, my desire to win and lose has been aroused at this moment, so let's ask this question, what you wrote is three times. A word?"

"No!" Everyone shook their heads together.

"No..." Li Shuyao touched her chin.

"Well, no, well, the three questions are finished, let's guess." Liyuan Bacteria laughed.

"Huh? That wasn't my problem just now." Li Shuyao almost jumped up: "No, I'll ask the third question again!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you ask, you ask."

"Are these four characters?" Li Shuyao asked confidently, pointing to the label on her forehead.

"No, guess it." Defocused Ji pursed his lips and smiled.

"No..." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows in disappointment. If this is not the case, longer names can be ruled out. She remembered that it didn't take that long to write.

There are too few up masters with a one-character name, and even fewer famous ones. At least Li Shuyao can't remember it all at once, so it can basically be ruled out, so it can be locked into two characters.

Two characters, male, none of the men here has a two-character name, Mou Huan and Brother Yu are not full names, but it makes them laugh so weirdly...

Li Shuyao stuck out her tongue suddenly, and said in a low voice, "It can't be...Chen Rui."

Several people glanced at each other, and then suddenly burst into laughter:
"Ha ha ha ha……"


"You guessed it all."

"Okay, hahaha, take it down, take it down."

"Really." Li Shuyao was speechless: "One or two of you are playing Title Douluo with me here, right?"

"Hahaha, it's okay, Darrui is our good friend."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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