Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 312 Meeting in a Dream

Chapter 312 Meeting in a Dream
Everyone's playfulness ended around two o'clock in the afternoon. After the video was recorded, under Li Shuyao's eyes, everyone told her that this was a joint contribution video, and they would notify her when it came out. .

Amidst the sound of firecrackers that still existed outside, everyone left one after another.

"Phew... they're all gone." Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief. The crowd was very lively, but she was also quite tired. After returning, she lay directly on the sofa on the first floor and slowly fell asleep.

In the dream, Li Shuyao was wandering on the street, and suddenly felt that she was walking a little slowly. When her feet touched, the shoes under her feet turned into roller skates. She was skating freely on the street. There were not many people around. There are not many cars, she is constantly shuttling in the city.

Suddenly, she saw a domed building with an open door in front, and she slid directly into the building.

The amazing thing is that there is no one here. After crossing the border, it becomes an ice rink. on the ground.

When Li Shuyao touched his feet again, that pair of roller skates turned into ice skates. Li Shuyao took advantage of the opportunity and happily slid on the ice rink, circling around the field, and the surrounding scenery quickly became blurred. the lines.

"Wow..." Li Shuyao stopped abruptly, the skates under her feet rubbed against the ice surface, stirring up the ice and snow all over the sky...

Li Shuyao happily slid out of the skating rink. The moment she came out, the skates on her feet turned into roller skates again, and she continued to shuttle happily in the city.

At a certain moment, she stopped in front of a store, and someone pushed the door and walked out. This person, Li Shuyao, looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

After thinking about it carefully, it should probably also be an anchor, the kind that I have seen on the platform but never contacted.

She happily invited Li Shuyao to come in. After entering the door, there was a shop that looked a bit dark overall. She invited Li Shuyao to have dinner together and talked about some things happily.

Li Shuyao didn't know until this time, and the other party also knew about herself.

This made her a little happy. It turned out that she was quite well-known.

After leaving this store, she continued to slide forward. After an unknown period of time, she came to a store that looked very exotic. This store had a cowboy style. The waiter was a fat person who seemed There is also a horse farm in the backyard.

Someone who seemed to be her friend invited her for a cup of coffee.

The fat waiter seemed to have suffered some unfair treatment, so he acted a bit aggressive in the store, but Li Shuyao could tell at a glance that he showed it on purpose, and he tried his best to make himself appear indifferent, Use this to cover up some embarrassment and inferiority complex.

As for why she can see it.

Because she was like that too.

They behave heartlessly and carelessly, and even have some funny language and behaviors, trying to attract the attention and respect of others, but in the end they often self-defeating and make themselves a clown.

Li Shuyao sighed a little while drinking coffee.

Is the current self a clown again...

Li Shuyao never thinks that clown is a derogatory term, it's just a bit sad. Clowns draw exaggerated facial makeup for themselves to bring happiness to others, but the sadness alone is invisible to others.

It's just that clowns have always retained their goodwill towards the world, so even if they are a little sad, they are unwilling to vent this feeling. They hope to make the people around them feel relaxed and happy.

Even if they end up being ridiculed and despised by others, they just laugh it off.

Maybe you want to be loved, but you are afraid of being loved.

In the end it might just be sad...

Li Shuyao put down the coffee she drank, and looked at the waiter who was flirting with other clerks with admiration, as if she saw her former self.

She turned and left, but the picture stayed in this store. The fat waiter asked Li Shuyao's friend who she was, and the friend smiled and said, "You know her, she is the author of your favorite song." .

The fat waiter covered his mouth in surprise and said, "let it go?"


At this moment, a piece of music came to mind in the dream world, accompanied by this music, Li Shuyao gradually woke up.

"I don't know the back of time, my thoughts have crossed the galaxy... I don't know that time is a novel..."

Li Shuyao sat up from the sofa, the last melody from the previous dream echoed in her mind, and she sang along unconsciously.

In fact, she didn't know why this song appeared in her dream. She had never written it down, nor produced it, but it suddenly appeared in her dream.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao lowered her head and smiled slightly. Why did she feel like she saw her past self in a dream, and she was still the self before she lost weight, haha, she was a little fat.

This departure should be a complete farewell to the past.

Maybe, who knows.

Maybe you don't know when you will dream when you sleep.

This feeling is still quite strange.

Maybe this is the follow-up to my little emo years ago?
"You're awake." When Li Shuyao was lying on the sofa and recalling the dream, suddenly a small head popped out from behind the sofa: "Haha, you sleep in the afternoon, so you can't sleep at night."

Fang Xuening turned over directly from the sofa, and then fell on Li Shuyao's body with a slap.

"I'm going, you're getting fat again!" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "Why did you come back so early?"

"Where am I getting fat!" Fang Xuening pinched her waist.

"Oh, don't pinch your waist when you're lying on your stomach, you almost hit my face." Li Shuyao was speechless: "Also, shouldn't the point be why you came back so early?"

"Tsk tsk, I don't know who it was yesterday. I ate a large table of food on live broadcast alone. Ouch, that's so miserable. It seems like you are the only one left in the world." Fang Xuening smiled on Li Shuyao's body. Rubbing: "Well, as expected, it's still comfortable to pillow here."


Fang Xuening was directly thrown onto the carpet next to her by Li Shuyao.

"Oh, I just laid a pillow on your broad chest. As for, hmph, heartless woman." Fang Xuening stood up and tossed her hair and sat on the sofa next to her: "Where are your leftovers from yesterday? I just I went to the kitchen to look for it for a long time, but I can't find it! You won't eat all of it during the day, right?"

"Ang, I've eaten it all." Li Shuyao nodded.

"No way...can you stop wasting food like this?" Fang Xuening glared, "You're just wasting food if you don't grow any meat."

"Look what that is..." Li Shuyao pointed to a pile of presents in the corner.

"Ang, I just wanted to say that you are going to visit and bought so many gifts." Fang Xuening took out a Want Want Senbei and started to eat it: "It should be fine for me to eat one."

"What kind of door do I go to, this morning Big Tomato, Liyuan Bacteria, Brother Yu, ah, well..." Li Shuyao counted one by one with her fingers...

"I'll go, there are so many people here, they ate up everything." Fang Xuening stared.

"Ang... yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Miscalculation!" Fang Xuening pouted with a puffy face, "Damn it, I thought I came back early, but I was caught first!"

 This dream was actually my real dream. In the dream that day, I became Li Shuyao, um, it feels amazing...

(End of this chapter)

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