Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 313 This is the legendary two-person world

Chapter 313 Is This the Legendary World of Two?
"Why do you suddenly want to eat steak today..." Li Shuyao said to Fang Xuening who was fiddling with the table beside her while mixing the marinated beef sauce.

"Hey, isn't this romantic?" Fang Xuening looked at the candlestick in front of her and laughed, "You know what a candlelight dinner is."

"Come on, those are foreign things." Li Shuyao shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, it's a combination of Chinese and Western, haha, it's good if it's delicious anyway, it's not that it's not good to say it's delicious, it doesn't matter where it is." Fang Xuening shrugged: "You don't think so, next to it There are many lanterns, window grilles, Chinese knots, etc., and then we eat steak and pasta together here, it feels better, haha."

"So, why did you put chopsticks on the plate?" Li Shuyao said, rubbing the beef gently.

"I'm used to using chopsticks. Who said you need a knife and fork to eat steak? It's normal for us to use chopsticks. Also, don't make it too raw, as long as it's not too old. I really don't like meat. Eat raw." Fang Xuening smiled and put two pairs of chopsticks on the plate.

"Got it." Li Shuyao shook her head with a smile. She didn't plan to make it too raw. With her grasp of the heat, it was easy to find the most suitable point, which would not affect the taste and was guaranteed to be cooked. of.

"That's right, that's right, I prepared something good for you, haha, what about Lafite in 82, isn't he famous, haha." Fang Xuening laughed while holding a wooden box.

"You just said that your steak is from 82." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes.

"Haha, alright, alright, it's not from 82, but it is indeed Lafite from 10 years ago, and it's not bad." Fang Xuening opened the red wine with a smile, and then slowly poured in the sober wine that had been put away before. Inside the container: "I think this wine needs to be sobered up for a while. When you finish it, it will be almost done."

Fang Xuening put the wine bottle beside her in satisfaction, she remembered that Li Shuyao poured it in a glass, so can she do whatever she wants tonight, hehehehe.

"By the way, Yaoyao, why didn't you see Brother Gou?" Fang Xuening asked a little puzzled. Although Brother Gou would usually go out to play, it was at night, and he was basically at home during the day, but She hasn't seen Brother Gou since she came back.

"Oh, brother Gou has recently taken in a lot of younger brothers. Firecrackers have been set off these two days. These younger brothers were scared and ran around. Brother Gou took Xiao Jiuhong to give them food." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Brother Gou's life is really colorful, haha." Fang Xuening laughed haha ​​and then frowned suddenly: "Wait, who is this little wine red?"

"Oh, do you remember that red-haired kitten at our picnic?" Li Shuyao laughed.

"It's it? It's chasing it?" Fang Xuening said in surprise, "It's far enough."

"Yeah, I guess Brother Gou was moved by it, and now he takes it with him everywhere." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Maybe we will have a kitten after a while."

"You are going to be a grandma." Fang Xuening smacked her mouth.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Although it seems that this is indeed the case, but why does it sound so awkward, why is she only 19 years old and became a grandmother.

Just outrageous!
The steak and the like are ready very quickly, and the pasta is made by hand when making the steak, which is a very simple tomato bolognese pasta.

Fang Xuening grinned and poured Li Shuyao a glass of wine from the decanter...

Well, the kind that fills a large glass.

Li Shuyao was sitting on a chair, looking at the steak and chopsticks in front of her, and the medium-sized glass for juice beside her was filled with a glass of wine...

"If I remember correctly, you should use a goblet to drink this kind of wine, or the temperature of your hands will destroy the taste and taste of the wine." Li Shuyao twitched the corners of her mouth: "Also, how can there be a glass of wine poured into it?" There are so many."

"Oh, there are so many things to pay attention to..." Fang Xuening poured a little wine into her goblet and said, "You have a big appetite, drink as much as you eat."

Li Shuyao: "...So, the reason you pour less is because you eat less."

"Bingo!" Fang Xuening snapped her fingers haha: "This wine can't be wasted, it's quite expensive, so you drink it all for me, um, let's have something to eat first."

Fang Xuening fully considered that if Li Shuyao drank a cup, she might be hungry at night, so she asked her to eat something first!
Li Shuyao shook her head, then put the steak directly on top of the pasta, no matter how elegant or not, it's ready to eat!
"and many more!"

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyao's steak was interrupted before she could even put it in her mouth.

"Little demon, little demon." Fang Xuening called out.

"here I am."

"Turn off the lights."


As soon as Fang Xuening finished speaking, all the lights in the room went out, only the bright red lanterns outside and the colorful lights on the windows were left blinking...

It's just... a little weird.

"Oh, I forgot to light the candles in advance, I have a lighter..."

Li Shuyao: "..."


After a while, a little fire lit up on Fang Xuening's side, and then the guy smiled and started to light candles.

After the red candle was lit, all the lights of other colors of the lantern suddenly went out, leaving only the green light getting brighter and brighter.

It's just... even weirder.

"Ahem, isn't this very warm?" Fang Xuening smiled foolishly.

Li Shuyao looked at the grinning white hair against the green light through the red candlelight, feeling inexplicably that this guy was more like a female ghost.

Then... Li Shuyao smiled wickedly.

"Fuck, Yaoyao, don't laugh, you're so optimistic about infiltrating people." Fang Xuening resolutely sued the villain first!
Li Shuyao curled her lips, and then caught up with all the colored lights and turned red...

That's right, it's even more infiltrating.

"Little demon, little demon." Student Fang Xuening raised her hand and shouted.

"here I am."

"Turn on the lights for me!"


In an instant, Li Shuyao's house was brightly lit...

"Huh... Sure enough, let's eat with the lights on. What kind of romance do you want... Well, Yaoyao, your pasta is not bad, it tastes really good."

So, why do you turn on all the lights... Li Shuyao shook her head helplessly, yelled a few times to turn off the other lights, and only kept a small part of the lights on the first floor, enough for normal use.

Li Shuyao doesn't know why this guy suddenly wants to have a candlelight dinner, but anyway, it's quite simple to make, and we don't have to make it so complicated like those chefs.

Gently took a sip of red wine...

Well, it doesn't taste very good.

So what's so good about wine, heh.

Li Shuyao ate all the pasta and steak, smacked her mouth in satisfaction, then raised her glass and drank it all in one gulp!

"'s so bad..." Li Shuyao stuck out her tongue, if it wasn't because she couldn't waste it, she wouldn't drink alcohol, she might as well drink some grape juice.

"Uh..." Li Shuyao blinked after drinking a large glass of red wine.

Hey, I seem to have forgotten that I can't drink in this world anymore, I miscalculated, I knew I would find someone who can drink to copy my genes.

"Boom!" Li Shuyao lay down on the table gorgeously.

(End of this chapter)

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