Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 314 Hehehehehe

Chapter 314 Hehehehehe
Although Li Shuyao said that her mind is spinning, her consciousness is still quite clear. If someone dares to do something to her now, then she can call him daddy!
Have you heard of Drunken Master?

Don't look at her drunk, but it's hard to say whether her combat power has decreased or increased!

Of course, if the person who "conspired against the law" was some white hair, Li Shuyao still wouldn't fight back. She felt that she could make this white hair cry with a single punch, so forget it.

She felt a little funny that this guy was laughing, and she didn't know what this guy was laughing at. Are you sure you can lift me with that little strength?

Then, Li Shuyao felt that this guy helped her up from the table, and then was dragged into the ground...


Li Shuyao was a little dizzy at first, but she was even more dazed when she was lying on the ground. Why did she feel that the way to open it was not right? Shouldn't she be trying to help me up, why did she just let me lie on the ground ?
Then, she felt that Fang Xuening grabbed her hand and dragged her like a bag of rice, and this guy even turned off the light...

Li Shuyao: "..."

If it weren't for the dizziness now, she would stand up and down and give this guy a full tickle meal.

It's okay to drag, why turn off the lights?What are you doing?
If someone passes by outside right now, you can see that there are two big red lanterns swinging in the wind at the door, and a figure inside the room with red and green lights flashing does not know what it is dragging...

Hmm, there's a little bit of light on the side that looks like a candle?
That figure occasionally dragged it vigorously at night, and then it seemed that it was a person who was dragging?


There were really two people standing outside the window at the moment, Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao with shocked faces.

"Ah... this is Li Shuyao's house, did she kill someone?" Patrol security guard A looked at the people next to him in bewilderment.

"You can't talk nonsense, this scale is obviously not Li Shuyao." Patrol Security B gestured at his chest: "Right, Li Shuyao is obviously bigger."

"Brother, it has to be you." Patrol security A smacked his mouth: "Should we activate the emergency plan? This seems to be murder. If the person who dragged people was not Li Shuyao, then the one who was dragged must be." .”

"Wait a minute, let me ask." The patrolling security guard B took out the walkie-talkie: "Old Lin, Lao Lin, where are you, Lao Lin?"

"Here, what's the matter." A middle-aged man's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Do you know who is in Li Shuyao's family now?"

"I don't know where to go." Lao Lin was speechless: "I can't see the inside of other people's homes when I watch the surveillance, so let's look outside."

"I know, I just asked, who entered her house today, you check the surveillance, hurry up, it may be dangerous." Patrol security guard B said.

"Oh, wait a minute." Lao Lin shouted and then fell silent.

"Then... shall we just wait here?" Patrol Security A said, "Why does Li Shuyao's house look like a haunted house?"

"Didn't you see? She dressed up specially." Patrol security B smacked his mouth: "You are talented, why don't you call her a female ghost in the live broadcast room."

"You said, could it be that you are shooting a horror video?" Patrolling Security A suddenly had a brain hole, thinking that it was all arranged like this, and it seemed unreasonable not to shoot a video.

"That's very possible." Security B nodded: "And this possibility is still very high, especially for Li Shuyao, the possibility is even greater."

"How to say?" Security A asked.

"Look, people call her a female ghost every day in the live broadcast." Security B patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Isn't she unhappy?" Security A was a little puzzled.

"Hey, what's the matter, it's interesting, everyone will feel like 'bullying' her, that's what you want to know." Security B looked like someone who came here: "Didn't you see her angry look?" Well, how cute."

"Oh~ hehehehe..." Security A drew a long tail, and then the two laughed in unison.

"I'll go, why are you laughing so perverted!" At this time, Lao Lin's voice came from the other side of the intercom.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Security B asked quickly.

"After all the up masters left, only Fang Xuening went back. Until now, no one has entered again, and no one has climbed over the wall." Lao Lin said.

"Understood." Security B said, and then shrugged: "Look, it's okay, I was just shooting a video, and the person dragging people should be Fang Xuening. Well, after thinking about it, it should be her."

Security A smacked his mouth: "This...will not pass the trial."

"No way, isn't it just a ghost movie, but it's still very exciting for the two of them to play a ghost movie together, hehehehe."

After the two of them confirmed that there was no problem, they laughed and left. It is normal for them to check the monitoring when they encounter such problems on patrol. Although the monitoring cannot see people's homes, they can see the front and back, that is Whoever goes in can see it.

It doesn't matter if no one climbs over the wall to get in, some people here always like to play tricks, you can't knock on the door for everything, right?

"Hey Hey……"

At the same time, Fang Xuening, who finally dragged Li Shuyao to the room on the second floor, also laughed. Now that Jingyi is not here, sister Lu is not here, and Yaoyao is also drunk. Myself, hahahaha.

I'm such a genius, heh heh, although Yaoyao usually looks smart, she's actually quite stupid, she doesn't know if she can't drink well, she actually drank such a big glass, wow, let's do something tonight What's the matter?
Well... how about taking a bath first!

It's been a long time since we took a shower together, tsk tsk, this guy doesn't know how to maintain his figure, he doesn't get fat at all after eating so much spicy food!

Well, but it's natural to be fat where it should be fat.

"Suck it..."

Fang Xuening wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth and said with a smile:
"Oh, look, look, the ground is so dirty, and you've been dragging it on the ground, little naughty bastard, hum, you're all dirty, come, come, let Mama help you take a bath, Hey Hey."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Obviously you have been dragging me and calling me naughty?Hey, can't you just put the whole mattress on me when you dragged me upstairs?It kills me!

Li Shuyao rubbed her forehead and rubbed her temples, she was so dizzy... a little nauseous, um... but fortunately, the food was converted into energy by the system and absorbed, so there was no need to worry about vomiting anything.


The water is still warm.

Li Shuyao let out a long breath, feeling drowsy. Although she said she had slept in the afternoon, she still yawned unconsciously due to dizziness and the warm water.

Well, the white hair next to her who was swaying around while laughing ghostly didn't care about her.

I don't know what the hell this guy is doing every day.

This New Year's Eve didn't eat a big meal at home, but ran over to take a bath with him.

All right, I had a pretty fulfilling day today.

 Yesterday, when I was chatting in the live broadcast room of a female anchor in a certain tooth, I met a friend who had read my book, haha, what an amazing look.

(End of this chapter)

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