Chapter 315
After washing for nothing, Fang Xuening wiped Li Shuyao clean and blew it clean, then threw it on the bed, put on her pajamas and went to tidy up the dining room.

The place hadn't been cleaned up before, and she was always upset when she was taking a shower, but at that time, she couldn't care about it so much, so she washed it first and then talked about it!
It's still very comfortable to wash in vain, hehe, think about the long-lost time in the past, and Xiao Yaoyao can't resist!Fang Xuening felt very happy, and unconsciously put a smile on her face.


She saw Brother Gou squatting on the edge of the stairs looking at her in confusion, and there was a vigilant little red hair next to him, but at this time, both cats were wearing small clothes, and they looked quite festive.

"Go, go, let's play." Fang Xuening waved his hand: "I don't have any dried fish."

Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong glanced at each other, then Brother Gou patted Xiao Jiuhong and ran away. This white-haired man didn't know what he had gone through, his cheek was like a small apple, and it was still red, maybe he was poisoned !

Well, in order to avoid having to bathe them like crazy for a while, let's hurry up as far as possible.

Fang Xuening hummed a little song, and cleaned up the dishes that had been eaten and the candlesticks that had been extinguished long ago... Well, when she was dragging halfway up the stairs, she suddenly saw the candlesticks that were still lit.

At that time, she felt that there might be such a danger of losing it. After all, no one was watching. It might be very dangerous if Brother Gou came back and knocked over the candlestick.

Although Brother Gou is quite smart, didn't Li Shuyao say that he still has a kitten.

So at that time she put Li Shuyao on the jogging platform of the stairs, and then ran down to blow out the candles before continuing to go up.

Well, it must be because I am afraid of danger, how could it be because I have no strength to prepare slowly...

Well, it was because I had no strength at the time. Li Shuyao didn't look very heavy, why was it so heavy when it was dragged up? It seems that I still need to exercise more in the future.

If I change all of a sudden, I'm afraid I will be carried away by Yaoyao.

Fang Xuening yawned lazily, and then put all the dishes, chopsticks and cups into the dishwasher. She is still a little bit tired from this evening, so go back to sleep after finishing it!

After tidying up the tables and everything, Fang Xuening stretched her waist, turned off all the lights on the first floor, then ran to the second floor, lying quietly at the door took a look...

Seeing that classmate Li Shuyao was already sleeping soundly in bed, he was slightly relieved.

It seems that this time Yaoyao was drunk and somewhat different from the last time, even though she said she fell down last time, she still went up to sing and chat with others.

Why did I just fall asleep this time...

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth and analyzed it. It should be that she drank less last time, so although she said she was drunk, she was still able to talk.

This time I really poured a lot for her. Although I can feel her exerting strength when dragging her, she won't move much when I put her in the water. If I didn't hold her head all the time, saying Maybe they all fell into the water.

This guy usually looks so powerful in everything, but drinking is nothing...

Hmph, I have mastered the two weaknesses of this product, hehe.

Fang Xuening walked in lightly, threw Brother Gou who was lying on the bed to the ground, and then glared at him, no one is allowed to disturb my mother's pleasure tonight, not even a kitten!
Brother Gou glanced at Fang Xuening contemptuously, then walked out with his head held high, and closed the door behind him as he walked out.

Yo, is this little cat so powerful now?Still sticking your neck here with me?

Hmph, I don't care about you tonight, you go and eat the cat food yourself!

Hehehe, it's me and Xiaoyaoyao tonight.

Fang Xuening chuckled, then tiptoed up and lay down on Li Shuyao's body.

"'s so comfortable." Fang Xuening rolled up and down, rolling on the bed.

Sure enough, it is still comfortable to roll on Xiao Yaoyao's body. Although this guy looks like a martial arts master, exercising every day or something, his body is still soft. I don't know why such a soft girl can be smashed into pieces with one sword. big rock.

After thinking about it, Fang Xuening hugged her classmate Li Shuyao and went to bed. Although it was still early, today was a day of running. He was dragged up, and the guy was given a bath.

This guy is like dead, he doesn't cooperate! still feels good...hehehehe.

Well, before falling asleep, you can take a little rest...

5000 words are omitted here.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Shuyao uncovered her quilt and...well, she didn't get up. She looked at the white hair lying on her body and fell into deep thought...Mainly...well, she's not feeling well right now.

After being in the hot water last night, she gradually fell asleep, and I really don't remember what happened afterwards.

Alas... Li Shuyao helplessly helped her forehead.

This guy has such a cute and youthful face for nothing!

Looking up, the curtains were drawn and the door was closed. Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief, quickly rushed into the cloakroom, and then saw Brother Gou and Xiao Jiuhong looking up at her.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Why are you two here!

And what kind of eyes are you two... It's okay for Xiaojiuhong, brother dog, what kind of eyes are you?Didn't you see it when I bathed you?

Hmph, it looks like you want to take a bath tonight!
"Meow!" Brother Gou felt murderous aura in an instant, turned around and ran away, Xiao Jiuhong was still standing there stupidly, with a puzzled expression on his face, as if Li Shuyao today was different from the previous two days.

Hmph, it seems that Xiao Jiuhong wants to take a bath tonight, that's right, she hasn't felt it yet, let her feel it today!

After Li Shuyao quickly got dressed, she turned around and went back to the bedroom, and saw Fang Xuening who was still soundly asleep.

Heh heh heh, young man... No, little girl, you had a great time playing last night, and you dragged her into the ground, yes!I will let you see today, what is the sun at 6 o'clock in the morning!

Li Shuyao threw herself on the bed with a snap, looked at Fang Xuening who opened her eyes in a daze, and smiled.

"Hey, little Yaoyao..." Fang Xuening raised her head and glanced at the curtains next to her, it was obvious that it was not too bright outside: "Keep sleeping, keep sleeping, finally rest for two days, sleep late!"

"Hmph, didn't you look very energetic last night, come on, get up, come and exercise with me today!" Li Shuyao picked out a set of clothes and threw it on Fang Xuening.

"No, I want to sleep~" Fang Xuening buried her face on the pillow, showing rejection all over her body.

"Sleep, sleep, get up, life lies in exercise!" Li Shuyao supported Fang Xuening's stomach with both hands, lifted it up for a while, and then began to tickle it...

"Ah...hahahaha...Yaoyao don't...hahaha, stop, stop, I'll get up, I'll get up, hahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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