Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 316 It's all for your own good

Chapter 316 It's all for your own good

On the early morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Fang Xuening, who looked sad, was dragged by Li Shuyao to do morning exercises together. This time, he was not only in the backyard, but was dragged out by her to run circles in the community together. The security guy who went on patrol also greeted us cordially...

Looking at Li Shuyao who was full of energy and Fang Xuening who almost closed her eyes and ran away while grabbing his clothes, the two security guards who had just come out to patrol nodded in relief.

"Look, look, let me tell you, there's nothing wrong with him, and he's out for a run early in the morning." Security B said with a smile.

"Why do I feel that Fang Xuening was dragged out?" Security A scratched his head.

"Naturally, Fang Xuening doesn't like to get up early, she must have been dragged here by Yaoyao." Security B shrugged: "Hey, I'm relieved now."

"Haha, look at what you're working on." Security A laughed and said, "It doesn't matter what happens to you, haha."

"That's different. I care about the owner. I take the owner's safety as my own, the owner's affairs as my own, and the owner's family as my own family." Security B laughed.

"What about the owner's wife?" Security A whispered.

"Nonsense, she's still the owner's wife." Security B rolled his eyes.

"Hahahaha..." Security A laughed at him mercilessly.

"I can't afford to support them here. They spend more money in a month than we earn in a year. Let them raise themselves, hahaha."


Seeing the backs of Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening going away, the eyes of the two security guards were full of relief.

"It's so good, it feels like looking at my own sister." Security A smacked his mouth.

"That's great, it feels like looking at my own daughter." Security B smacked his mouth.

"Well... how do I feel that you are taking advantage of me."

"No, it doesn't make you look young."

"Oh... that's right."

"Hey, I'm going back to get off work after walking around here. I can rest for three days on this night shift. Haha, I want to sleep well at home for two days."

"I have to go back to my mother's house with my wife, haha."


Li Shuyao took Fang Xuening to run around the community twice, ran into two patrolling security guards, and happily greeted him twice.

"How's it going, feel refreshed." After returning home, Li Shuyao laughed and dragged Fang Xuening away: "Don't worry about watching the pot, we'll have dinner later, go to the backyard to fight boxing first."

"Oh my god, I still want to fight." Fang Xuening was speechless.

"Of course." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Anyway, there are no other small animals in the backyard except for the four little squirrels."

Those little animals that hibernated in her house before have left, and only four little squirrels are left here.

"Ah? It's not over yet..." Fang Xuening wanted to cry, but the neighborhood was not small, and she couldn't bear it when she ran half a lap, let alone two full laps.

She remembered that she seemed to be carried back by Li Shuyao.

Well, it's like carrying half a fan of pork.

In the end, you actually told this half-fan... Bah, you actually told me that I can't eat yet!You... you are simply abusing!You'll lose a good friend, you know that!

After punching twice, Li Shuyao poured out the nutritious breakfast porridge in a refreshed manner. While drinking, she smiled and looked at Fang Xuening lying on the table, looking like she was about to fall asleep and wanted to drink porridge.

Hmph, let you drag me on the ground yesterday, this is your punishment!

Uh, no, no, this is obviously treating you well, look at your body, right, you can't even lift me so light, what else can you do?right.

We can't be the weak and weak Lin Dangdang, but we should be the self-reliant and self-reliant sister Zetian.

Sister, I am doing this for your own good.

Fang Xuening unlocked a new way of eating today...

eating at the table...

Those who didn't know the spoonful of spoonfuls thought what terrible devastation they had experienced.

"Tomorrow, continue." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Huh?" The spoon in Fang Xuening's mouth fell into the bowl with a thud, feeling that the delicious porridge was no longer fragrant.

"Hmph, you didn't learn well, and you learned how to drink alcohol." Li Shuyao gave Fang Xuening a white look.

"Whoa, I was wrong."

"Do you dare next time?"

"It depends..."


"That...not necessarily..."


"Hahahaha, come on, come on, or you can kill me, hahaha, I won't give up!" Fang Xuening drank all the porridge in the bowl, put down his chopsticks and ran away.

Li Shuyao: "..."

This child has failed in his studies, if he doesn't take care of himself, he will die!snort!

After breakfast, student Fang Xuening immediately ran back to catch up on sleep. This guy is really chic all day long. Apart from recording and sending videos and doing live broadcasts, he basically just fishes and plays around.

But, Li Shuyao also knows that this guy worked very hard in the early stage, but now he has reached a certain level and has accumulated a certain amount before he starts to relax.

Anyway, no matter what, she decided to start fishing after finishing her career this year, haha.

Li Shuyao didn't do anything in the morning. After playing the game for a while, Lu Yao told her to check Weibo...

Then she found out...

I'm on the hot search again.

Not because of anything else, but because of the song Blue and White Porcelain.

The official media that cooperated with Li Shuyao last time released this song again. Although it is not the first time, but before this song was only popular on Bilibili and Netease Cloud, it was not on Weibo. This time, riding the east wind of the Spring Festival, it once again attracted people's attention.

In fact, many songs were not the hottest when they were first released, and many songs became popular after being sung for a period of time.

But Li Shuyao didn't feel any surprise.

The quality of the song itself is there, plus the promotion of Bilibili and Netease Cloud, the promotion of Lu Yao and the official media, and a certain enthusiastic Zhen Hong... right?

If it doesn't catch fire, then it really can't catch fire, so let's give up.

Li Shuyao casually took a look on Weibo, and she just praised the song for its sound, the lyrics are well written, she likes blue and white porcelain, and some people posted about their own blue and white porcelain...

There are also quite a few people who follow the trend, and there are even some who hang on the hot searched entries and talk about other things.

Li Shuyao looked around for a while, and then decided to write down the song that she dreamed of yesterday. This thing came to her in a dream, and it belonged to the one that popped out of her head all of a sudden.

Then you have jumped out, I will definitely not let you go, remember the name of the song seems to be me in the back of time.

Although let's just say, this song wasn't very popular before, but it's quite nice, especially for me, a person who has traveled through time and space.

I don't know why, but now she is quite touched whenever she hears about time and space.

Li Shuyao had a little recollection of yesterday's dream, and then ran into the piano room...

Looking at the piano in front of her, Li Shuyao sighed, as expected, she was still dedicated to her job. She started making music on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and her dedication was comparable to that of an Internet author.

So why is the dedication blessing always given to me last!

 I am dedicated...

  Whoops, I got up early for several days in a row after work, and my mind is a little dizzy!

(End of this chapter)

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