Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 317: Lu Yao's Blind Date

Chapter 317: Lu Yao's Blind Date
After making the song at the speed of light, Li Shuyao stretched her waist and looked at the time. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and she didn't eat at noon, and Fang Xuening didn't move at all...

It's not like cooking for yourself...

Li Shuyao scratched her head and walked out, there was no movement in the room, not even a person panting on the first floor, only two big squirrels could be seen squatting on the branches outside through the window.

Well, the little squirrel is gone too, probably went to fight the world with Brother Gou.

Scratching her head, Li Shuyao came all the way to the second floor, and then saw a certain white hair sleeping on her bed sprawled out.

Li Shuyao: "..."

How much does this guy like to sleep? How long did he sleep? Could it be that he has been sleeping since he finished breakfast?
This... can you still sleep at night?
No, why can I sleep during the day, it's not like I didn't sleep yesterday!

Also, I have been boxing so vigorously with me in the morning, why am I still sleepy?Those boys in the team were sleepy at first, but they were not sleepy after punching, and they were very energetic all day, why it was wrong to come to her.

"Wake up, how long have you been sleeping?" Li Shuyao felt like she was the one who asked her to get up to go to school, but this guy was too worried.

"Oh, I just fell asleep...let me sleep a little longer." Fang Xuening rolled over and continued to sleep.

"You just fell asleep? It's already two o'clock in the afternoon, you won't be broadcasting live for a while." Li Shuyao was speechless, why are you like me before, you can't scream no matter what!
"I won't broadcast live these two days. It's Chinese New Year. Don't let people rest. You live broadcast." Fang Xuening sat up all of a sudden, with her head down, like a female ghost.

"I don't broadcast live." Li Shuyao chuckled: "I have been live broadcasting for such a long time the past two days, it doesn't matter if I take two days off."

Li Shuyao must have been staggered with some anchors. Many anchors did not live broadcast for a day or two on New Year's Eve and the day before.

For example, several of her teammates started broadcasting today, so it doesn't matter if she broadcasts it or not.

"Even if you don't broadcast live, you sleep so much, do you still sleep at night?" Li Shuyao was speechless.

"I tidy up the house in the morning, and I don't go to bed until 12 noon. Really, besides, even if I sleep all day, I can still fall asleep at night." Fang Xuening patted her chest confidently. Who has lost!

"You are really a enlightened master." Li Shuyao was helpless, just about to say something, when suddenly her phone rang.

Li Shuyao was a little strange. Speaking of which, she seldom received calls directly, but now it was mostly WeChat voice calls. She took out her phone and looked - Lu Yao.

"Hey, sister Lu, why did you suddenly call?" Li Shuyao picked up the phone, and then saw Fang Xuening lying on the bed again...

"Yaoyao, can you imitate a man's voice?" Lu Yao asked.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth.

"Just tell me if you can." Lu Yao seemed a little anxious.

"Ahem, is that what you mean?" Li Shuyao coughed slightly, and then changed her voice. Although she was not that male, she was more neutral.

"Hey, yes, this is okay, Yaoyao is awesome." Lu Yao laughed and said: "It will be around 7 o'clock, you call me, I will think about what to say."

"You just say, 'Baby, when are you coming home.' Well, just say that, and use the same voice as before, please."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Smacking her mouth, Li Shuyao said a little bit dumbfoundingly: "Sister Lu, you don't mean to go on a blind date, do you?"

"Hey, how do you know." Lu Yao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "I'm so obvious."

"It's not obvious what is obvious about you." Li Shuyao was speechless: "Just go on a blind date, don't you worry about your reputation."

Li Shuyao probably knew what Lu Yao's family was like. They belonged to the kind of people who would go back to inherit the family property if they didn't do well, so the boys introduced to her by her family should be relatively high-quality boys.

If this sentence was said during a blind date, then Lu Yao would be famous in a certain circle.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. In this day and age, it's not normal to have a partner, and it's normal to come out to meet a blind date without telling the family."

Lu Yao said indifferently:

"It's okay. I used to use my best friend's boyfriend. Now that they broke up, it's hard for me to find someone. It's not good if too many people know about it."

You also know that it's not good for too many people to know about this... Really speechless.

"If you weren't too old, I would have considered asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend. He must be very handsome. Haha, that guy Fang Xuening is not very good. He has a pink face and looks like he is not a man." Lu Haruka laughed.

"Hey, hey, sister Lu, it's hard for me to pretend I didn't hear you when you said that." Fang Xuening sat up suddenly, her big eyes widening.

"Ahem, this... Is it possible? Sister Lu is praising you as a beautiful woman." Li Shuyao spread her hands helplessly. Why is this guy so surprised? Is there anyone to come and see, obviously this guy More like a ghost.

"Oh...that's what you said." Fang Xuening nodded thoughtfully, and then said with a smile: "Haha, thank you, Sister Lu, I wish you to find your true love quickly."

"You wait, wait until I come to take care of you in two days." Lu Yao was speechless: "Okay, it's settled like this, just call me when the time comes."

"What fall in love with him?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Impossible, don't worry, you just keep hitting, I should hang up once first, and then you keep hitting, showing a spirit of perseverance and strong possessiveness, then the other party will retreat in spite of difficulties. "Lu Yao smacked his mouth: "Anyway, it's what's going on now, and the other party probably came out to deal with it. We just give each other a step down."

"In order to avoid haggling, let me give him this step. When he says that I have a boyfriend, the other family will not make things difficult for him."

"Then you are really a living Bodhisattva." Li Shuyao was speechless.

"Of course, I'm considerate, haha." Lu Yao laughed and said, "But, the main reason is that I'm afraid of trouble, and this situation is the best."

"All right, all right, I get it."

"Haha, don't forget, you can call at five past seven, bye." Lu Yao hung up the phone haha.

Li Shuyao sighed softly.

Well, I have one more task.

Obviously, I made a song myself and threw it to her come I called her myself.

In the afternoon, he casually played games and read books. At [-]:[-] in the evening, Li Shuyao dialed Lu Yao's phone under Fang Xuening's expectant eyes.

Called again... got hung up.

Tried again, still got hung up.

Tried again, still got hung up.

Li Shuyao: "..." Didn't I promise to hang up once before, why did I hang up so many times? Hey, you might be interested in her!
After a while, Li Shuyao received a message from Lu Yao:
"Stop beating, my mother is here!"

 Thanks to the male nurse who endorsed for the reward~ Meme~

(End of this chapter)

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