Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 31 Maid Dress

Chapter 31 Maid Dress
On a scorching summer day, three men and another man got out of the car outside a certain neighborhood with cameras and prepared clothes in their hands. It’s not that they didn’t want to drive directly to the door of someone’s house, it’s just the scenery of this neighborhood. Youmei, they are going to come down and take some footage...

These three men are naturally the trio of Six Directors, Meatless Cat, and Out of Focus Ki, and the other man is naturally the cameraman.

"Hey, Tong Yao's house is really nice, it's picturesque." The sixth guide looked at the wide gate at the entrance of the campus, and the continuous greenery behind the gate, with mountains and water, like a paradise.

And the houses stand in every corner of a landscape, looking like flags scattered among the landscape.

Although these are all man-made, and the community is relatively in the edge of the city, it still looks very good, with a bit of a combination of classic and modern atmosphere.

"I didn't expect the little fairy to live in such a beautiful place. Let's go there quickly." The cat that doesn't eat meat narrowed its eyes and walked inside impatiently.

"Wait, wait, let's take some footage."

Three people came to the camera and said one by one:

"We came out of Xiaomeng's house just now, and now we are going to our next goal." Out of focus Ji laughed.

"Hey, where are we going next?" The guide also received it naturally.

"Speaking of which, it's interesting. Recently, our station B has released two very popular songs, called "Platinum Disco" and "Ironym", right?"

Speaking of which, the three of them glanced at each other, and then immediately began to writhe together...

"Ahem, add music here in the later stage, otherwise the three of us will look too stupid." After twisting, the cat who doesn't eat meat said.

"Nonsense, definitely add it..." After the sixth director followed up, he immediately looked at the camera with a smile: "So are we going to the legendary nursery rhyme house?"

"Hey, that's right, our family is going to come to the nursery rhyme's house in the book, and Tranquility Xue also lives here, so this time we have two beautiful girls directly, how about it." Out of focus Ji laughed haha .

"Yes, yes, yes..." The cat that doesn't eat meat nodded persistently: "It seems like we just took a set of clothes."

"Don't worry, I specially prepared an extra set." Out of focus Ji smiled blackly, and then took out two sets of black and white clothes.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho..." The three of them laughed together as they looked at the familiar costumes.

"Then let's go quickly!" The sixth director waved his hand, and the three of them walked towards the community under the camera...then they were stopped by the security guard...

After registering, the three of them continued to walk in the community steadily.

They are going to make a big upgrade here. It is a pity that such a beautiful scenery does not come for a while, but it must be over in a few seconds. After all, their theme is to change clothes, and the scenery that is too long will overwhelm the guests.

"Okay, we have come to the door of the nursery rhyme in the book. I didn't expect that there is a small yard in front of the house... Ring the doorbell." Lost Focus Ji looked inside and said.

After pressing twice, the three of them saw a cute little head protruding from the door inside, and then the door opened, and Li Shuyao ran over, followed by Fang Xuening.

Li Shuyao is wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts, has long black hair, and is about 1 meters tall. She looks like the legendary black long straight senior.

Fang Xuening was wearing a white T-shirt and short skirt, with long white hair, a little shorter than Li Shuyao, with a blushing face and an innocent look.

"Hiss... Oh my god, comrades, I'm in love." The cat that doesn't eat meat said while clutching its chest.

"Hi, Nursery Rhyme, Hello Xueer." Lost Focus Ji also had a bright spot in his eyes. Although he usually photographed many beautiful girls, and there were many beautiful girls in her company, the two of them stood together and gave him a lot of love. special feeling.

"Hello, hello, please come in." Li Shuyao ran over and opened the door, greeted a few people without any nervousness, and then walked in with everyone.

Since copying and strengthening the social gene from Chongchong, she has never felt embarrassed in front of people again!

Well, except in skirts.

"Hey, this is the beautiful girl's house... It's so... tidy." The cat who doesn't eat meat came in and looked around, the whole first floor looked neat...

Not warm at all!
A certain white hair smiled and said nothing.

After calling the three people and one cameraman to sit down, Li Shuyao ran to the kitchen, and brought over the tea that had been brewed before, and gave each of them a cup.

"Come and have a taste, this is the tea made by our classmate Yaoyao." Fang Xuening smiled as she brought the teacup to the three of them and the cameraman.

" smells so good."

The three families and one videographer didn't feel much about tea at first, but when the tea was brought out, a fresh fragrance wafted out.

It's not about how good Li Shuyao's tea making is, it's mainly because the tea is good...

"We are here today to shoot a video of changing clothes. The rule is that you change into the clothes we brought, and then take a set of your clothes to the next person's house." I talked about the rules, of course, everyone knows the rules, mainly for the audience.

"Okay, then what kind of clothes did you bring?" Li Shuyao looked at the backpack carried by the photographer, and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

I don't know why, but suddenly there is a little bit.

The sixth guide ran to the side of the photographer, and then took out two sets of black and white dresses, and jumped into the lens of the camera from the side: "Dangdang, these two sets of Maid Dresses!"

"Hiss..." Li Shuyao gasped, this is not only a skirt, but also a skirt with a theme!Fuck, wouldn't it be dead immediately if you wear it out?

"There is a small amount of money, there is a small amount of money, there is a small amount of money, there is a small amount of money..." Just when Li Shuyao was about to refuse, Fang Xuening suddenly came to her ear.

"Ahem, this money... ah no, this dress is still very beautiful." Li Shuyao smacked her lips, almost slipping her tongue, forget it, for the sake of Xiaoqianqian, I will reluctantly wear it.

After the guide shook the clothes off, she also saw that it was the kind that was tightly covered, and it was nothing to wear, it was no different from wearing short sleeves and a skirt, and the skirt was much whiter than a white dress beside her. Mao's skirts are all long, almost a little above the knees.

This is also understandable. After all, the current video review of station B is very strict. If they don't want to be banned, they can't do those things. Anyway, everyone doesn't need to do those things. It doesn't look good to see beautiful girls wearing Maid Dresses.

Well, anyway, what's wrong with girls wearing women's clothing?Didn't she wear women's clothes all the time these days, she can just wear a small skirt or something!

Li Shuyao gritted her teeth and made up her mind!
It's not because of money, I just want to see what it looks like in a skirt!

Well, just sauce!

"Then let's go up and change, you guys drink tea first." Fang Xuening snickered and took the two Maid Dresses, then directly stuffed one to Li Shuyao, and dragged her to run upstairs together.

 Afraid of being sanctioned, I wrote it in English.But I just finished writing, and it seems that something happened to the lion... Hey, it won't be written as Death Note... No, no, this is a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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