Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 32 What does it feel like to have a small skirt...

Chapter 32 What does it feel like to have a small skirt...

In the room, Li Shuyao stared at the clothes she had changed in a daze. She didn't know why she finished the change so smoothly, and there was no lag at all from the beginning to the end.

So she fell into deep self-doubt.

Could it be that she has fallen?
Probably not, she is obviously still the kind-hearted young man who is self-motivated, filial, and kind. Look at how much sacrifice she has made in order to get ahead and give benefits to fans!
Could it be that she was deluded?

Probably not, she feels that her mind is still very clear now, although Fang Xuening dragged her to put on makeup for so long after lunch, but with her super memory and learning ability, she memorized it all at once. Which vial is used for what!
Was she corrupted by money?
It shouldn't be, is she like that?She is not at all, money is nothing but a waste to her!Eye!cloud!cigarette!She doesn't care at all.

Could it be that she was affected by previous memories?
Well, it should be like this. She was definitely influenced by Li Shuyao's former soul, so she changed into this black and white dress without any hindrance.

Slowly nodding her head, Li Shuyao accepted this idea, and firmly believed that this was the truth, and it was the only reason why she wore this Maid Dress!

That's right, that's the reason!
"What are you thinking about? Come on, you wear white, and I wear black." Fang Xuening took out two pairs of silk products from the cabinet and put them in front of Li Shuyao, and then saw her serious face.

"Haha, what's the matter, why do you show such an expression, by the way, you used to wear it often, why don't you wear it now." Fang Xuening threw the white silk product to Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao looked at the white silk product in her hand with a dignified expression, and there were two villains fighting in her heart at this moment.

A villain is saying: "Put it on quickly, why are you hesitating?"

Another villain is saying, "Yes, yes, yes."


Damn, why is there no trace of resistance in my heart, is it so terrifying!
Soon, Li Shuyao came out of the shock, and then she chose to follow her inner thoughts, she quickly put on the white silk products, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, this thing is still very comfortable!

Well, it is purely a try-on experience, and there is no other feeling at all.

On the other side, Fang Xuening also got dressed, and then found two pairs of shoes in the cloakroom, one pair of pure black with red soles, and the other pair of pure white diamond-studded shoes.

Then Fang Xuening handed Li Shuyao the black and red-soled one, and put on the white diamond-studded one for herself.

Li Shuyao's pupils shook!The heart was once again strongly shocked, and it turned turned out to be the kind of shoes with a high heel, which she had never worn since she crossed over!

She has been wearing sneakers, canvas shoes, and Martin boots before. She has accepted the small boots, but she has not worn high heels yet.

Well, although there are many kinds of high heels in her cloakroom and the shoe cabinet at the door, she just hasn't worn them!

No one secretly at night!
Why, why did she reach out and take this pair of shoes!

Why, why did she put the shoes on her feet naturally!

No, it's not true!This is not true!
"Crack!" Fang Xuening slapped Li Shuyao's chest: "You are the only one who plays a lot, and you wear clothes that make me express so much!"

"So, why did you take this photo at this place." Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening expressionlessly.

"Oh, let's go down after we get dressed, they should be in a hurry." Fang Xuening walked out with her head held high and her chest held high. The moment Li Shuyao stood up, she suddenly turned around with her mobile phone.


Photo of Li Shuyao's classmate Maid Dress in hand!

It's still the part of getting up, slender, silky, absolutely perfect!

"Fang! Xue! Ning!" Li Shuyao raised her brows, and the white scarf on top stood up a little bit.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Fang Xuening ran down, her speed was extremely fast, it looked like she had often fought in high heels.

Li Shuyao is not doing well, she almost sprained her foot just as she was about to take a step...

Damn why are there such evil things as high heels, and they are so high, it is simply impossible to live.

So she carefully started to walk step by step, gradually, familiar memories flooded up, and she was almost used to it.

Although it is still not as good as Fang Xuening's ability to run straight down, but there is no problem in walking normally.

At this time, she suddenly found that stepping on these shoes, she went up to the altitude all of a sudden, and almost regained her previous height.

Sure enough, the little skirt and high heels seem to be pretty good.


Why does a Maid let her out of the Queen's temperament, this is not right.


The following four people did wait for quite a long time, but the impression these two beautiful girls, especially Li Shuyao gave them was really amazing. When they were outside just now, Li Shuyao's appearance with a little makeup was the most perfect girl in their hearts What a friend looks like!

What's the point of waiting and seeing, this is the Maid Dress worn by the perfect girlfriend, don't you look forward to it?My heart is about to jump out, okay?

The young master is still very calm, after all, he is not close to Nvse.

Then they saw Fang Xuening running down quickly, and their expectations were instantly satisfied, white hair, black rabbit ears, red face, black silk products, white diamonds...

So beautiful.

Full of youthful vigor!
Then they saw Li Shuyao walking down gracefully step by step, with a white turban, long black hair, delicate face, white silk products, black shoes with red soles...

Coupled with the expression and eyes that seem to be contemptuous of all beings, this flight of stairs made her feel like a princess going downstairs. If she was wearing a shiny evening dress and a bright crystal crown at this time, it might be more appropriate Some.

However, this feeling of contrast is suddenly more exciting!

"Oh my god, it's perfect..."

"Yes, is this the goddess!"

"I don't want to mess with Xiaoxian to get CP fired, I want to get CP fired with Tongyao!"


Well, when the cameraman came down from Fang Xuening, he was seriously shooting, without any other thoughts at all!
Whoa, it's really wonderful to see the close-up shots in the camera, wow.

After Fang Xuening saw Li Shuyao coming down, she ran to her side and grabbed her arm. The combination of one black and one white and black and white immediately made everyone's breathing stagnate...

Immediately afterwards, the air in the entire room became a little thinner, and everyone was inhaling frantically.

"How about it, isn't it not bad?" Fang Xuening chuckled.

"It's pretty good, it's pretty good, come on, let's make a big upgrade together!" Out of focus Ji started dancing wildly in front of the two of them with the camera in his hand...

Li Shuyao: "What is this guy doing..."

Then Fang Xuening posed in various poses beside her.

Li Shuyao: "What is this guy doing..."

Then the six guides and the meat-eating cat also joined in and danced together, looking like a group of devils.

Li Shuyao: "What are these things doing..."

 The weather is getting cooler, don't forget to add more clothes~
(End of this chapter)

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