Chapter 319
My Neighbor Totoro still failed to come back that night. It is said that when he wanted to change his ticket, he encountered a gank from his mother. In the end, he could only play GG amidst laughter, and then watched coffee in the group Dou and the others drool over the small cooking videos and photos they sent back.

Apart from cooking porridge in the morning, Li Shuyao seldom cooks in the base. After all, she came here to work professionally and not to be a cook. She cooks for personal hobbies or for making videos.

Now Li Shuyao's cooking videos are basically done in CR's kitchen, and if the guys in CR want to eat her cooking, they have to be good actors in the videos.

Well, although it is said that everyone likes it very much.

Anyway, there are so many cameras facing them every day, this one is not bad, and they can still eat such delicious food, where can I find such a good thing.

Of course, as long as Li Shuyao's video is attached to CR's video now, it will be a linked video, and CR's official account is really fun.

It's just that almost every day, Li Shuyao's fans go to his account to see Li Shuyao's photos...

Now CR can be said to post updates every day at station B. Although it is not a video every day, but photos and other things are basically posted, just like posting Weibo.

No way, who let them always win.

Post a blog when you win, play dead when you lose.

"Okay, that's about it. Except for our Totoro classmate who couldn't come because his home is far away, we can only see us eating through the enthusiastic video call of a few other guys. Everyone else is basically in place. gone."

"The game will start in two days. Although we didn't start playing at the beginning, but there are two games on the schedule that are relatively close. It should be busy then, and there is still a tough battle to fight."

"Haha, it's time for exciting competitions to start again. What do you want to watch then? Training games and meetings will definitely not be recorded. I saw a message before and wanted to watch this, so don't worry about it. It’s better to watch the official documentary.”

"It is said that our psychiatrist suggested that we add another entertainment activity. At that time, we can film that entertainment activity. It is still under preparation, and it may come out after a while."

"That activity should not be held every day, it will be for everyone to relax, and then I will take a picture for you."

"That's the end of today's video, friends who like it can click three times, see you next time, bye..."

"You put down the potato chips for me, it's me, you still want to eat after eating so much!"

Throwing the camera aside, then quickly ran to the rest area, where there were a lot of snacks on the table, not only Li Shuyao bought it, but Tantai Jingyi also bought a lot of snacks back.

Yan Renjin, the leader of the team, came here with a lot of snacks from the sponsors...

Well, the cameraman avoided the snacks bought by Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, and mainly took photos of the snacks of CR's players and sponsors... This can be regarded as the photo posted on today's blog.

They usually mainly take photos of everyone during training. Of course, they will definitely mosaic the screen, and they will not reveal what heroes they play.

As for what you saw in the ranking records...

Isn't that just playing a few random rounds before the game to confuse the opponent!

After posing for a few photos and making a nine-square grid, everyone started to be casual. After returning from the holiday, it is very happy to gather a table with my friends to share the knowledge of the holiday.

such as……

"Hahaha, let me tell you, haha, my manager was forced by my family to go on a blind date during the Chinese New Year, hahaha...It turned out that her mother escorted her to go, hahaha...I laughed so hard " Li Shuyao was holding a piece of cheese potato chips in his hand, the kind that was really salty, the first bite was so salty...

Then the more you eat, the better it tastes, and you don't know why.

"Really or not, is blind date still numb?" Coffee Bean stared.

"Sister Lu, it's so scary." Tantai Jingyi also opened her mouth, she really didn't know about it: "By the way, you won't be beaten by Sister Lu if you say it."

Li Shuyao waved her hand: "It's okay, I told her, and I will share it with my friends at that time, as a condition for blocking the knife for her, she agreed, but don't talk about it everywhere, keep it secret I know."

"Don't worry, we're not talking nonsense." Coffee Bean patted his chest and said, "I don't even know who you're talking about."

"Yes, but a blind date is scary when you think about it." Xiao Ye smacked her lips.

"Fortunately I'm still young." Xiao Hui let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I have a girlfriend..." Xiao Ye patted her chest.

Just as Xiao Ye finished speaking, the other four single dogs all looked at him, and then they all jumped on him...

"Oh, hahaha... what are you doing, what's wrong with me having a girlfriend, haha, you can't attack me just because you don't have one, hahaha." Xiao Ye threw the shrimp sticks to the side and turned over the sofa and started to run away.

Just kidding, the other two don't matter, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi have practiced kung fu for a long time, especially Li Shuyao, they once saw this guy accidentally left a shallow footprint on the floor tiles.

You know the kind of horror you see with your own eyes, isn't it the kind of horror you see in TV dramas and movies?

Anyway, from then on, everyone respectfully called Li Shuyao Brother Yao without any psychological burden.

"Slow down, don't fall." Yan Renjin looked at the group of people playing together with a smile on the side, then turned to laugh at Shi Qiulian next to him: "The children are very lively."

"Yes, proper relaxation is very important." Shi Qiulian said with a smile: "So what can we do well on our small stage?"

"That depends on our manager Shen." Yan Renjin said with a smile: "Where are you going to set up this small stage?"

"Originally, the place where the equipment is placed is fine. Anyway, everyone mainly does morning exercises every morning. Why don't we clean up a batch of equipment so that our players can go up and show themselves." Shi Qiulian said with a haha: "Other teams can also use the Get up, it's fun when there are more people playing together."

The two people here are chatting, and Xiaoye is also being chased and running around, but well, her physical strength seems to be good, at least she won't be out of breath after running for two steps when playing around.

"Haha, don't chase after me, everyone is an adult, right? It's not puppy love, haha..." Xiao Ye laughed.

Now lpl players are all over 18 years old, so there is nothing wrong with being an adult.

But well...

Xiao Ye's slightly immature face said that everyone is an adult, which makes people feel a little wrong.

Well, everyone is getting younger and younger now, 18 years old looks like 16 years old.

Think about it too, look at those 60-year-olds on the street now, they look about the same as they used to be 40 years old, and 60 years old can't be considered an old man.

Retirement has been postponed...

It shows that people's lives are getting better, and their life expectancy has been extended.

Although I don't know why the idea suddenly jumped from Xiao Ye to having a girlfriend to the human lifespan, but Li Shuyao often diverges her thoughts, which is nothing.

She didn't run hard either. If she ran at full speed, Xiao Ye would definitely not be able to run away, but that would be boring.

"Guys, I've got him."

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Hui hugged Xiao Ye who was running away.

"Hahaha, here we come..."

(End of this chapter)

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