Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 320 These people are quite caring

Chapter 320 These people are quite caring

It's been a long time since Li Shuyao experienced this kind of playfulness with her little friends. This kind of feeling like a classmate is still very precious. After all, the classmates in that world can no longer be contacted, and the classmates in this world are basically older than her.

For example, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi are both older than her, and they usually play less.

Hmm... Fang Xuening is no joke at all!

Today is the first day to return to the team, or one day earlier, and the fried noodle coach didn't come back, so everyone didn't arrange any training content. After eating, everyone went to play their own rankings.

It's just that it's a bit of a lie to not be able to double row at high tiers, otherwise you can practice linkage or something.

But it might be because they played earlier and their tiers are higher, so it's not bad. They can often be ranked in a game, but sometimes they are on the opposite side.

Now the entire CR plus Xiaohui's 6 ranks are in the Hanbok king, which makes Chow Mein very satisfied.

Moreover, more than a month of healthy work and rest and physical exercise have made the physical condition of the boys very stable. At present, all the game teams in the entire CR club have gradually begun to formulate similar plans.

Although it may not be as strict as the League of Legends team, they are all being adjusted.

After all, the effect is obvious.

Whether it is the 6 Hanbok kings or the previous winning streak, everyone has seen the results. It is hard to say that this has nothing to do with everyone's adjustment of their physical condition.

After all, no matter how strong Li Shuyao is, he is only one person. This is a game for five people.

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao is currently hovering around the top 5 in Hanbok. During the past two days of Chinese New Year, she has slackened a bit and dropped to around 13th. It is still a bit difficult to rush to the 1st place, which requires high-intensity rankings, and she does not have so many. time.

Well, she still has to fish.

The next morning, the boy Totoro ran back in a hurry, and immediately plunged into the pile of snacks. He had already decided to replenish the snacks he lost yesterday!
Li Shuyao saw how pitiful this young man was, so she went to cook for herself at noon, and made some video materials for herself. After a while, she will be busy, and she may not have so much time for video materials.

So, Totoro looked at the table full of good food and wanted to cry...

He just finished eating a bunch of snacks!

The soul is light, you don't even say in advance when you cook at noon!
So, the poor Totoro basically got full after tasting a little bit of every dish...

They generally don't eat too much, and irregular diet will also cause state ups and downs, which is listed in the plan by Professor Yan Xiaohua.

So it doesn't matter if you eat some snacks during the break, but after you start training, you basically can't eat it.

It can be said that it is okay for Totoro to eat more now, but he can't eat more.

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while after playing two training games in the afternoon. She didn't broadcast live yesterday, and the group already had some intentions of turning the world upside down. How about doing a live broadcast today?

Well, she caught a lot of fish in the past few days during the Chinese New Year. Except for the live broadcast on New Year's Eve, there were only two or three live broadcasts after that, and most of the time she was interacting cordially with Fang Xuening.

Even Fang Xuening is more diligent than her... You can often see her in Fang Xuening's live broadcast room...

After shouting in the group, Li Shuyao started the live broadcast directly.

"Hey, look what I've been waiting for!"

"I knew it. She said that she returned to the team yesterday. I guess it's time to broadcast live today."

"Wait for the party's victory!"

"Hello, female ghost."

"Brothers, I came in with a snap, very quickly."

"Has Yaoyao returned to the base?"

"Are you playing games today?"


Since there was no advance notice, there were not that many people in the live broadcast room at the beginning, but there were still some people who stayed in the live broadcast room and came in directly after seeing the preview in the fan group.

"Haha, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here for the live broadcast today."

Seeing that the number of people in the live broadcast room gradually increased, Li Shuyao had almost adjusted, and then greeted everyone:
"That's right, I'm back at the base, and I played two training games this afternoon. It's not too late, so I'll be free at night, haha, I can't say anything about the training games, haha."

"Playing games... Wait for a while, I remember if Big Tomatoes posted a video today, haha, this is not my live broadcast, I am in the video, I jointly contributed."

After Li Shuyao opened her space, she saw the group of people who jointly contributed...

"Good guy, so many people jointly contributed. Haha, this video is not short. It's a big drama at the beginning of the new year. Haha, this is no better than any Spring Festival movie."

Li Shuyao clicked on the video with a smile, and then saw a title...

That's right, I made such a small title at the beginning. I didn't see people directly when I came up, but a cartoon image. Several cartoon characters descended from the sky on lanterns, and then began to greet the New Year with smiles.

The opening title is not long, only about a few seconds, but it immediately raised the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

"Cengfan Challenge, New Year's greetings version!"

As soon as the title ended, Li Yuanjun, Yu Ge, Big Tomato, Mou Huan, Ah Ma Zong, and Lost Focus Ji appeared. I don’t know how the six of them got together. Anyway, everyone wears It is bright red and looks very festive.

Several people laughed and hurt each other, and then prepared to introduce today's video rules.

Mainly New Year greetings.

Originally, everyone was going to choose one at random, and then go directly without calling. If they are not at home, they will be replaced.

But Liyuan Bacteria suddenly had a proposal:
"Why don't we go to Yaoyao's house? Yesterday I saw that she seemed to be decorating her house by herself. If we gather at her house tomorrow, she will cry without being moved."

"Yes...I think it's ok." Big Tomato took out his phone and nodded: "She's cooking New Year's Eve dinner, haha, she definitely can't eat it by herself!"

"Okay, let's help her eat together."

"Yes, yes, we like to help others the most."

"I suggest how about we take our family members with us when the time comes."

"Haha, it's okay, it's the correct way to open the New Year's greetings by dragging the family."

"That... aren't we going to challenge randomly?" Ahh, Zong's words made the scene suddenly so quiet...

"All right, all right, let's go, let's go."

"Come, come, random random."

"I happen to have a random plate today, let's just turn it around." Li Yuanjun took out a disc, and then drew a few lines, and each grid in it was written with nursery rhymes in the book.

"Yes, this randomness is too random."

"Hahaha, come, come, brothers, let's take a random challenge!"

Li Shuyao looked at this group of people circling in circles, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but well, these people had a lot of intentions, and when they saw that they were alone at home, they were ready to come over and have fun.

Although it seems that the possibility of eating together is more likely, it is also very lively for everyone to eat together. She originally thought that she would be at home by herself on the first day of the new year.

I didn't expect such a group of people to come in the morning, and that bastard Fang Xuening would also come back in the evening.

Seeing that the last pointer pointed to his name without accident, a group of people jumped up excitedly as if the national football team had entered the World Cup... Oh, this is impossible.

Well, it's exciting anyway.

Li Shuyao was also very happy.

Sure enough, these people are really doing it...

 The students are back to school today, so come to work overtime again~
(End of this chapter)

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