Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 322 About those things that can't be played because of the magic period

Chapter 322 About those things that can't be played because of the magic period
Li Shuyao had a lot of fun this night, and I don't know why, anyway, after she became stronger, she was always kind of a good teacher, and she worked very hard in educating friends to be good and good, and even personally helped those teenagers quit Internet addiction... …

Well, it's the age when you should study hard. It doesn't matter if you play entertainment and relax once in a while, but you can't indulge in it. If you become addicted, it will affect your study.

Although let’s just say, studying is not the only way out in the future, but it is the smoothest way out. If you choose to go another way, you need to pay far more than you sit down and study hard in school.

So for most people, studying is definitely the best way out.

Of course, there are some people whose talents are in other places. They don't do well in school, but they are outstanding in other areas. There are such people, and there are not many.

So it is necessary to study hard, but if you really can’t learn at all, there is no need for parents to force you, let alone looking for life, sometimes it’s good to change your mind.

Let's not talk about it, let's talk about these people in front of Li Shuyao, these professional players, they are not the teacher's favorite in school, but they are sought after by thousands of people here.

Even Tantai Jingyi's academic performance in school was not good before. At that time, she persuaded her parents to choose a career. The hardships involved are not enough for outsiders.

So study hard, this is the easiest and easiest way, don't be discouraged if you really can't learn well, there is always a way that suits you.

Although you are destined to put in more effort on that road, if it really belongs to your road, the sense of accomplishment and gain in it will naturally be enough for you to survive these efforts.

After Li Shuyao "educated" the water friends in the game, she educated the water friends spiritually, and expressed some of her views on the future of modern young people.

Of course, maybe these rebellious young people didn't listen to it, or only listened to half of it. From the barrage, they may see that they didn't hear that learning is the smoothest way, but they heard that learning is the easiest way. Not the only way out.

Well, maybe she didn't hear what she said about the need to put in more effort.

Anyway, everyone likes to listen to good things, and only likes to listen to what they want to hear, and pretends not to hear anything else.

Li Shuyao didn't care, anyway, I told you, whether you want to listen or not, I'm not your father, why should I teach you to be smart.

After returning to the team, life suddenly became more regular. Although CR does not have semi-military management, it is still stricter in general.

After starting to exercise, the physical fitness of the players has improved several levels. Although the outside world is still unanimously unfavorable about the body of professional players, it certainly does not include future CR.

It's just the beginning, but the professional players are very young and recover quickly. After recuperating for such a long time, the recovery of the body is visible to the naked eye.

According to what the four guys said, after returning home this time, they got used to going to bed early and getting up early and exercising. They reduced their intake of fried food and increased their intake of fruits and vegetables...

Then it was praised by the parents.

This kind of life schedule is in line with the simple health concept of the parents. Both of them feel that the child's health is better, so everyone is happier.

In fact, as a parent, the most hope is that the child can grow up healthily.

Of course, it would be even better to be able to earn money while being healthy.

I have been recognized and praised by my family, and I have also won a wave of victories in the arena. This is a good encouragement for everyone, so no one has any objections to the current schedule.

Now the entire CR team is in high spirits, and there is a feeling of screaming, but at this time, the only thing that can stop the CR team is...

Li Shuyao's menstrual period is over...

Looking at Li Shuyao, who was clutching the quilt like a wounded deer, only showing the parts above the eyes, it was hard to imagine that she was still killing all sides in the training match yesterday.

He scratched his hair a little distressed, this is the most troublesome thing for the female team members.

In particular, the female team member seemed to be a different person during her menstrual period, which was even more troublesome.

This is not the first time he has led a female team member. Some menstruation period is the same as usual, such as Tantai Jingyi.

Tantai Jingyi's menstrual period is not different from usual, she doesn't seem to feel any pain, except for a little bleeding, she is very calm from inside to outside.

It used to have a slight impact on her state, but it is almost negligible. Now after exercising, it basically has no impact.

For example, Tantai Jingyi is also on her menstrual period now, but seeing her standing beside her as if nothing had happened, she knows that there is nothing wrong with her!

In fact, when the girls live together for a long time, their menstrual periods will become inexplicably consistent, which is... quite amazing.

There are also people who haven't changed very obviously, such as Fang Xuening... Oh, Fang Xuening is not here.

Fang Xuening belongs to the kind of people who will have some changes, but can still be within the acceptable range. This kind of people is actually okay. Most people are like this. They can play and have ups and downs, but male players There will also be ups and downs.

Others will undergo major changes, accompanied by severe pain, and will basically be unable to play, but it is understandable.

But people like Li Shuyao are a bit hard to understand.

Why can a person completely change his personality during menstrual period?
This is a bit unacceptable to him.

Even if you hurt me, I will accept it, but I really can't accept you like this.

Although Li Shuyao doesn't seem to be in pain, as a player, you have to be competitive. How do you play this game?
Fried noodles even wondered if she would directly initiate a surrender if she played?
"So...she's always been like this?" Fried Noodles was a little speechless, although let's just say, this look is cute, but today we have to play a game!
"Not really, it's just that sometimes..." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "I can't help it, let Xiao Hui go, today's opponent is not very strong, Xiao Hui should be able to handle it."

"Today is fine, but what about the day after tomorrow... To play FSG the day after tomorrow, the team that is currently ranked just below us... Are you sure he will do well the day after tomorrow?" Chao Nian opened his mouth.

"No... not sure." Tantai Jingyi slammed her mouth. According to the experience of the past few months, Li Shuyao's personality may change a lot during her menstrual period. The time of this change is not certain, sometimes it is Half a day, sometimes three days...

Of course, sometimes it won't change, and you can only rely on guesswork.

"Forget it, let's go to Xiao Hui." Chao Nian sighed, then turned to look at Tantai Jingyi and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Tantai Jingyi shrugged. She never knew why her menstrual period was painful. Anyway, she never had any pain. If she said this, she would probably be envied by many people.

"That's good." Fried noodles nodded, then turned to look at Li Shuyao...

Li Shuyao quickly retracted her head into the quilt, looking terrified.

Fried noodles: "..."

Is this really Li Shuyao?
 The international situation has also changed dramatically in the past two days. I just want to say, let the bullets fly for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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