Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 323 It's still cool to fish

Chapter 323 It's still cool to fish
When Li Shuyao came to Magic in January, he didn't show any abnormalities, and there was no competition that day, so Fried Noodles didn't pay much attention. He thought that Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi would have no problems, and he was quite happy at the time.

But today Li Shuyao told him...

You are too happy.

Then CR officially released the news. Due to Li Shuyao's personal reasons, today's starting top laner was changed to Xiaohui. The League of Legends official and some self-media also forwarded this news.

CR has always been at the top of lpl, even if his performance was not good last year, he has always had countless fans, not to mention standing at the top of lpl for the time being.

The winning streak years ago has brought back many former CR fans.

And Li Shuyao's absence undoubtedly made everyone a little suspicious...

"What happened to Yaoyao? It looked pretty good during the live broadcast yesterday."

"Why the sudden change, the coaching staff lost their minds?"

"Ahem, the girls in our fan group counted the time, and it seems that Yao Yao is coming to magic."

"A temporary substitution for the evening game?"

"I can't understand."

"What happened to the rumor? It's just personal reasons."


Many people expressed their dissatisfaction with the sudden substitution. After all, they played well before, and Li Shuyao has basically become the core of CR, and many tactics revolve around her.

As a result, he suddenly stopped playing, which made everyone a little puzzled.

However, a certain Li Shuyao's number one black fan calculated the time and determined that this guy was here for magic. After all, he has been here for the past two days, and everyone is the same.

This reason made many fans stop, this reason is acceptable, after all, no one can let Li Shuyao go up to the game in pain.

Of course, there are still people who write small essays in Chaohua, such as suppressing Li Shuyao, fighting with Shangzhong Gong, and Ueno's kindness.

But these are a minority, and most of them understand that there will never be a shortage of such a minority. After all, there will always be a market for conspiracy theories.

In fact, Li Shuyao was also watching the game. After all, she was just a little weak during her menstrual period, not stupid. She hid in the dormitory by herself and watched the game on her mobile phone!

Well, don't let Shi Qiulian in!
Li Shuyao was a little speechless. She didn't know why this big sister had to come to take care of her. She had a little resistance to being taken care of during her menstrual period.

The main reason is that Fang Xuening always wants to sneak in to take care of her every time she is on her menstrual period... But, she is taking care of her, she just wants to be her numb!

With the lessons learned from the past, can she not know what this intimate big sister wants to do?

Tsk tsk, she won't make the same mistake!
So that person knocking on the door while talking outside definitely wanted to be her Mama, in the name of wanting to take care of her!

I will not be fooled!
Ah~ hum!
The opponent in today's match is not strong, Li Shuyao knew after a few glances that she should have won.

Xiaohui's strength is not weak. Although there is still some gap with the world's top top laners, he is still young, and if he works hard, he should be able to take on a big role next year.

After I retire myself, this product should also be able to stand up to the sky of CR's top order.

Li Shuyao could tell that this guy was imitating his own style of play. He played quite aggressively, and with Xiao Ye's help, he also achieved a good record.

But the opponent's top laner is not very strong, and it is considered a mid-range level in LPL. Li Shuyao doesn't think that such an aggressive style of play can benefit the top laners.

Although I am radical, but it is radical in a steady manner, not brainless radical, and I still have to retreat when it is time to retreat.

But it's okay, after a few failures, he will understand the truth of this.

After nodding her head in reassurance, Li Shuyao put on the quilt and was ready to go to sleep. She didn't know why, anyway, she liked to sleep very much at this time, and the feeling of being covered under the quilt was still very comfortable, like being wrapped in warmth.

The mobile phone made a weak sound nearby, and when I listened carefully occasionally, it seemed to be Jingyi's voice... She seemed to be being interviewed... It seemed that my name was mentioned? mean I didn't participate in the competition because I was not feeling well?
Uh, I'm not uncomfortable, I'm quite comfortable, lying on the bed comfortably, how comfortable, but I feel a little weak.

Well, well, lack of strength should also be a kind of discomfort, so she is right.

Hehe, there are still many friends shouting my name at the scene. Sure enough, these friends are all supporting me to play, but, Jingyi is on top, don’t call my name, call other people’s names!
After listening in a daze for a while, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction when someone called Jingyi's name from the audience. Sure enough, the audience is still very qualified.

I won today, Li Shuyao is quite relieved, the winning streak is still going on, Xiao Hui is also very strong, I still have to rest well...

After an unknown amount of time, Li Shuyao had a vague feeling that something had entered her bedroom. She closed her eyes and thought about it. It seemed that no one would come in casually.

Then it should be my roommate Tantai Jingyi.

Li Shuyao tilted her head, slightly opened one eye and took a look. After confirming that it was Tantai Jingyi who came in, she immediately praised her cleverness.

Look, I am really smart. After the previous video, everyone felt stupid. Every day during the live broadcast, a group of people said that they were stupid female ghosts...

Forget about female ghosts, what the hell is a stupid female ghost!
No, why did I seem to have accepted the setting of the female ghost? Since when?

Li Shuyao frowned slightly, when was it?

No, I seem to have never accepted it.

Hey, forget it, anyway, these people always say that they are female ghosts, next time I will scare you, hehe, you wait, when I have time, I will make a special feature for you to enjoy the cool air!
Uh, will the flow be limited?

Forget it, limit the flow, let's see who dares to call herself a female ghost!snort!
"Yaoyao, are you asleep? Do you want to get up and drink some water?" Tantai Jingyi's gentle voice rang in her ears, which made Li Shuyao a little strange.

Why is this guy so gentle's not like this usually.

Hmm... Does this guy also want to learn from that white hair?
Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

Forget it, anyway, I am a little thirsty now, so drink some water!
Li Shuyao got out of the quilt little by little, and then turned her body sideways to take a sip of the straw that Tantai Jingyi handed over... Well, it's still lukewarm water, not bad.

Little by little retracted into the quilt again, Li Shuyao inexplicably felt very comfortable today, even more comfortable than when she was at home before.

Maybe it was because I needed to work, but I secretly took a day off...

Sure enough, there is only harm if there is a comparison.

Wow, it turns out that touching fish is such a cool thing.

In the past, I didn't call it fishing at all, but I called it a normal life. After I went to work, I took a break secretly, which was called fishing.

Cough cough, this is not good, this is not good, please don't learn from me.


(End of this chapter)

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