Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 324 You just want to take care of her!

Chapter 324 You just want to take care of her!

In view of Li Shuyao's special situation, Chao Nian canceled her training plan for the next three days, and Tantai Jingyi led everyone to do even the morning exercise.

Regarding Li Shuyao's sudden disappearance, in fact, many people in the CR team are also concerned, such as the members of the second team and other divisions are a little bit inquiring.

Everyone was relieved to hear that it was only the menstrual period and expressed their understanding.

Li Shuyao is becoming more and more important to CR now. If she is really sick, it is estimated that many leaders will come to express condolences, but the menstrual period is unnecessary, after all, this is normal.

Although Li Shuyao's reaction was somewhat abnormal, but...if it only happened once in a while, it would be acceptable.

After all, nothing like this seems to have happened in the last month.

Moreover, Tantai Jingyi, who knows Li Shuyao best in the entire CR, also said that this is not certain, so it is acceptable to adjust it as Li Shuyao's condition is not good.

Tantai Jingyi also said that they are generally relatively stable, and the time will not vary much from month to month. In this case, the knockout round of the World Championship should be able to bypass these two or two days.

From this point of view, it should be possible.

Even if they bump into each other, just don't turn into such a soft and weak look when the time comes.

Speaking of which, apart from not being able to play, Li Shuyao like this is really interesting. Usually, this guy screams loudly no matter in training or in qualifying. The other party sprays...

According to the Korean translator in the team, it didn't seem to be a good word, and I was scolded for a while. It is said that I didn't come out for a long time... Then I started to apologize.

And this person who can make people scold and apologize, the top laner is very aggressive, and people usually don't regard her as a woman at all, but she quietly hides in the bed and can't come out.

In the afternoon, Shi Qiulian knocked on the door for a long time, and said in a soft voice that the door hadn't been opened for a long time, and then Shi Qiulian quietly opened a crack to look, and only a little bit of the door was exposed. Hair, seems to be sleeping.

Sleeping with her face covered was not good, so Shi Qiulian quietly moved the quilt down.

Then I found that Li Shuyao frowned slightly, pouted slightly, her cheeks were slightly pale, and she looked pitiful to me.

The contrast is too strong.

You know, in everyone's impression, although Li Shuyao does not have short hair like Tantai Jingyi, her personality is sometimes even more straightforward, so that everyone often ignores her gender.

Everyone really did not expect that Li Shuyao would have such a weak side.

But of course Shi Qiulian didn't take pictures or anything, she just helped her tidy up the quilt and went out, and she just sighed with others that Li Shuyao was still so weak, it was a bit unbelievable.

Well, everyone feels incredible about Li Shuyao at this time.

It was as if the big tiger had suddenly turned into a kitten... or that kind of docile kitten.

After feeding the water and dinner, Tantai Jingyi sighed softly when she saw Li Shuyao falling asleep again, she knew why Fang Xuening liked to take care of Li Shuyao so much, she was really cute like this.

It really makes people want to take care of it...

Smiling and shaking her head, Tantai Jingyi sat down and sighed softly, Li Shuyao's appearance is really quite worrying, and she didn't realize it when she was in school.

Speaking of which, going to accompany her this time feels that she has changed a lot from before.

Although she was quite aggressive in the past, she seemed to be quieter. However, it is normal for a little girl to be quiet when she comes to a group of older brothers and sisters who are much older than herself.

Perhaps those changes were due to that accident... Sigh, perhaps it was during her menstrual period that she suddenly revealed her vulnerable side.

"What's the matter..." While Tantai Jingyi was thinking, the door opened a small crack again, Shi Qiulian blinked, and the corner of her mouth twitched towards Li Shuyao.

"Sleeping again, let's go out and talk." Tantai Jingyi said softly.

"Okay." Shi Qiulian nodded, and the two left the room and came to the meeting room downstairs.

As soon as she entered the door, Tantai Jingyi saw that Fried Noodles and Shen Zongyue were also here... It seems that they are very concerned about Li Shuyao's condition.

This is also normal. Although we won today, there are many problems exposed. At least for now, Xiaohui is not enough for CR to achieve the ambitions that Chow Mein and Shen Zongyue have already ignited.

He is still a little immature.

"How is it, is Yaoyao okay?" Shen Zongyue looked at Shi Qiulian seriously.

Shi Qiulian worked overtime today, and she still didn't go home after get off work, but she knew the importance of Li Shuyao to CR, and she could tell the difference.

"Well, let me just say it briefly." Shi Qiulian sat on the chair and said: "Based on my experience and understanding of her during this period, it should be that she was greatly stimulated before, and then she quietly hid some small things , usually won't come out, but when she is vulnerable, it will occupy her heart."

"But it's not serious. Judging from the things she has experienced and her usual performance, she can still be alleviated through psychological counseling, and she is far from reaching the level of mental illness."

"I noticed today that she was also paying attention to the progress of the game when she was resting. She was watching the live broadcast of the game."

"And I found that although she is a bit shy, she does not resist us taking care of her, but she is a little weak."

"But it's really different from usual." Chao Nian thought for a moment about Li Shuyao's yelling and yelling, and then thought about her soft and weak appearance.

In an instant, the fried noodle classmate had goose bumps all over his body.

He didn't feel cute at all, he just thought of his wife... because every night when she wanted to do something, she would turn into this effeminate look!It's completely different from usual!
A married man can't afford to be hurt!

"Everyone has many personalities. Most people have at least two or three different faces. I smile here, but I don't smile when I go home alone. It's normal. It's like bad guys have a bright side. Good guys have their dirty sides, but bad guys are still bad guys, and good guys are still good guys.”

Shi Qiulian said with a smile:
"It's stupid to affirm the bad guys with their brilliant side, or to deny the good guys with their dirty side. Even the brightest people will cry when they are sad. People are complicated, not facialized. of."

"Reality is not an anime novel, and there is no one character from beginning to end, so it's okay to be vulnerable once in a while. Yaoyao's problem is a little complicated, but it can be solved. In fact, I'm already surprised at how strong she is. Ordinary people If you encounter something like her, you can't do her step."

"That's good." Shen Zongyue nodded.

"It's that simple?" Chao Nian raised his eyebrows: "It won't have any impact on the training later."

"No." Shi Qiulian shook her head: "I will intervene in her psychology later, this is not a big problem, but..."

"But what?" Shen Zongyue was a little nervous.

"However, further observation is still needed. My observation today is not detailed enough. I will take care of her tomorrow." Shi Qiulian said with a smile.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Why do I feel that you just took this opportunity to take care of Li Shuyao, I'm afraid you want to take care of her because you saw her so cute during the day!Absolutely!

 Last night's dream seemed to be a place similar to a love training camp. Everyone gathered here and did some things according to the teacher's instructions. What I can still remember now is to paste the pictures in my mind on a notebook, and There are things like drawing with hands. In the dream, when the protagonist met the heroine, he just entered the training camp. The heroine announced that she would never like the heroine. Then in the training camp, the two attracted each other. The heroine gradually fell in love with the heroine after seeing the pictures on the heroine's book... In the end, although the hero liked the heroine, he chose to leave because of her announcement at the beginning, and was pulled back by the heroine forcefully... From then on The two lived a shameless... ahem, happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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