Chapter 326

After this small meeting, everyone was quite satisfied. Needless to say, fried noodles, he only cared about the grades. As for Shi Qiulian's petty thoughts, it had nothing to do with him, after all, they were just colleagues.

Shen Zongyue is also quite satisfied. Although he said that he may have to pay some overtime pay, it doesn't matter, as long as the team's results can be guaranteed, and with the results, there will be money.

The winning streak in the past has attracted a lot of sponsorship to CR. Now I don’t know how many manufacturers are waving money and ready to cooperate with them, and there are even many who named Li Shuyao to advertise...

After all, Li Shuyao is already very commercially valuable even if she doesn't play professionally, let alone now.

However, it is not so easy for Li Shuyao to advertise. After all, they only signed the player contract, and the economic contract is still in Lu Yao's hands, so if they want to advertise, they still need Li Shuyao's consent, unlike other The players can arrange directly.

But these are things that can be discussed, the most important thing is that Li Shuyao must be able to stand up!
If this product falls, the previous sponsors will be able to follow suit, and even if they don’t, they will probably get some discounts. This is not because Li Shuyao is more important than CR, but because without her, Shen Zongyue is not sure. Will the next CR win streak?

For a professional team, the basis of all marketing is performance.

So he is not short of money now, what he lacks is his record.

As for whether Tantai Jingyi is satisfied... well, it doesn't matter whether she is satisfied or not, it has nothing to do with her anyway.

Look, put aside those feelings, when you say something so bluntly, it is so cold, everything is an exchange of interests, but many times we don't say it so fruitfully...

To put it another way, Shen Zongyue and Chao Nian were very concerned about Li Shuyao's body and asked a psychologist about her psychological problems.

Psychiatrist Shi Qiulian concluded after careful observation that Li Shuyao was fine, and she was willing to live and stay in the team for the sake of the team's performance, personally taking care of the team members with psychological problems to ensure the normal and orderly operation of the team.

In order to reward Shi Qiulian's exemplary dedication and dedication, Shen Zongyue decided on the spot that in addition to overtime pay, if the team achieved corresponding results, she would be rewarded.

The meeting came to an end in a positive, friendly, united and progressive atmosphere.

You see, that said, it seems to feel better.

Shi Qiulian quietly lived next door to Li Shuyao that night. Although the entire CR team had already gone to bed at that time, she still quietly checked to see if everyone had closed the doors and windows, and then went to sleep satisfied.

The next day, Li Shuyao's condition improved a bit, at least she got off the bed, but she was still a little sad sitting by the window and looking out the window, unwilling to go out...

The current training is completely participated by Xiao Hui, while Li Shuyao is taken care of by Shi Qiulian.

Seeing Shi Qiulian, who was dressed intellectually and charmingly and smiled at her while holding a bowl of pudding, Li Shuyao was somewhat speechless.

Speaking of which, her current state is much better than yesterday. Of course, the emotion of not wanting to do anything will prevail. If she was allowed to go out at that time, she could actually go out.

I can't get interested in playing games, but it's okay to go out for a walk.

But as soon as she saw Shi Qiulian sitting opposite her, she understood that these people must feel that there is something wrong in their hearts!

Uh, well, she herself feels that something is wrong, but it can still be controlled. Isn't she just a little sad, as for that.

Hmm... Mainly, she feels too ashamed to go out now!She needs a little time to buffer!
As for the woman opposite...

She had the feeling that this person, like that white hair, was here for psychological counseling on the surface, but in fact he had bad intentions!
Hmph, think I can't see it now, although I'm a little weak now, but I'm not stupid, I'm smart!
"Come on, this is delicious, try it, ah..." Shi Qiulian smiled and dug a little pudding with a small spoon and brought it to Li Shuyao's mouth.

"Ah..." Li Shuyao opened her mouth obediently, and then ate a spoonful of sweet pudding.

So sweet!

"So good." Shi Qiulian put down the pudding and touched Li Shuyao's arm with a smile.

Touching the head directly is easy to cause disgust, so even if it is a child, Shi Qiulian will not touch the other party's head, unless she is very sure that the other party likes to be touched on the head, otherwise she will never do this kind of action.

Compared with the "passionate" here, the training there is not so smooth.

After losing the absolute core of Li Shuyao, the winning rate of the CR training match is also declining. Although Xiao Hui has been insisting on training, his current upper limit is here.

Exercise can only keep you in a relatively good state, but it can't make your upper limit increase quickly. Maybe his upper limit will be significantly improved in a year, but now he has only exercised for a month. Not enough to make a qualitative change in his strength.

If Tai Chi is really so miraculous, everyone will become a superman after practicing for a month. Obviously, this is impossible. Nothing in this world can be achieved suddenly.

Well, except for hanging up.

Xiao Hui is under a lot of pressure now, he didn't actually participate in many training matches before, and he felt somewhat regretful at that time, after all, he once thought he could be the main force.

But now... he's nervous.

The source of the pressure is CR's crazy record. Although he won the last game, he will play in the next game. Can he win?He has no idea.

What he is about to face is last year's champion top laner, the man who is still known as the world's number one top laner even now.

Even if Li Shuyao is in the limelight now, she won't be recognized until she has achieved enough results.

There are many people who are powerful but have not achieved enough results. Those people are very controversial. Some people think they are very powerful, and some people think they are marketing packaging.

"Xiao Hui, your concentration is a bit off, can you tell me why?"

After a training match, Chao Nian let the others move freely, and then called Xiao Hui to the conference room alone.

"I...I..." Xiao Hui frowned, but didn't know what to say.

"Are you worried about tomorrow's game?" Fried noodles asked.

"Hmm..." Xiao Hui nodded, "I'm very nervous, I don't know what to do."

Fried Noodles smiled, put his arms around Xiao Hui's shoulders and said: "It's okay, even if you lose, it's only second, no one will blame you for anything."

"I know." Xiao Hui sighed, "It's just a little reconciled."

"Well, I understand." Fried Noodles smiled and said, "If you are not reconciled, just work hard, unless you want to give up."

"Of course not." Xiao Hui said immediately.

"Very good." Fried noodles nodded: "No one in this world will never lose, everyone will lose, the difference is that some people lose completely, and some people use losing as motivation, and then work hard to win."

"Now you feel suppressed by Yaoyao's halo, and you feel afraid that if you break your winning streak, you will be told that you didn't lose when Yaoyao was around..." Chao Nian laughed and said, "This is indeed a hurdle, I won't advise you not to care about it." Who doesn't care what people say?"

"But as Yaoyao becomes more and more radiant, you will have more and more hurdles. Not everyone can be a good substitute for a top player."

While talking, Chao Nian leaned his head sideways on Xiao Hui's, and said in a low voice:

"Xiao Hui, step over, step over and you will be the strongest one."

 The spring split is basically based on last year's RNG spring split, but I will change the record... so just pretend there is no blueprint.

(End of this chapter)

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