Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 327 Make them a delicious meal

Chapter 327 Make them a delicious meal

Fried Noodles never denies a person because he is not strong enough at this time. What he values ​​more is a player's heart. He was very good when he debuted, but although there are not many players who have reached the peak step by step with their own efforts, there are still many players. Not a lot.

There are even world champions.

Xiaohui is still young, and he still has a vast world. Hard work and not giving up are the most valuable qualities of a professional player. These professional players are not very old, they are not yet determined, and not many can be tenacious .

Fried Noodles believes that he will definitely have a place on the LPL stage in one year, and Li Shuyao will also retire at that time. This guy is definitely not someone who can continue to play.

On the third day, it was the day of the competition again. Li Shuyao already felt much better today. Although she said that she was taken care of by Shi Qiulian yesterday, unexpectedly she did not repel it too much, and even felt a little bit in her heart. dependent feelings.

This is amazing... She thought about it carefully, maybe it was because of the comfort of being taken care of, the other party would not do anything to make her frown, so... it feels good?

Li Shuyao slapped her lips, okay, if Fang Xuening was at the same level as her teacher Qiulian, she wouldn't have locked herself in the piano room every time she was on her menstrual period.

However, although I was a little disappointed in the previous few times, it was not as strong as this time. Could it be that this thing is still periodic, once every six months?
Li Shuyao didn't quite understand why her mood fluctuated so much during her menstrual period. She guessed that it might be caused by some emotions of the original owner.

Although she is considered to have merged with the original owner's soul now, logically speaking, the two should be merged into one, but she understands that it is actually dominated by the soul of her world, and then the original owner's soul has fully influenced her.

Otherwise, she might not be able to adapt to this body at all...

But she would not deny that the emotions of the original owner had actually had little influence on her, mainly in terms of personality and certain cognitions.

Then in this special period that only belongs to girls, it is understandable that the lingering sadness and weakness burst out.

At this time, a professional is actually needed to guide this emotion.

Fang Xuening is not a good guide, although she tries hard to play the role of a mother, but she is too young, and she is still a best friend, which makes Li Shuyao instinctively want to escape.

Many people don't like to show their vulnerable side to others. Li Shuyao is such a person. In fact, she and the original owner are surprisingly consistent in this point.

She prefers to bring happiness to others and keep the sadness to herself. The more she cares about her at that time, the more uncomfortable she is, and it is good to let her be alone.

But Shi Qiulian is very different. Li Shuyao really felt a kind of... numb care from her. Although Shi Qiulian is not that old, she is professional.

Under the professional guidance of others, coupled with her fragile and sad emotions before, she really lived very comfortably. Yesterday was the most comfortable day of her menstrual period.

Thinking about it, I still feel a little nostalgic.

"It looks like you are in good spirits today." Shi Qiulian walked over with a smile: "We can play cards together. I found a pretty good board game today, and then we can wait and watch the game tonight."

After sending away the CR players who were going to compete in other cities, the whole club became deserted, basically only Li Shuyao and Shi Qiulian were left.

In fact, Li Shuyao was originally supposed to go to the competition as a substitute, but Chao Nian, Shen Zongyue and Shi Qiulian discussed it and decided not to bring Li Shuyao.

There are two purposes for doing this, one is to let Li Shuyao have a full rest and prevent her weak side from being exposed to the public eye.

The other one is to train Xiao Hui, today is a hurdle for Xiao Hui, no matter whether he wins or loses.

The mark of crossing this hurdle is not winning or losing, but whether he can use it to motivate himself. If he is knocked down, then he may be silent for a long, long time.

So at least Li Shuyao didn't have to worry about being disturbed until they came back tonight.

In fact, Shi Qiulian was supposed to go with her, but several people felt that Li Shuyao's side was more important, and it would be a bit uneasy to leave her in the base.

There are also fried noodles over there, so there is no need to worry about the psychological problems of the players.

Shi Qiulian analyzed that today should be a very important day for Li Shuyao, because according to her observation, Li Shuyao is breaking free from her fragile self.

This process is still worth observing. If there are no accidents, Li Shuyao should return to normal by tonight at the earliest, or tomorrow morning at the latest.

"Actually, I'm fine now, I can go with you." Li Shuyao stood at the door and looked at the bus going away, pulling her hair with some worry.

Standing in the wind at this moment, her eyes are a little blurred, like a beautiful landscape painting.


Shi Qiulian couldn't help but took a photo. Although the composition is definitely not as beautiful as a professional photographer's, the picture is beautiful.

Li Shuyao slightly tilted her head, and pouted at Shi Qiulian: "All right, let me take a look at your board game."

"Okay, photo~" Shi Qiulian waved the photo saved on the phone with a smile.

"Haha, it's okay." Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands, just standing at the door. This photo is nothing special, and it's not a special photo.

"Let's go, let's go play together." Shi Qiulian smiled and took Li Shuyao's hand, looking like a good friend.

This gave Li Shuyao a different feeling, unlike yesterday's feeling of an elder, today's Shi Qiulian is more like an old friend.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth. This person is really amazing. He actually changes his role according to his mood...

Well, this board game looks really interesting, haha, but as me with an IQ ceiling, you must not be able to play this kind of board game, how about I let you?
Tsk tsk, for the sake of taking care of me these two days, let me let you go a little bit!
The board game prepared by Shi Qiulian was very interesting, and the two of them were basically addicted to this little board game except for lunch and a proper walk.

Shi Qiulian watched Li Shuyao's emotions getting higher and higher, and her voice became louder and louder, and she understood that she was gradually returning to normal, but...

Shi Qiulian glanced at the game displayed on the big screen next to her. CR's first game was already at a big disadvantage, and if nothing else happened, she should be about to lose.

This will be the first time that CR has lost in the first game since the Spring Split. Even if they were [-]-[-] before, they would still lose in the second game, and they will come back in the third game.

Although it is difficult for some teams to recover after losing the second game, it is obvious that CR is testing the strength of the lineup in many cases...

Li Shuyao followed Shi Qiulian's gaze, and the other party had already touched her side's Highland Tower, it seemed...

"The first round should be difficult... From this point of view, today should be difficult." Li Shuyao sighed softly: "It's okay, everyone, I'll make you a delicious meal when you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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