Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 328 First Defeat

Chapter 328 First Defeat
The CR team attaches great importance to the first game, because generally speaking, the state of the first game is the best, and the idea of ​​​​chow mein is to win first, so the second game may practice a little lineup, but the first game is absolutely focused of.

Now that the first game is lost, then today's overall situation may be a little dangerous.

In fact, this style of play is not perfect, and fried noodles also know the shortcomings of this style of play, but there is no perfect style of play in this world, only suitable tactics.

This tactic is undoubtedly suitable for CR with Li Shuyao. Li Shuyao's style of play is aggressive. With her, the team's style of play is relatively aggressive, so it is relatively cost-effective to win the first game.

After all, they will fight a set of punches before the game, so the first game of each time is almost the peak of their state.

But obviously their opponents are stronger.

Their opponent's strength is also at the peak state, whether it is individual operation or teamwork, they are impeccable, especially the opponent's top laner, who is extremely strong.

The first game failed without any suspense. The expressions of the players looked okay. In fact, it is not shameful to lose to the opponent. After all, the opponent is the five world champions.

The second game started soon, and the board game between Li Shuyao and Shi Qiulian ended.

Shi Qiulian observed Li Shuyao's emotional changes, and felt that she had completely got rid of that emotion at the moment, and this match was indeed beyond the expectations of the two of them.

Li Shuyao looked at Xiao Hui in the live broadcast and slightly raised the corners of her mouth: "It seems that our young man has resisted the pressure."

It can be said that Xiao Hui performed supernormally in this round. Although he didn't suppress the opponent in the lane, he was steady, and even had several outstanding performances in team battles.

Although the fight was a bit difficult, they won in the end, and the two-branch battle became a one-to-one tie.

"In your opinion, can we win today?" Shi Qiulian said with a smile.

"It's hard." Li Shuyao shook his head: "The opponent's condition is really good. Xiaohui played normally in the last round. He is not good enough to confront a world champion, but he has played very well. , with great potential.”

"What about you? Do you have the confidence to fight against a world champion top laner?" Shi Qiulian said.

"Of course." Li Shuyao nodded, "I'm very confident."

"Speaking of which, your career is actually much shorter than Xiaohui's. Why are you so confident?" Shi Qiulian asked curiously.

"Hey, isn't it the world champion? I beat up several times when I ranked." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "Speaking of which, in my rank, there are really not many world champion top laners."

"The ranking and competition should be different." Shi Qiulian slapped her mouth.

"It's really different. The ranking scores of many world champions are not high, and there is a big gap in the communication environment." Li Shuyao nodded. Two games away.

But some things in the ranking can reflect some things to some extent.

At least if you beat the opponent in the ranking... you will have some psychological advantages.

"But I'm really not afraid." Li Shuyao chuckled: "I'm confident in my skills..."

Well, I have confidence in my plug-in!
For Li Shuyao's self-confidence, Shi Qiulian was actually a little surprised. She thought that Li Shuyao's menstrual period would suddenly become so fragile this time, because she was avoiding playing against this strong team.

After all, this did not happen during her menstrual period last month, and the existence of this difference reminded her of this.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Shi Qiulian could still tell whether Li Shuyao was telling the truth.

It seems that the psychological observation of Li Shuyao still needs to go further.

The third game did not exceed Li Shuyao's expectations. The opponent quickly adjusted after losing the second game. The CR players worked hard and maintained a balance of power in the early stage, but they still opened up the situation due to a mistake in the mid-term .

The duel between the top teams is like this. Once a small mistake is caught by the opponent, then the opponent has the ability to open the hole and turn it into a huge crack.

Although CR was constantly looking for opportunities to delay the game, the ancient dragon was still defeated by the opponent and pushed away the base.

The opponent continued to write the myth of his winning streak, and CR swallowed his first defeat since the start of the Spring Split.

Seeing that the team members breathed a sigh of relief in the end, Li Shuyao smiled slightly: "This loss is not ugly... Well, I will cook, and they should want to have a good time when they come back." Have a meal."

Regarding this match, the attention on the Internet is also very high. After all, this is a battle for the top spot, and it is also related to whether Li Shuyao will appear or not.

So this game was on the hot search, and it continued until the end of the game.

Regarding CR's failure, some people laughed at it, some questioned it, and some expressed their understanding. Just after the game ended, many people discussed it under CR's official blog:

"As soon as we hit a strong team, our true colors will be revealed. Sure enough, we are a fake strong team."

"Why didn't Yaoyao play, it was obviously blown up on the road."

"As long as I'm not complete, it's not considered a loss, right?"

"FSG is really good!"

"The fight was okay. Although I lost, I fought back and forth. I tried my best, but I really couldn't beat it."

"I'm quite satisfied. I really didn't expect CR to reach this level. It's not shameful to lose to the championship team."

"Wait for Yaoyao to play."

"It's a pity that Yaoyao is not feeling well, and I'm looking forward to the confrontation between Yaoyao and Mavericks."

"Come on, I've seen the growth of CR and played well."


In fact, CR is relatively good. After all, compared with last year, CR's performance today is acceptable. Besides, Li Shuyao hasn't played yet. The lineup is incomplete. Everyone hasn't given up yet. .

After all, although Xiaohui looks pretty good, compared with Yaoyao, it is still a bit worse.

Then Li Shuyao's fan group suddenly flooded with many newcomers...

"Yaoyao, we want Yaoyao!"

"Rumours are coming!"

"By the way... Ruo Yao is obviously a newcomer, why is she so strong?"

"Comparing it, we can see that there is a gap. Sure enough, Ruan Yao is better."

"Genius is genius, you can see Yaoyao in the next game!"

"We want Yaoyao. Do you know why Yaoyao doesn't play? Is it really because you are afraid of the Mavericks?"

"It is said that it is a menstrual period. Could it be that I can't play every time I have a menstrual period? Then it is useless."

"Everyone, be reasonable. Although I wonder why Yao Yao is so powerful, Xiao Hui is not bad. As a rookie, he faced the Mavericks directly today, and played impressively, which is not bad."


While everyone was discussing these things, CR also took the bus back to the base smoothly. The flight was a bit late, so it was not too early to come back.

But everyone didn't eat, not because they didn't have time, but because Li Shuyao had called out in the group before, saying that he wanted to reward everyone with a meal.

So when they returned to the base, it was no longer a group of defeated soldiers, but a group of hungry wolves...

 The long-lost poetry class, um, I forgot what I posted before, haha, post a song by Li Qingzhao.

  Cut plum
  The fragrant red lotus root leaves the jade in autumn,
  Loosen Luo Chang lightly and board the Lanzhou alone.

  Who will send the brocade book in the cloud?
  When the wild goose returns, the moon is full of the west building.

  The flowers flow by themselves.

  A kind of lovesickness, two sorrows.

  There is no way to eliminate this situation.

  Only under the brow, but our hearts.

  A few words describe a picture of looking forward to the king's return, and good poems are like a distant painting, which is endlessly memorable.

(End of this chapter)

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