Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 329 Hunger Covers Sadness

Chapter 329 Hunger Covers Sadness

"Yaoyao, where is the food... I'm starving to death..."

Before the people arrived, Jingyi's roar passed through the small square of CR and poured into the base of the League of Legends branch. Li Shuyao, who had heard the news and was standing at the door, twitched her mouth...

Good guy, this guy is already roaring so loudly now.

After a while, this group of people ran over from the gate...

"Eat, eat!" Totoro's eyes at the moment felt almost the same as that of Brother Gou who wanted to eat.

"Is the meal ready? I'm going to starve to death." Xiao Ye smacked his mouth, it was the first time he felt so hungry!
"Oh my God, you said you want to cook, I didn't even eat it on the plane!" Xiao Hui smacked his mouth, he didn't even think about whether anyone scolded him or not, he just wanted to eat now!

"I'm already going dizzy, you know we didn't eat before the game!" Jingyi puffed her lips, if you dare to say that you didn't cook well, I will fight you hard now!
Well, but it already smells, so it should be ready.

In an instant Li Shuyao was surrounded by his teammates. CR didn't eat before the game, and today's game was relatively early, and then he was in another city...

If Li Shuyao hadn't said to cook in advance, they would probably have a meal there and then get back on the plane and pack up and get ready to go to bed.

Of course, if it was in the past, maybe there would be a summary of today's game or something, or everyone would continue to train, stay up late to play ranked or something.

After all, I used to fall asleep at two or three o'clock, relatively speaking, it's quite early now.

But now everyone's schedule has changed, the meeting must be held, but it has been changed to the next morning, when basically no one is playing qualifying and training matches, it is their meeting time.

However, she was abandoned by her teammates in the next moment... The smell of the food can be heard at the door, so what's the point at this time...

"Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat!"

The team members rushed into the base shouting and eating.

Shi Qiulian smacked her mouth next to her. Sure enough, people can't think of anything except eating when they are hungry. Next time, if there is a big blow for everyone, should we try to create some coincidences to make everyone hungry?
Well, it seems that everyone will forget about those sorrows.

Just like these guys whose minds are full of eating now...should no longer remember failure.

Suddenly, Shi Qiulian looked at Li Shuyao with a little surprise, could it be that all of this is within your calculation?Are you starving them for hours on purpose to assuage their sense of failure?

Hiss... Is Li Shuyao so wise after recovering?

Li Shuyao took a strange look at Shi Qiulian, who had strange eyes beside her, what's wrong with this guy?What is this look of discovering a new continent doing?
Is there something on my face?
I took out my phone and took a look...

No, it's still beautiful.

Hmph, this guy must have no idea what he's thinking, this person's thoughts are too complicated!

Li Shuyao looked outside, it seemed that these five teammates ran back first, and they hadn't followed the fried noodles, so she didn't care, she didn't eat either!

So she ran right in.

"Hahaha, come, come, I made a lot of them today, haha, open up and eat."

"I knew you must have done a lot, haha, I didn't let them eat in advance!"

"It's worth it, haha, although I've been hungry for a long time, it's worth it!"

"Wow, it's delicious, Yaoyao, your cooking skills are improving."

"According to my judgment, it shouldn't be that the cooking skills are on the rise, but that we are too hungry now, so everything we eat feels very delicious... Cough cough, plus Yaoyao's cooking is already very delicious, this time One plus achievement feels sublimated! Yaoyao, put down the knife for me!"


Hearing everyone's noisy voices coming from inside, Shi Qiulian smiled slightly. It seemed that she didn't need to do anything more. Today's League of Legends branch was unexpectedly not tired.

"Huh... have you all gone in for dinner?"

After waiting at the door for a while, Fried Noodles and Yan Renjin also came back, but the others did not come back with them, they should have gone home directly from get off work.

"Hmm... seems to be very hungry." Shi Qiulian laughed.

"That's right, I ate lunch on the plane, and we haven't eaten until now, but we ate some." Yan Renjin sighed: "Everyone is exhausted today."

"Let's go in and eat something together, Li Shuyao has done a lot." Shi Qiulian nodded with a smile, and the three of them also walked in together.

Then Fried Noodles and Yan Renjin saw a table full of dishes...

"This... can we finish it?" Fried noodles looked at the exaggerated amount of food, and then looked at the team members beside the table with their mouths full of food...

Is this... turning grief and indignation into appetite?

But today, Xiao Hui should be the one with the most stress, right? Totoro, why do you have the most cats on your plate!
After the beautiful meal, everyone slumped on the sofa. After more than 30 minutes of eating this meal, everyone basically ate up the food.

In fact, Li Shuyao really didn't open up to eat. These guys are all eating a lot, and they have been hungry for such a long time, so it is normal to eat more.

Even Jingyi ate a lot.

After resting for about 10 minutes, Li Shuyao clapped her hands and stood up: "Come on, students, let's go for a walk, and then get ready for bed."

Although everyone didn't want to move anymore, but at this time everyone also felt a little panicked. If they didn't take a walk, they might not be able to sleep at night.

So several people stood up again, and walked out slowly.

It's not too cold here at the end of February, and it's quite comfortable when the wind blows outside.

Watching the 6 team members go out, Yan Renjin was about to go out together but was stopped by Shi Qiulian and Fried Noodles... Let's leave some space for the team members at this time.

"Huh..." After walking out, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing everyone blowing together, several people glanced at each other, and then laughed in a very tacit understanding.

There are not many people in the CR square at night, only the light of some street lamps and moonlight. When the field of vision is limited, it feels as if it is wrapped in something unexpectedly, and it is inexplicably warm.

"I remember when I was in college, I always liked to take a walk on the playground with my roommates at night, and occasionally listen to other people's love stories...haha." Li Shuyao laughed, and then found that everyone looked at her strangely...

"Oh, forgot, none of you went to college."

other people:"……"

"I think we go together." Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows.

"That's not good..." Xiao Ye smiled shyly.

"Can you beat her in a one-on-one match?" Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"Hey hey, we singled out her one by one!" Coffee Bean also laughed.

"Go!" Totoro waved his hand, and everyone rushed forward laughing and laughing.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, you are not fair..." Li Shuyao laughed and walked two steps quickly, but everyone was not too fast, after all, they had just eaten a lot, and running would be harmful to their bodies. not good.

Listening to the laughter outside, several people inside also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fried noodles smiled and pouted: "These little guys are smiling so happily, I have to have a good meeting tomorrow, hum."

(End of this chapter)

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