Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 337 Regular Season 1

Chapter 337
Regarding the fact that Li Shuyao became a song in one day, many people actually didn't believe it. Even if some people in the band admitted it, there were still many people who didn't believe it. After all, this thing was a bit too unbelievable.

You said that you write a song in a day, and everyone has no opinion. Many people write it out after inspiration.

But you said that it is a bit too much for you to even want to write and produce in one day?
Now Li Shuyao is telling you that it's not too much at all, even adding the time for meetings and signing contracts.

This is not a day, this is half a day, half a day!
In fact, the teachers of the band don’t have any feeling yet, they just feel that Li Shuyao is very strict when recording, and almost every step has been planned, you can just execute it when the time comes.

They thought that the preliminary work for this song had been completed long ago, and they were only asked to record it today.

Speaking of it, even this is pretty fast, as expected of Li Shuyao, who is known as the famous song printer in the industry.

Only Drizzt and Wu Lei were the most surprised.

They both knew that Li Shuyao was completely unprepared this time, and it was a temporary proposal, so...the song was really made in one day.

Let’s not talk about the recording... Are you serious about the speed of your composition and mastering?We admit that you are very fast at cooking, but it seems that you should not use it here!We look scary!

So, when the two of them heard the final full version of Kai Tian, ​​they subconsciously glanced at their watch, and then at their phone...

They strongly doubted whether they had crossed time, in fact, several days had passed!

"I told you, restrain yourself, why are you still so fierce." Lu Yao said beside Li Shuyao, who had made the music.

"Hey, get it done early and finish things early. What's the point of talking endlessly there? Buy it if you want to buy it, and forget it if you don't want to buy it. There's nothing to worry about." Li Shuyao spread her hands, anyway, the old lady It can be made, and it is not created out of thin air. You have seen all the production steps step by step.

I can do it, what do you do with me.

I am science!It's not magic, why hide it.

"Okay, okay, your consumption concept is too rational." Lu Yao shook his head, then looked Li Shuyao up and down: "It seems that the team is doing well, and there is no change in appearance."

"It's okay, the boys still have to be honored as big brother next, haha."

"Okay, you should be able to enter the playoffs this spring, and you can rest for a while after the playoffs." Lu Yao shook his head with a smile.

"That won't work, I'll go abroad later." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Ah? What are you doing abroad?" Lu Yao was taken aback for a moment: "Traveling?"

"MSI." Li Shuyao said naturally.

"Isn't that only for champions to go?"

"That's right, we are aiming for the championship." Li Shuyao nodded.

Lu Yao: "..."

Come on, you're pretty good at blowing...

In the end, Kaitian was directly bought by the official event management, and the decision was made on the spot, waiting for the two parties to sign the contract. These things were left to Lu Yao, and she was only responsible for signing a few words.

Well, anyway, it can be seen that the other party is full of sincerity.

This price is enough.

It's just that this is the official release, and the song will be posted under the account of the League of Legends event. The player's name is naturally Li Shuyao. She can also play this song in live broadcasts in the future, except for herself , other people's commercial use still requires official authorization.

Li Shuyao instantly made a fortune.

Sure enough, it's still cool to cooperate with a big factory. She is very satisfied with the price. The proceeds from Fade's song before are gradually being donated. Everyone didn't get the money. This time everyone can share the money together!

After this matter was over, Li Shuyao returned to the team, Drizzt also sighed a bit, it seems a bit wasteful to have such a talent to play professionally.

But if you look at her performance on the field, it seems quite wasteful not to play.

Forget it, anyway, Li Shuyao is considered to be one of his own, and if he has a better performance on the field, he will be willing to contribute and help push.

If this really allowed her to win the championship, even a league championship would be enough to become a legend.

After returning to the arena, Li Shuyao showed her strong dominance in the top lane, suppressing her opponents almost every game, and even the world's top top lane players can still have a slight advantage.

CR has won consecutive victories all the way and soared all the way in the standings.

During this menstrual period in March, Li Shuyao's reaction was very small, and her physical fitness was placed here, so the impact on this point was almost ignored.

So on March 3, the final match of the Spring Split, CR defeated their opponents 28-2 cleanly and directly led the standings, ranking first with only one tyrannical record.

The team FSG, which won them before, seems to have declined slightly. During this period of time, they lost two games and lost the first position.

CR, who didn't even make it to the playoffs last year, brought in 1 pure rookie, 2 young players, and 2 veteran players from the original team. Eye-popping.

In the first year of playing professionally, Li Shuyao won 15 MVPs, averaged 5.7 kills per game, 28 kills per game, 206 total kills, and KDA6.9...

A series of dazzling data really blinded the eyes of many people.

Is it really good for you to be a top laner and kill more than other AD and mid laners?
Although the MVP, Best Rookie, and Best Team of the Spring Split haven't come out yet, Li Shuyao, the best rookie, will definitely not be able to escape.

No rookie of any company has her show, and the entire spring split has almost become her stage, letting everyone know what a fucking genius is.

Of course, Xiao Ye's help is indispensable here.

Throughout the spring split, he almost lived on the top road... The duo on the top road has been called out... Li Shuyao is also affectionately known as the number one Yao on the top road!

She is so good at shaking people, basically everyone except Totoro came to the road, at most four people besieged the top laner at a time, it was sad to hear it, and the listener shed tears.

Well, Totoro belongs to the kind of abandoned to some extent... But once the game enters the late stage, it is Totoro's home court. He is also a manipulation monster, and he uses various tricky angles to output in team battles, regardless of others Anyway, he is always the last one alive.

This flexible positioning is also the experience he summed up in the bottom lane alone. When Li Shuyao and the others were doing well in the top lane, he developed alone in the bottom lane.

The coffee beans are often dropped and he runs away, and then he is often squeezed and besieged by three or four opponents. In this case, he can stabilize his development. It can only be said that the greater the pressure on people, the more potential they will stimulate. The bigger it is.

It can be said that Li Shuyao's contribution to CR's success is indispensable, but she can't do it alone. After all, this is a game of five people.

However, some people are thinking, if Li Shuyao hadn't missed the game due to personal reasons, would CR have won the record...

(End of this chapter)

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