Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 338: There is only one championship left

Chapter 338 Now I'm Only One Champion Short
In fact, a team with a complete victory in one season has appeared in the history of LPL. At that time, that team achieved a record of complete victory with terrifying suppression, and was once considered to be the number one strong team in the world.

Uh, it's just that the performance in the World Championship was a little unbelievable, so it's a bit regrettable.

After the regular season is over, they are preparing for the playoffs, because the first position in the regular season gives them a relatively long time to prepare, so they can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

And what Li Shuyao needs to do besides preparing for the battle is to shoot various promotional videos...

No matter what the official promotional video is, she is indispensable. As the most eye-catching boy in this year's spring competition, not only the promotional poster, she is the C position in that silly promotional video...

Then seeing everyone recording as if they were having fun, Li Shuyao fell into deep thought, could it be her own problem?Everyone thinks it is very interesting, why is it that I am the only one who thinks it is too secondary.

On the way back from the official side after filming the video, Li Shuyao told Tantai Jingyi about her doubts, and then she said directly:
"Come on, this isn't much more serious than those videos you made."

Then Li Shuyao remembered the maid dress she first filmed with Lost Jiaoji and the others, and the liberation nature she later filmed with the sixth director...

Hiss, black history, proper black history!
I am obviously a wise and powerful genius image, but why do I become a middle school girl in the eyes of others?
Think about the look of contempt in the promotional video where I sat in the middle of the green screen and played the guqin... Hey, why do I feel that there are more and more black histories!
Why didn't I reject them back then!
The next time something like this happens, you must definitely put forward your own legitimate demands. No matter what, you have to take pictures of yourself beautifully. You can't make them feel that you are a sophomore boy!

A dignified promotional video should be high-end and upscale, it can’t be made like a group of middle school teenagers shouting slogans there!

"The activity room seems to have been changed. Tomorrow, the training match in the afternoon seems to be reduced, and then there will be a team building." Li Shuyao decided to change the topic, and can no longer talk about her previous black history, and this thing can no longer be mentioned!
"Indeed, let us prepare the show ourselves, haha, this is your home game." Tantai Jingyi touched Li Shuyao's arm and smiled.

"That's right, I'll play music for you when the time comes, haha." Li Shuyao chuckled, and she looked at the activity room, as if she had prepared a piano.

Although there is only one piano, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a junior high school music classroom, but hairy is not bald, at least I have something to perform.

I can't go up and dance by myself, heh, it's okay to perform a martial arts, and then I will show you what it means to turn your head with bare hands!

"Hey Hey……"

The two were talking in the back seat, and suddenly they heard a hey hey hey sound coming from the front.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi looked at each other, and then stood up little by little. They took the bus of the team, and the space in the bus was still very large, and it was equipped with an attached bathroom. No problem with RVs either.

In front is the bot lane duo Coffee Bean and Totoro.

After a season of running-in, the two also won a resounding title!

Cat poop coffee combo...

It's as if Xiao Ye ran to help Li Shuyao every time, and then was called a ghost knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

Well, I don't know which black fan first said it in the fan group, anyway, this thing gradually became more and more outrageous...

At first it was Xiao Yeyao, then it became a little night ghost, and then it became a midnight ghost knocking on the door.

This evolution process is very heartwarming...

In fact, the two of them heard the two people in front of them laughing before, and they didn't pay attention to it at first. It's been a long time, and they don't know what these two people are laughing at.

After Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi stood up, they saw Coffee Bean and Totoro together as if they were watching something on their mobile phone.

Li Shuyao tilted her head, and then she saw herself pointing to the sky with one hand, and shouting the slogan "Ban Yan Zhuo Jing Zhen" on the screen.

My God, it turned out to be that video of liberating nature!


Li Shuyao couldn't help but gasped, it turned out that the feeling of others watching her black history video in front of her was so terrifying!
Li Shuyao sat down with a bang, and swore in her heart that she would never make this kind of video again!
Tantai Jingyi patted the heads of the two boys, then sat down, looked at Li Shuyao with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "How about it, people are enjoying your video .”

"I... wait for me to make a scary one, scare them! Hmph." Li Shuyao pursed her lips.

"Then you are really a female ghost, haha."

Li Shuyao: "..."

I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!I have thought it all over!Be sure to scare them!

After returning to the base, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi followed Shen Zongyue to the activity center converted from the previous gym...

In fact, some fitness equipment was carried out, and a simple stage was built after a space was vacated, with some lights, speakers and so on.

There is also a piano on the stage...

"To be honest, it's the same as the music classroom when I was in junior high school." Li Shuyao smacked her lips: "Oh, no, there weren't so many lights when I was in school."

"Actually, it's a bit similar, but it looks very warm." Shen Zongyue said with a smile: "I wanted to use all of it before, but in the end I used half of it and left some equipment."

"Since I started practicing Tai Chi, I have used less equipment." Tantai Jingyi shrugged: "I really miss it."

Tantai Jingyi walked to the console next to her, and after turning on the lights, the red and green lights on the stage began to flash...

"Pfft... Hahaha... This, this is a disco in the 80s, hahaha..." Li Shuyao looked at the light bulb protruding from it, and suddenly felt as if she was watching a movie.

"You don't understand, what you want is to know this feeling." Shen Zongyue smacked his mouth with nostalgia on his face: "You will know when the time comes, and this will be the most atmospheric."

"Okay." Li Shuyao shrugged, "How about it, I have lived up to your trust."

"emmmmm, it's okay...haha." Shen Zongyue thought for a while, then sighed softly, and said seriously: "Honestly, thank you."

"There's no need to thank you. If it wasn't for you, Yaoyao wouldn't be able to play so quickly. If she couldn't play soon, she wouldn't be playing professionally at all, right?" Tantai Jingyi turned off the light and smiled Hehe said.

"Of course, I don't want to play in the secondary league for so long." Li Shuyao shrugged: "If I have that time, I might as well have fun."

"So, you are actually achieving each other. If you hadn't been so courageous in recruiting new people and implementing a new work and management model, we would not have achieved such achievements." Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"That's right, I was scared at the time, haha... I thought at the time, if you really can't produce results, I'm afraid I have to find a factory to work, haha." Shen Zongyue shook his head with a smile: "Now... …It’s only one championship away.”

 This... the little buddy on the audio book side asked me to read more about Danmei, and then see if I can write one...emmmmm...

(End of this chapter)

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