Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 339 Interview

Chapter 339 Interview

Waking up early in the morning, Li Shuyao sat on the bed and looked at the newly bright sky outside with some sighs. Before he knew it, it was already the end of March. Counting it, it would be a year since he came to this world.

For such a long time, I can be regarded as prosperous.

Sure enough, the life of cheating does not need to be explained!
Get up as usual to wash, cook porridge, and exercise...

Li Shuyao didn't know why she made porridge, anyway, she didn't feel tired after drinking it every day.

But yes, who can refuse a bowl of steaming and salty porridge in the cold morning after exercise.

The high-end version of normal saline belongs to yes.

We don’t have any training tasks today, we have been busy for a month, we can relax after playing the game these two days.

As the saying goes, one piece of one piece, one piece of relaxation, the way of civil and military affairs.


Everyone began to accept various interviews.

This year's CR does have a lot of points to be discovered. Many self-media want to interview them, and the playoffs are coming soon. CR is the favorite to win the championship this year. More people want to interview them. .

Tonight everyone is building a team in the activity room, so the morning and afternoon time will be concentrated and arranged by the club to interview...

There are quite a lot of interviews with their team, and the team has selected a little bit. After all, some self-media are not so reliable. If the interview is intercepted at that time, it will easily bring about some negative rhythms.

In addition, I will be preparing for the playoffs soon, and I cannot accept interviews all the time, which will delay training.

Naturally, team building is also a part of training. After all, rest is part of the training plan. If you don’t have enough rest, you will lose energy in both competitions and training.

The current work and rest plan is an important part of CR's overall training plan.

In fact, there are still many commercials to be filmed in the past two days, but Shen Zongyue wants to keep everyone in the best condition, and also for public opinion, so he is only planning to shoot more important commercials, and the rest will wait until the playoffs are over. Besides.

If you can win the championship, you can shoot any commercial, if you can't win the championship...

Then pretend to be dead.

Speaking of it, this is also a bit of a gamble. After all, if you lose, there may not be so many advertisements at that time. If there are no advertisements, then the small money will not be much.

But... Shen Zongyue is also fighting now, and he is fearless in order to become a champion.

"Hi Yaoyao, I'm Jiang Xin from triple jump. I'm very glad to be here for such an exclusive interview today. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."


Li Shuyao smiled and shook hands with the fat guy in front of him, then sat back.

This is a special interview room. Li Shuyao and Jiang Xin are sitting on the sofa, and a cameraman is taking pictures next to them.

In fact, the entire CR is being interviewed at this time, some are in the conference room, some are in the training area, some are in the living room, and some are in the living room on the first floor below...

Li Shuyao is in this interview room.

"Then the first question, I want to ask, and it is also a question that many people want to ask, what else do you know?" Jiang Xin smiled and began to count on her fingers: "Writing lyrics, composing music, singing, martial arts , cooking... I feel like I can’t count them all.”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The two laughed together, and Li Shuyao also laughed and said, "I don't know, maybe other than standing up to go to the toilet... Hahaha."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Let's get down to business. How do you feel when you come to LPL for the first time and achieved such a result?" Jiang Xin asked with a smile.

"It feels like just one word... Cool! Haha." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Before that, did you ever think that you would get such a result?"

"To be honest..."


"I really thought about it."

"Ah... ah?"

"Haha, I have really thought about it, I have thought that I have been winning consecutively, and then won the final championship, haha, I believe every professional player has thought about it." Li Shuyao laughed haha, Ma Dan, I almost slipped my mouth.

"Well, there is another issue that everyone is very concerned about. At the end of February, there was a time..."

" didn't play that time, did you?"

"Yes, we were actually very concerned about what happened that time, just...whether it might affect your back..." Jiang Xin organized his words very carefully. He also watched the live broadcast that day and knew that Li Shuyao had never Responded positively to this matter.

It's possible that this aspect of things is a bit less eager to answer similar questions.

He asked very roundabout and very tactful. If Li Shuyao showed any dissatisfaction, he would directly end the question and continue to ask the following questions.

In fact, he prepared a lot of questions, but he didn't ask all of them, and he didn't edit all of them into the video. After all, it's only a part of the video, and the duration depends on it.

But Li Shuyao thinks it's nothing. In fact, the more you care about this matter, the more it will look wrong, so she never cares about what others say about this matter. I just use my grades to respond to you.

The other party also took care of her feelings when she asked, so it was good to answer generously.

"The impact will not be, um, it is because of some personal reasons of mine. A small problem has occurred, but it has worried everyone. There should be no similar problems in the future."

What Li Shuyao said was very certain. During this month, Shi Qiulian hadn't stopped intervening in her heart, so... In fact, she is still in her menstrual period, so she doesn't feel much.

"That's good, then the next question." Jiang Xin was a little excited, this was the first time Li Shuyao responded to this question directly, although the words seemed to be clichés, but they could express some information.

You know, she used to not respond no matter what the audience said in the live broadcast room.

"Well, after this season, we found that you seem to have some unique understanding of the top laner. We would like to ask, do you have any experience with this?"

This question is actually quite open. I didn't specifically ask what it is. I just wanted Li Shuyao to talk about her understanding of the position of the top laner. In fact, it is okay to say anything.

This is why he is more cautious. After all, many questions involve tactics, and asking those questions will cause resentment, so relatively open questions will be better.

"The position of the top laner has been given up by many teams before, or it will not be given up, but it is also in a free-range state. Many teams will choose a meat to let the top laner live on their own, and then undertake a team start or meat. Tan's role."

Li Shuyao thought for a while and said:
"However, this style of play is not suitable for this version, and the single-core or two-core style of play is not very conducive to opening up the advantage in the early and mid-term. The current version of AD is still a bit weak in the early stage, so at this time, it is necessary to come from Naka Ueno. Open up."

"If it's only the middle and the wild, it will be a little weak, and the dominance will not be so strong, so at this time, the top fighters need to stand up."

What Li Shuyao said is actually her own understanding. This version is really not suitable for tank top orders.

Of course, if there is a huge disparity in strength, then it doesn't matter what you play.

"So, what do you think of lpl's top laner strength?"

"I'm not talking about anyone, I'm just saying that everyone sitting here is...uh, all of them are quite strong..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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