Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 340 Let's start a class

Chapter 340 Let's start a class

Li Shuyao is naturally modest and cautious, how can she say that she is the strongest and the best!Well, cringe development is king, early worms are eaten by birds, we are always developing!

Well, humble, humble.

Li Shuyao and Jiang Xin smiled at each other, and then continued to ask a few other questions.

It's nothing more than some goals for the new season, what is the outlook for the future, etc., and it also includes some questions about the up owner.

Speaking of which, the two parties can be regarded as colleagues, and they also have accounts on station B.

The interview finally ended in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, and then Li Shuyao received the next self-media interviewer...

Inexplicably, she felt like sitting here by herself, and then wave after wave of visitors... Ahem, I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it, I will be sanctioned by the 404 God in the dark!

Reflection, you have to reflect on yourself.

After eating at noon, the afternoon is basically some small group visits and advertisements.

Li Shuyao is not opposed to shooting commercials at the base, they are all paid anyway, and the clubs they cooperate with are all big manufacturers, and the quality is guaranteed. Since they are all good things, they can be advertised wherever they are.

After being busy until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone finally calmed down...

One and two were lying on the sofa on the first floor.

Tired, always excessive... Cough, what, anyway, it's an inexplicable feeling that my body is being hollowed out.

In fact, it was almost like being hollowed out. Li Shuyao felt that she didn't want to talk at all after being asked questions over and over again this day.

That is to say, the questions asked by these e-sports self-media are relatively normal, and there are no weird and tricky questions.

Well, this is also after the screening by the CR club. Those who are released are relatively formal self-media. Those who always post some weird things and like rhythmic self-media are naturally not passed.

It doesn’t matter if we media doesn’t get popular, so what are you doing if we media doesn’t get popular... As long as you don’t take it out of context and provoke war maliciously, some we media like to make troubles, and we media with such a black history will not be included of.

So they can only continue to do things to gain attention...

A vicious circle belongs to yes.

"I never got things done in one day before, what happened to Old Shen..." Coffee Bean lay on the sofa and smacked his mouth.

As an old man in the team, he is naturally the focus of care today. He has a lot of fans. As an old man, he is also very topical.

There are even advertisements dedicated to him...

"I finished everything today, so I can rest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Tantai Jingyi smiled, this style was inexplicably familiar.

Then she looked at Li Shuyao who was beside her with an innocent face.

"Look at me, I've never made myself so tired." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "I was completing my work efficiently in a short period of time under my ability framework, and I didn't mind after I finished it." You'll feel tired, and you'll even be happy."

"This is fundamentally different from the arrangement of this guy. It's called painting a tiger but not an anti-dog!"

"I have a question!" Xiao Ye raised her hand to speak.

"What's the problem?" Li Shuyao tilted her head.

"Well, although I didn't study much, tigers are felines. Why do they look like dogs? Why don't you draw tigers instead of cats?" Xiao Ye asked.

Li Shuyao: "..."

"Look, if it looks like a cat, doesn't it mean that his painting is okay, because tigers are like cats." Li Shuyao spread his hands speechlessly: "Just because he looks like a dog, it means that his painting is not good. what."

"Oh..." Xiao Ye, Xiao Hui, Totoro, and Coffee Bean all groaned.

Li Shuyao: "..."

You guys are in perfect agreement now, right?

"Also, the ancients knew about cats and canines, that's what they said!"


"If you stop, I'm going to beat someone up." Li Shuyao stared.

"Aren't we ashamed to ask?" Xiao Hui grinned and grinned.

"Do you know what it means not to be ashamed to ask?" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes.

"Ang, don't you just like to ask questions?" Xiao Hui blinked and said, "I really like to ask questions."

"Don't be ashamed to ask, actually it means to ask questions to people who are inferior to you." Li Shuyao shrugged: "It comes from "The Analects" which is sensitive and eager to learn. Don't be ashamed to ask, it shows your attitude towards learning."

"Oh..." Several people nodded together again.

Li Shuyao: "..."

"Old Shen, why don't you hire a teacher to teach everyone, or what will you do when you go out later! It's easy to spoil the children during the live broadcast!" Li Shuyao turned and shouted at Shen Zongyue, who was holding back his laughter.

"Okay, you, a college student who graduated from a prestigious university, will teach everyone." Shen Zongyue laughed.

"You said it, then I'm going to start the class." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "I'm just waiting for your words, I'm going to start with this "University"... Uh, won't it be too esoteric? How about this, how about we start with "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", I think some tactics and routines in it can still be applied to our team."

Shen Zongyue: "..."

I'm just joking, how can you see this guy's serious face, hiss...she really wants to give a lecture to everyone, then he looked at Tantai Jingyi next to her.

Tantai Jingyi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Maybe she really wants to give lectures to you, haha, she is still teaching kittens at home."

"Huh?" The four guys and the two guys looked at Li Shuyao in shock.

"What's the matter, my cat is smart, I'm afraid it will make trouble, and then train it, isn't that normal." Li Shuyao pinched her waist, and there are too many people teaching cats. Look at the small animals in a certain sound, Right, I almost spoke!

"That's the same." Chao Nian nodded: "My cat is also training cats at home, so they don't let them curl up everywhere. What does Yaoyao teach at home?"

"Oh... 24 History." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

"Shrimp?" Shen Zongyue looked at Li Shuyao in shock: "You tell a cat about the 24th history?"

"What's the matter, I look down on the 24 histories. In fact, it is clearly stated that it should be the 26 histories. However, I don't really read the "New Yuan History" and "Qing History Draft". Li Shuyao shrugged.

Everyone: "..."

I look down on 24 Shi, I look down on cats!What do you tell the cat about the history of 24, can the cat understand it?You are wasting educational resources, do you understand?
"Come on, come on, let's do it, I'll give you two history lessons a week, and then come and listen to what everyone wants to hear." Shen Zongyue said with a smile: "It just so happens that we also study together. There is a saying How to put it, with history as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs, and we don’t need to know so much, we just want to pretend to be so after dinner, right, haha.”

"Okay, okay, I think it's good, haha, let's start a class, Yaoyao, haha, we are not ashamed to ask, hahaha..." Fried Noodles also laughed haha.

"Okay, if you want to hear it, I'll tell you." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Let me say it first, the history I'm talking about is my own understanding, and it may be the same as what you remember. A little difference."

 I was a little busy at work in the morning, so I almost forgot, haha...

(End of this chapter)

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