Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 341 Everyone Has Their Own History

Chapter 341 Everyone Has Their Own History
"Come, come, anyway, there is still some time before the evening activities. If you have any questions, you can ask them in advance. I will treat you as a pre-class tutoring."

Li Shuyao was quite excited, sat up all of a sudden and said with a smile:

"Come on, ask, I can't guarantee that what I say is right, but well, it's all my own thinking. In fact, everyone has their own ideas when looking at history. I can't say that you are wrong, and I can't be sure. It must be what it is."

"After all, history has passed, and we are all looking at the materials left by our predecessors. Even if it is official history, we cannot say that it is [-]% correct, unless we can go thousands of times faster than the speed of light, travel into the universe, and find the origin from the earth at that time. up the light running out."

"This is obviously impossible now, so, I basically read history as a story, and you all listen to it as a story."

"I think whether you are looking at history or studying history, unless you are a scholar who studies history, ordinary people like us don't need to be so serious."

"We are more about learning lessons from history, learning something to regulate our own words and deeds, and allowing ourselves to find something to enrich ourselves."

"Okay, the prerequisites are all finished, you can already ask."

Before Li Shuyao gave a lecture, she talked a lot, and her desire to survive could be said to be full.

Anyway, this thing has almost become her occupational disease now, no matter when, she should discuss these things in advance, so as to save a bunch of people from making trouble later.

"I'll come first, I'll come first." Xiao Hui hurriedly raised his hand: "Well... I want to ask, is Liu Bei really a hypocrite, and the kind who loves to cry a lot."

"Haha, I knew that the history of the Three Kingdoms is relatively familiar to everyone, and it was influenced by "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", so there are actually many impressions that are different from the official history."

Li Shuyao laughed haha:
"Let's not talk about the official history, just talk about my own understanding, even if Liu Bei is a hypocrite, he has been a hypocrite for a lifetime, he is a real gentleman, haha, but, Liu Bei is really not a so-called gentleman in our mouth, He's actually more of a ranger."

"When he was young, he was a ranger, a bit like Liu Bang, but Liu Bei is still worse than Liu Bang. After all, one has ruled the world, and the other has only three points."

"And Liu Bei's military command ability is still very strong. He actually commanded many battles. Xiahou Dun, Cai Yang, and Che Zhou were actually Liu Bei's defeated generals. He also commanded the Battle of Hanzhong. He defeated Cao Cao and killed Xia Houyuan."

"There is also the Battle of Chibi. In fact, Liu Bei is the nominal commander. Although he can't command the soldiers and horses of Soochow, but in terms of official position, Liu Bei was the largest in the coalition army at that time."

"That Huarong Road, there is such a thing, but at that time, it was not Guan Yu who chased him, but Liu Bei who chased him, but he didn't catch up. Cao Cao ran fast."

"Actually, Zhou Yu contributed a lot to the Battle of Chibi, and Huo Gong also achieved great results. However, in fact, Huo Gong did not kill so many people. The main reason is that the plague broke out on Cao Cao's side, and the people who died from the plague There were too many, Cao Cao couldn't stand it anymore, so he burned the boat and ran away."

"Hey? Why burn the boat." Coffee Bean scratched his head.

"These boats were all built by Cao Cao himself. Now it's obvious that he can't keep them and he's about to run away. Are they still reserved for Liu Bei and Sun Quan?" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes.

"Then what about the last Yiling battle? We lost even 70 people." Xiao Ye asked.

"How could there be 70 in the battle of Yiling..." Li Shuyao spread his hands: "When Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, he had almost lost Liu Bei's old background. At that time, Liu Bei also prepared for a long time to gather 4 to 5. Adding the barbarians of Shamoko and the others later, it was more than [-] people."

"So in the battle of Yiling, both sides had about the same strength, and Lu Xun was stronger, so they failed... In fact, Liu Bei can't help it. You let him fight Cao Cao. The supply line from Hanzhong is too long for him to take... ..."

"And there is another point. All of his things are self-made. He is not like Cao Cao who has roots, and he is not like Sun Quan who has a good father and brother."

"One more thing, Liu Bei was the only one in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms who hadn't slaughtered a city, and he was very tolerant to his subordinates, and he was also good to the common people, but in the later period, he was a bit overdrawn in order to unify the world."

"So what kind of person do you think a man who started from nothing and won one-third of the world in the end would be? He is not a perfect person, and he also has many shortcomings, but I think it is not an exaggeration to call him a hero. of."

Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Oh...then...then according to this, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang were deified in the novel." Xiao Hui asked.

"There are some, but Guan Yu was indeed the number one military force in that era. He was the only one who took the head of the general from Wan Jun. Don't worry about how you did it, he did it anyway."

"Zhuge Liang's words, in fact, I feel that he is a little demonized. He really has super military command ability and internal affairs management ability. During the Three Kingdoms period, the officialdom of Wei State can be said to be intriguing and smoky. Basically, Wu State is one by one. The aristocratic family controls domestic resources."

"That is to say, the Shu Han is relatively clean. Although there are several factions, compared with the neighboring two countries, it is not bad. There are no disputes or internal conflicts in the succession of the throne. Unlike the other two, the succession of the throne is almost for myself. died."

"But the novel seems to be written for him as a fairy, which is a bit wrong. He doesn't know how to call the wind and rain. This is too exaggerated."

"However, this is my own understanding. Maybe you have other understandings. Maybe you think he is not strong enough. This is very normal. After all, he did not dominate the world, and he is indeed not strong enough. It is a bit disappointing to his luxurious lineup. " Li Shuyao said with a laugh: "After all, there are so many people, but there are only a few founding emperors of the Great Unification, and each of them is the best of the best."

"Oh..." Everyone nodded together.

"So it's like this... I've raised my posture." Coffee Bean nodded.

"Don't chat, don't chat, hurry up and get ready to start."

Several people were chatting vigorously, Yan Renjin came down from upstairs:

"The arrangement is almost done, let's go, Shi Qiulian is anxious to wait."


A few people had almost rested before, and everyone was still looking forward to this small event organized by Shi Qiulian, and being able to persist here today also has something to do with everyone's anticipation for the evening event.

Now that I have expectations in my heart, I am not tired of moving bricks!
When everyone came to the original gymnasium converted into an activity room, they were immediately attracted by the nude pink walls. Under the illumination of the lights, the room looked very warm.

The ground is covered with carpet, just take off your shoes and go in. On the carpet are some things such as dolls, big pillows, big cushions, yoga balls and the like.

Dynamic music is played on the stage, and there is a dining area on the other side, where you can go if you are thirsty or hungry.

"Wuhu~ looks pretty good."

"Haha, here I come."

"Oh, that's fine."


 Thank you Yaoren Yuewu for your reward, okay~( З`●)
(End of this chapter)

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