Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 342 Decompression Classroom

Chapter 342 Decompression Classroom
Shi Qiulian also paid attention to the layout of this room. Whether it was the warm-colored background, or the carpet, pillows and toys on the floor stalls, they were all carefully designed by Shi Qiulian.

These all help everyone relax.

Shi Qiulian also prepared a lot of card games, board games and so on. Everyone can put aside the computer and mobile phone and sit and play board games together.

In the next step, she plans to get some kittens in. These small animals are very helpful for decompression. At that time, put a few kittens in this room, and they can play with them on the stall.

Well, the small detail of taking off your shoes is also one of the options for decompression.

Shi Qiulian looked at everyone excitedly ran to the carpet and smiled slightly, and nodded to the little brother who was controlling over there. In an instant, all the lights in the room were turned off, and then the lights on the stage were turned on, and the surrounding colorful lights The little lights also came on.

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of going to the theater to watch a performance.

Shi Qiulian walked to the center of the stage, looked at the people who suddenly relaxed on the carpet after the lights went out, and smiled slightly:

"Today, our stage is finally set up. We also said in advance that everyone is preparing for their talents, right? Haha, let's start when you are ready. Whoever comes first."

"I'll do it." Xiao Hui was the first to raise his hand, and then ran to the stage with a smile, holding the microphone handed over by Shi Qiulian and said with a smile: "I don't have any special talents, but I like Yao Yao very much. Brother’s song, then I’ll sing a song first.”

Whatever music you want is basically prepared in advance.

When the familiar music sounded, Li Shuyao was a little surprised, it turned out to be the smallest song "I Have Big Dreams", and she thought it would be sung in the name of my father.

Oh... In the name of the father, it seems that ordinary people can't sing it.

As soon as the music started, the surrounding lights spun along with the music. It really looked like being in a KTV, but everyone was very casual.

Li Shuyao leaned directly on a lazy sofa.

For a moment, she felt a little delusional, as if she was lying on the second floor of her own house, and the people next to her were basically lying there too. It was quite interesting to watch Xiao Hui sing for the first time.

The guy sang... Uh, not bad, no skills, all emotion.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, but it was okay, at least she didn't lose her tune, and it was quite touching to hear the guy shout out "the smallest me, but the big dream".

As CR's performance has soared, doubts about him have never stopped. Although it is very rare, after all, he has always won, but there are still some.

Some perfectionists are criticizing that if it is not for Xiao Hui, CR can achieve a record of victory, completely ignoring the fact that Xiao Hui really tried his best in that game.

He also neglected that if Xiao Hui hadn't been there, Li Shuyao, who might have forced himself to play, would have lost two games in a row.

Xiao Hui sang... After the roar, everyone started applauding together, let alone talking about how well they sang, everyone except Li Shuyao is not a professional singer or singer, it is already very good to be able to sing like this.

And he was the one who ran up, so that's a commendable courage.

Li Shuyao definitely couldn't be the first to go up, and everyone wouldn't let her go up first, if she was the first to go up, the others would have nothing to play with.

Xiao Hui felt a little embarrassed by everyone's applause, laughed a few times and then ran down, lying on the carpet all at once.

Because the light is still very dim, he doesn't have to worry about someone seeing him grinning silly.

In fact, this is also an aspect of Shi Qiulian's design. The darkness actually gives people some angles to release their hearts. Of course, some people will be afraid of the dark, so if everyone comes together, if there is music roaring around, it will not scared.

Li Shuyao also enjoys the feeling that her friends are around, and the light is not so sufficient. She still remembers that when she was in college, a senior sister took her classmates to play hide-and-seek in the teaching building at night. The lights are all turned off, but because there are so many people, they are not afraid, and even everyone is playing crazy and having fun.

Li Shuyao looked back with a smile...then...

She was shocked to find that Tantai Jingyi didn't know when she slipped away, and she didn't know where she went, and she didn't see it after turning around twice.

"What's wrong?" Totoro asked suspiciously.

"Where's Jingyi?" Li Shuyao scratched her head.

"I just went to the back of the stage... It seems to say that I went to change clothes." Totoro shrugged.

"Why don't I know?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth wide.

"You laughed so happily just now, it seems that you didn't notice him at all."

Li Shuyao: "..."

When the two were talking, Coffee Bean ran up to the stage happily, and then said with a smile while holding the microphone: "Well, I can't sing, and I don't have any talent, I... I'll tell you a joke Come on, hehehehehe..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

If you tell jokes, tell them well. Why are you giggling on a microphone?
"Once upon a time...hehehe...there was...hehehehehe...there was a potato...hehehehe...walking on the street...hehehehe...then walking and walking...hahahahahahaha..."

Li Shuyao laughed along with her speechlessly, mainly because she couldn't help it, this thing might be contagious, so everyone laughed along unconsciously.

Then she smiled and looked at the coffee beans in shock while squatting down on the stage, then hammered the ground and twitched with laughter...

Li Shuyao: "..."

What the hell happened to the potatoes, you tell me, don't just laugh!

Then everyone watched helplessly as the coffee beans rolled on the stage laughing, and then this guy rolled off the stage...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone couldn't hold back any longer, they rolled on the carpet laughing, Xiao Ye laughed and slapped the floor with the coffee beans, and Xiao Hui smoked along with him.

Li Shuyao also forced herself to stop, rubbed her face vigorously, then lightly kicked the coffee beans rolling beside her a little annoyed.

This guy is so annoying, my stomach hurts a little from laughing, why does he laugh at the top and everyone below laughs together, does this guy have some kind of magic?


This product is simply poisonous!
It seems that it will be easier to play games in the future, just throw the coffee beans into the opposing team's lounge and laugh for a while, to ensure that the opponent's state will decline rapidly during the game!
Well, we promise that we will never use coffee beans first!
When the sound of everyone's laughter gradually weakened, suddenly a beam of lights lit up on the stage, and Tantai Jingyi, who didn't know when she changed into a Jackson costume, stood on the stage.

Soon, dynamic music came from the stereo, which was somewhat similar to some of Jackson's music that Li Shuyao had heard in her previous life, but there was still a big difference.

But this did not affect everyone's cheers, a silver dress shone dazzlingly on her body, silver gloves and a silver hat made her very cool.

She turned around, her body was motionless but her whole body was constantly shifting. The optical illusion caused by the moonwalk made everyone scream even louder.

 Geng Mei's...well, I have a little idea, haha...

(End of this chapter)

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