Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 343 Dance, cross talk

Chapter 343 Dance, cross talk


"Jingyi! Jingyi! Jingyi! Jingyi!"

"Hahaha...Miss Jingyi is so handsome!"

"Cool, haha."


Li Shuyao never thought that Tantai Jingyi could dance, and she could dance in a decent way. Although she was not as good as her, she was really good at it.

When Li Shuyao looked at Jingyi's genes before, although she only looked at the most eye-catching ones, she didn't find any dancing ones, which shows that this guy's dancing talent is not high.

In other words, being able to dance like this is already the result of her hard work.

Li Shuyao suddenly remembered that recently Tantai Jingyi would lock herself in the room after training, maybe she was practicing her dance at that time.

Although she doesn't have any great dance talent, she has been practicing martial arts for several months, and her body coordination ability is completely different from before, so it is normal to be able to practice this dance.

When Tantai Jingyi completed the last movement and turned her head to look at the crowd, everyone cheered again.

Indeed, Tantai Jingyi in this look is really cool, if this guy is on the competition stage for a while, he will definitely win over many little girls...

Tantai Jingyi blinked at everyone, then ran to the back of the stage with a smile, there was a small dressing room, if you need to change clothes on stage, you can come here to change.

Because I didn't think there would be any big performances, it was just a place for the players to relax and entertain, so the locker room would not be too big.

Tantai Jingyi felt that she had to change it out quickly, not to mention that the clothes were uncomfortable on her body, and it also dazzled her eyes!
No wonder people always wear sunglasses, their feelings can't be seen clearly without sunglasses!

Tantai Jingyi's dance performance brought a small climax to this small party, especially after being tricked by the coffee bean just now, everyone's interest was raised.

At this time, Xiao Ye and Totoro looked at each other, stood up together, and walked to the stage. The two found two brackets from the back, and put the two microphones on them.

"Today, we brothers will tell you a cross talk." Xiao Ye said with a chuckle.

"I haven't talked about it in this life." Totoro pouted.

"I'm very happy to be able to convey happiness to everyone." Xiao Ye continued to laugh.

"I... was forced." Totoro looked up at the sky, and then... was shaken so that it squatted on the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ahem, unexpected accident, Totoro is always stupid, isn't it, in today's excitement, you forgot that there is a light on the top of your head, tell me." Xiao Ye quickly helped Totoro up, this was indeed an accident .

"I... I said I didn't say it, but you let me say it..." Totoro held back his mouth, then Kaba rolled his eyes: "Hey, I'm fine."

"Talk about it, talk about it, I usually say that Totoro is stupid and he still doesn't admit it, look, every time you are the worst developed in the early stage, sometimes you can't even get an assist, and your record is not as good as a support. "

"Can you blame me? The assistant ran away within a few minutes. Can you blame me? Every time I was besieged by three or four people."


Seeing Totoro complaining there, Coffee Bean smiled heartlessly and was the happiest.

"Records are useless, don't look at them, hahaha..." Coffee Bean shouted loudly from the audience.


This is probably the most recent sentence that Coffee Bean said in the competition. The poor Totoro student listens to Coffee Bean saying that the record is useless and kda is useless...

However, Totoro's data is still very good. After all, it has won so many games, and it is normal for the data to be better.

Li Shuyao smiled and listened to the two people singing and talking about cross talk on the stage. Although it didn't sound so professional, it was interesting to have a few Jinmen dialects occasionally.

After all, the two of them are talking about things around everyone. It is very interesting to talk about some small daily life as the material of cross talk. Those small daily life may not make sense to others, but they happen around them. They are the parties involved. That's very interesting.

"If you want to say it, my brother Yao is enough." Xiao Ye patted her chest.

"How do you say it?" Totoro took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere at some point, and when he raised his head, his eyes stopped blinking!
"In that training match, I was squatting in the red zone of the top lane, and then I was spotted by the opponent. At that time, the opponent came over from the top lane, jungler, and mid lane. Then Brother Yao saw me being besieged and yelled at me. Run with me! Then turn around and run away, that guy runs so fast..."


"Can I not run, I can't fight, haha." Li Shuyao also yelled.

"But should I say it or not, Brother Yao's cooking is really amazing." Xiao Ye said, thumbs up.

"That's right, I like to eat it." Totoro also nodded.

"That's right, I really like eating that cat food..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Hey? Hey? That's not right..." Xiao Ye was interrupted by Totoro right after he spoke, and Totoro hurriedly waved his hands and shouted loudly: "No, no, there is no such thing at all!"

Xiao Ye was blocked by Totoro, so she jumped up and laughed loudly:
"This... this Totoro is also a cat!"

Totoro still blocked Xiao Ye and jumped up:

"No, no... Totoro is not a cat, it must not be a cat..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xiaoye smiled and waited for everyone to finish laughing, then said:

"Actually, when Sister Qiulian wanted to buy a cat, I said, you don't need to buy it at all, what are you doing with that unjustified money, right... now those cats are dead expensive, hey, just our traditional raccoon cat I think it's fine."

"And we don't even need to buy traditional ones, right? You have that money, why don't you buy some materials for brother Yao to make a meal of cat food, right? Within a hundred miles of that guy, that little cat is crazy Watching and running, you can choose when the time comes, right, you can get whatever you want."

"Don't worry about not being able to eat it. If we can't eat it, our chinchilla will eat it, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I fought with you today..."


When the two walked off the stage, everyone applauded enthusiastically. Perhaps for them, especially for Totoro, this cross talk was really subversive.

My Neighbor Totoro usually looks unsmiling and rarely even speaks. When playing a game, it seems to have pasted a photo on the camera of the bottom road. It is motionless and looks like a (╯—╰).

This time he came to the stage to talk about cross talk, and even made fun of his own embarrassing things. Think about what show you want to perform.

And there are no outsiders, just these few people in my team, so there is no tension or anything. When everyone usually competes, there are many spectators below, so naturally there will be no tension in this small scene.

After everyone has finished their performance, the rest is up to Li Shuyao.

Everyone tacitly let Li Shuyao stay at the end, wanting to see what kind of performance she will bring to everyone.

 Thanks for the reward of eating chocolate grown up with cocoa beans, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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