Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 344 Music Feast

Chapter 344 Music Feast
Li Shuyao walked onto the stage with a smile, took the microphone and said with a slight smile: "I will play the piano for you today. I have always felt that pure music is actually a bridge to connect people's hearts. Next, everyone can Close your eyes, listen to the music quietly, and feel the beauty of the music."

Li Shuyao sat in front of the piano, opened the cover of the piano, put both hands on the keys, tilted her head and thought for a while, there was a hint of reminiscence in her eyes, and a smile could not help but curl up at the corner of her mouth.

She had already tuned this piano before, so now she can play it directly.

Ding ding dong dong sounded, and the notes seemed to jump out of the piano, surrounding everyone. Soon, the tune suddenly changed, and the notes seemed to be pouring down with the river.

After a while, the falling posture stopped, as if entering memory...

When Li Shuyao was playing, the corners of her mouth kept smiling, as if recalling those innocent days when she was in school.

That's right, what she played was the Divine Comedy after class - Memorial of Love.

The tune is full of reminiscences about the past and the irreparable regrets of the past, but perhaps in her era, every classmate would unconsciously tense when they heard this voice.

Sometimes, after leaving a place for a long time, some details of that place will become the characteristics of that place, and this song may represent that very emotional era.

However, this is really a very beautiful piece of music. In the music, you will see the vast grasslands, the mountains and flowing water... and the memories of youth.

Li Shuyao usually likes to play this piece of music at home. When she is playing, she can always see two children running happily on the prairie, seeing them playing together by the river, seeing their innocence smile.

And as the music continued to advance, she seemed to see the two people growing up and dancing happily in the music. In that world, there seemed to be no sorrow, no fear, and no sadness.

This is the world of music, people's Gensokyo. No matter what stage of life you are in, beautiful music will always bring some comfort to your life, which is the best tonic for human spirit.

Li Shuyao was also immersed in this beautiful music, she occasionally opened her eyes, and saw the audience over there were also sitting on the carpet, constantly swaying with the music.

In the time of music, time always passed quickly. When the last note stopped, she moved her fingers lightly, and another piece of music slowly unfolded.

The beginning of this piece sounds more ethereal, but it also seems to be more sad.

If the previous song seems to be reminiscing and immersed in beauty, then this song seems to be pulled into the torrent of time as a reward, allowing you to enjoy the sadness of the world.

magic day.

When this name appeared in Li Shuyao's heart, she seemed to feel a white light appeared in front of her eyes. The dazzling light made her forget which world she was in.

She seemed to close her eyes, and she seemed to see a lot...

When she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the performance of the music, the corners of her eyes were slightly moist, perhaps because she was captured by the dazzling light.

People will always shed tears after looking directly at the brilliance.

Is not it.

When the tune gradually became calmer, she didn't end it immediately, but then the tune changed, and the short piano sounded. Just now everyone listened as if they were wandering in the river of music, but now they seem to be facing raging waves Rough sea!
But everyone seems to have seen a group of fearless sailors standing on top of the sails, roaring towards the sea!

He's a Pirate!

This classic melody burst out with powerful force, making people clenched their fists unconsciously, wanting to fight the wind and waves.

This is a melody that gives people strength. Just listening to it makes me feel the strength in my heart is constantly surging.

Shi Qiulian's eyes are getting brighter when she listens to these music. Using music to adjust the mood of the other party is actually a method she often uses. She usually uses a relatively low volume and plays some soft pure music, which is still more relaxing. each other's emotions.

But at this time, she felt that if everyone listened to this song before the competition, everyone would definitely be motivated.

I've never heard this song before, is it stock?It can't be an impromptu performance on the spot, I don't believe it, if this improv performance can reach this level, all composers in the world will go to the tofu.

What's more, I don't seem to have heard the previous song. Even if you actually made such a song on the spot, I would recognize it. Who would believe it if you made it so continuously!

Also, why is the tempo of this song so fast, your hand is doubled.

At this time, Shi Qiulian observed the expressions of other people in the field, including Yan Renjin, Shen Zongyue and Chao Nian, and everyone was a little dumbfounded.

It's not like they haven't seen a master-level piano performance. They feel that Li Shuyao's performance is not as good as others except for the madness on his face, and his skill is no less than others.

Those hands seemed to be dancing on the keys, from left to right, from right to left, and the charming bass kept beating the hearts of everyone present.

And just when everyone felt that the piece was coming to an end and Li Shuyao was playing the last part, she suddenly jumped up, and Duang sat down on the bass piece of the piano.

The huge sound directly shocked everyone present, as if a heavy hammer had hit your chest, and the boys immediately stood up.

Fuck, why are you sitting on it?Are you sitting on it?
Shen Zongyue felt his heart pounding, ah... my piano, my piano... are you so tired of playing the piano?
I was wrong, I was really wrong, I have seen so many people playing the piano, but I have never seen one sitting on the piano!

The sound of Duang at the end was too shocking, it shocked me to death, just wait, if you break the piano for me, I will deduct it from your salary!

And your bonus!

My piano is precious!
You may not be enough to buckle!

But Nirvana, Shen Zongyue's mood may not be understood by everyone. The accent at the end is indeed very shocking. From the perspective of artistic effect, it is absolutely outstanding.

Li Shuyao's twists and turns, from the warm beginning, the sad middle to the slightly crazy ending, are so wonderful that her hands on the piano turned into strings of phantoms...

Everyone looked at Li Shuyao sitting on the piano with arms folded, and started applauding enthusiastically. This small concert may be something they will never forget for a long time.

Although they had never heard these three songs, they left a deep impression on them.

Well, Jingyi heard a little bit before, Li Shuyao always liked to lock herself in the room and play the piano, and occasionally heard some voices.

In fact, everyone sees different things in music. Adults can better understand the ups and downs in music because they have experienced ups and downs.

Children may just be immersed in the wonderful music and be taken away by the emotions poured into the music by the creators. They can't see such a complicated life.

But it was still a wonderful artistic edification and a musical feast for them.

 Why do I keep dreaming about falling in love in my dreams these two days... I am also convinced... Spring is here?
(End of this chapter)

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