Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 345 It's so quiet...

Chapter 345 It's so quiet...

The video recording guy next to him was very satisfied with this event. He recorded it from beginning to end, but...whether this music can be released is a question.

After all, none of these three songs seem to have been released.

It seems that this video cannot be released to the public in a short period of time. Fans are indeed at a disadvantage, but well, you can keep it for yourself to watch!


He felt the death gazes of Shen Zongyue, Chao Nian, and Shi Qiulian...

If you kid dare to swallow it alone, you will die!

The photographer brother smashed his mouth, my sister wants to be alone, why are you two so sensitive, I am the one who likes to be alone!
You don't trust me!

Believe it or not, I turned around and deleted the video for you, and none of you will watch it!Do not!See!
Although the cameraman emphasized how good he is in his heart, he finally shared the video wisely. Naturally, there was no "oppression" from Shen Zongyue, the leader of the team. Always smiling.

Voluntary, all voluntary by the photographer!

After Li Shuyao finished playing, she happily ran down from the stage, and then received warm cheers and hugs from everyone.

All the lights on the scene were also turned on, and the whole small activity room was also brightly lit. The little brother who was operating there also started to play music, so that the scene would not look a little empty. This time the small activity basically ends here. ended.

Overall, the effect is very good!
Everyone showed a completely different side of themselves than usual.

Hmm... except for Li Shuyao, who has basically always been like this.

But, looking at the team members who were chatting and laughing together, everyone felt that this small event was very meaningful.

She had actually thought about what piece Li Shuyao played this time, and some famous songs had appeared in her mind, but these three should be the ones that impressed her the most.

She often plays it herself at home, so she is still very proficient.

"Hahaha, why did you sit on it in the end? It scared me." Jingyi patted Li Shuyao's back hahaha: "It won't be broken by Qin."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm in good control, and I'm not heavy." Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands: "How about it, not bad."

"Handsome!" Xiao Hui gave a thumbs up: "Brother Yao, when will you teach us how to play the piano? I also want Duang to be like that in the end."

"No!" Before Xiao Hui finished speaking, Shen Zongyue yelled immediately. Li Shuyao sat down as soon as he sat down. He is also a martial arts practitioner after all, and he is not heavy, so there should be no problem, but look at your body shape !
You have one hundred and one at least, it's a piano!piano!It's not your spring bed. If your weight jumps on it all at once, it won't fall apart?

Xiaohui wants to learn everything from Li Shuyao, that's not good, just go to the arena and learn to sing, you can learn to sing, you can't play the piano for me!

I also deliberately wanted to Duang at the end, if you dare to Duang, I will let your ass Duang!

"Why not? I am cultivating sentiment, and playing the piano can also exercise the dexterity of the fingers, right." Xiaohui pouted and muttered softly.

"You can learn to play the piano, but you can't sit on the piano." Shi Qiulian patted Xiao Hui's shoulder with a smile, then put her arms around him and whispered in his ear: "The piano is so precious, in case you If the seat is broken, your house may be gone.”

"I'm going, it's such an exaggeration!" Xiao Hui's eyes widened all of a sudden, even though the house price in his hometown is not expensive, it's still a lot of money!

At this moment, in Xiao Hui's eyes, this piano seems to be a huge bomb, which can blow up his house in no time!

"So, Yaoyao is light, plus she knows some lightness kung fu, right... she's fine, how about you." Shi Qiulian shrugged: "So it's fine to play the piano, but don't sit on it."

"Don't play anymore, don't play anymore, it's too dangerous!"

Li Shuyao listened dumbfounded to what Shi Qiulian said to Xiao Hui. Although she spoke in a low voice, she could still hear it clearly. Sure enough, this guy can make people limping with just a few words. There is something there, and that is really amazing.

The performance is over, and it's getting late. Everyone went back to their rooms to get ready to rest. There will be no training tasks tomorrow, and the time will be left to everyone to manage, so it doesn't matter if you stay up all night tonight.

It's just that everyone is almost used to the biological clock, and they are basically a little sleepy at this time.

Sometimes laughing is very exhausting. Today, everyone was a little tired from laughing because of the coffee beans, so they all went back to their rooms one after another.

In fact, everyone ate enough for dinner. They ate a lot while watching the show, and they were basically full when Li Shuyao played the piano for the last time.

Well, when Xiaoye and Totoro were talking about cross talk, everyone ate the most...

There is also a little break between several programs. After all, we have to prepare the venue and so on, so everyone also uses this time to eat and drink.

Otherwise, Shi Qiulian wouldn't have designated an area here for everyone to eat and drink.

Back in the dormitory, Li Shuyao was not in a hurry to sleep, she lay down on the beanbag sofa, took out her phone and glanced at it.

At this time, the most discussed on the major e-sports self-media is naturally their spring competition results, and there are also statistics dedicated to analyzing everyone's data in the spring competition.

Li Shuyao is basically the first in various statistics in the top laner position, so naturally there is a frenzy of flattery below...

Li Shuyao was looking at her mobile phone silly, while Tantai Jingyi had finished washing and was about to go to bed.

After swiping her phone for a while and feeling drowsy, Li Shuyao also went to wash up, and then went to bed.

She slept quite easily that night. The previous activity made her feel relaxed physically and mentally, and soon she fell into a deep sleep... I don't know how long she slept, but she seemed to feel that Jingyi got up and went to the bathroom.

Well, anyway, it's normal to get up to go to the toilet, so she continued to sleep.

Wait until the next day to wake up...

Li Shuyao tilted her head in a daze, always feeling that something was missing on the opposite side, um, Jing Yi woke up so early, she was already out of bed.

He listened with his ears sideways, but he didn't seem to be washing in the bathroom either.

Hey, I woke up so early today.

Li Shuyao turned over and lay down on the bed for a while. Anyway, it seems that there is nothing to do today, and there is no rush for morning exercises. When the time comes, just brush your teeth and go straight down!
Wash your face and wait until you get back!
Well, maybe I have to lie down for a while in the morning and stop washing.

Hey, I don't need to practice today anyway!

after awhile……

The entire base was still silent.

Li Shuyao scratched her head, she had indeed listened carefully just now, but there was no movement other than the chirping of birds outside.

Her hearing is better, and it is quite interesting to lie in bed every day and listen to the sounds of people coming and going.

Those sounds are very small, but it feels good to listen to.

But today, it seems that there is no sound at all...

(End of this chapter)

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