Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 346 Fighting with the Air

Chapter 346 Fighting with the Air

Li Shuyao touched her chin. Generally speaking, there is no sound outside this early in the morning, but there will be some sounds in the base.

For example, the cleaning aunt who comes very early every day, that guy comes before dawn, it is said that he lives nearby, and he can walk there in a few minutes.

I don't know why those who live nearby have to be cleaning aunts here.

Maybe it's a hobby.

A few other boys occasionally get up very early, and they still make a little noise when they walk back and forth. There is also that guy Shi Qiulian, who goes to bed early every day and wakes up early, sometimes earlier than them.

It is actually very rare that there is such a quiet situation that there is no sound in the base.

Maybe... because everyone had so much fun yesterday that there was no sound at all?Not to mention that Jingyi has gone out, she should be able to make some noise.

Thinking about her more or less felt a little bit wrong.

She turned over and got up, looked around, and made sure that Jingyi was not secretly hiding in a corner of the house, and then walked slowly to the bathroom, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly while washing.

She just suddenly remembered something.

Today is April 4st!
These people must be somewhere, ready to scare themselves!

Hmph, Shen Zongyue didn't arrange a rest early, and didn't arrange a rest in the evening, but today arranged a rest, it's definitely a bag!Tibetan!disaster!Heart!
This guy is intentional, maybe there is something weird and weird that jumps out suddenly to scare you.

These people like to go up and "bully" when they see beautiful young ladies. She knows this kind of thing very well, how can she not know what these guys think?

These people must have colluded, trying to scare themselves when they just woke up...

I have completely seen through your little tricks!

Li Shuyao feels that she is now the Everest of IQ, and these little brats are still a little younger compared to the protagonist of her own novel, although both of you are famous combat (lao) art (yin) masters ( bi), but no matter how cunning you are, the wolf can't beat the son of the plane!

Li Shuyao chuckled, and felt that she was a terrifying existence with luck, and a unique and powerful person who made fun of the emperor!
What she has to do now is to find those clues, uncover the pranks of these people little by little, and then succeed in turning the tables, pinching her waist and giggling triumphantly under their frustrated eyes!
Uh, no, how could it be a smirk, it should be a triumphant smile!

In fact, it is very simple to crack these people's pranks. As long as she is lying on the bed, these people will definitely come to her out of boredom, but that would be meaningless!

Since she wants to play, she must make gestures with you!

Haha, isn't it just a little trick to scare people, my mother has seen it a lot in the video!
As a result, Li Shuyao turned into Sherlock Holmes Yao in an instant, not only seeing all directions and listening to all directions, but also being very careful about every object he was about to touch, making sure that there was nothing mischievous about it before touching it.

After washing all the way...

She felt as if nothing had happened.

Li Shuyao is speechless, these people don't care at all, shouldn't you put mustard on the toothpaste, shouldn't you put a water balloon on the door, shouldn't you hide a clown doll that suddenly jumped out behind the door, You have nothing, what kind of prank are you playing with me?
Unprofessional, very unprofessional!
Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, put on her practice clothes, tied her hair up, squeezed her fists, nodded towards the mirror, and was ready to start today's battle!

Come on, let's see who is the millennium fox!
Li Shuyao first carefully observed the door of the dormitory, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she quietly opened the door, and then quickly hid beside her, her posture looked no different from that of a professional secret agent!

Li Shuyao tilted her head slightly, and after making sure that there was no one outside the door, she walked to the door little by little, took a quick look outside, and quickly backed away.

Well, there is no one in the corridor.

Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, this is an opponent who has predicted my prediction?

I rubbed my chin a little. These people usually have ghosts and ghosts in the competition. Maybe there are some routines and anti-routines in it.

Don't be careless!
The strategy of luring the enemy deep cannot be easily hit!

Li Shuyao ran back to the house. Now the house is a safe place, and the outside still needs to be explored a little bit!

I went back and found a small mirror, then found a broom, stuck the small mirror to the handle of the broom, stretched it out little by little, turned around to look, turned around to look.

There is no one!

There is really no one, are these people really not up?
Am I thinking too much?
I can't.

The point is, where did Jing Yi go?
Li Shuyao scratched her head, thinking that she still needs to go out and have a look. With her own skills, even if those guys want to do something, it is impossible for those guys to do it!

After strengthening her belief, Li Shuyao came out little by little, shook her head, then went back, then moved her head again, and then went back again.

After repeating this three times!
Nothing happened.

Li Shuyao analyzed it for a while.

Either the other party's patience is extremely strong, and he can see that he is trying to scare the snake, or there is no one outside!
Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, if it was classmate Xiao Ye, it is still possible, after all, this guy often squats when he is in gank, he has experience in this matter!

After swaying for a few times, she was sure that there was no one there, so Li Shuyao moved out little by little. She felt that she had already transformed into Yao Rambo at this moment, and she was only short of holding a gun in her hand.

Well, she took a long pillow, and the effect is similar.

She gave up on that broom, and she was afraid that in case of a subconscious reaction, if she pulled the broom over, the other party might be whipped to the ground...

This is also very possible.

Others should be able to run when they encounter ghosts, but when she encounters ghosts, she should just rush up with a stick.

So she was afraid that if someone really scared her, she would get bored with a stick... Maybe she really wouldn't be able to play in the playoffs.

Li Shuyao looked up and down, and there were no traps around.

She hugged a pillow like she was holding a rifle, and then ran to Shi Qiulian's door vigilantly at a tactical pace, sticking to the door and listening carefully.

Well, there was no sound at all.

Then he ran forward a few more times, and carefully ran to the door of the room of the other boys, pasted it and listened for a while.

There is no sound at all!
Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, she already knew that this must be a prank, how could there be no one in the base so early in the morning.

Damn it, they even collude to play a prank on me, so let's touch each other!

What are these people's pranks?How come there is nothing now, you at least let me break a few traps, you always make me fight wits against the air, it will make me look stupid.

I would be so embarrassed.

You jumped out of a ghost and let me beat you!
Are you wasting my feelings!
 Classmates, we are going to close the school again... This time I am healed from the injury, and I should live in the school for a long time. It is estimated that the school will be very busy during the closure period. I will try my best to keep updated. If I am very busy, I will at least guarantee 1
(End of this chapter)

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