Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 34 I'm a person who wants to be a superhero!

Chapter 34 I am the one who wants to be a superhero! (Seeking collection~asking for recommendation~)

"Captain, there are a group of dogs chasing a cat in the yard." The novice security guard said, "I feel something is wrong. These dogs don't look like stray dogs."

"Oh, did the dog bite someone?" asked the security captain.


"Is there anyone around that dog?"


"Then why do you care so much? We mainly serve people, people, not dogs!" The security captain glared: "If a dog is about to bite someone, we should command the team out as soon as possible, but a group of dogs chased Why are you so excited all the time?"

There are many people who keep pets in the community, and the greenery here is very good. As a result, there are piles of stray cats in the community.

They clean up stray dogs regularly, so basically there will not be too many of them. After all, this dog is quite aggressive, especially once stray, if it is infected with rabies, the harm will be too great.

Generally speaking, they will be caught and sent to the rescue station or the pet hospital at the door.

Of course, there are also some dogs that are very valuable breeds, and they are caught by them to raise or sell them.

But I don’t care much about cats. One is that they are not very aggressive, and you will have a good relationship with you if you feed them casually. The other is that their reproductive ability is too strong, and they will have a litter if they are not careful...

So they really couldn't solve the problem of stray cats, so they let them go. On the contrary, some lonely old people like to feed them.

So, if a group of dogs chased a cat, it must be that the dogs of those residents were chasing stray cats. What is there to be curious about, he often sees it.

"Oh..." The newcomer security nodded and said: "But do you think that the place where those dogs are located is not that far from the beautiful girl you saw, would they meet?"

When he said this, the two security guards and the security captain were shocked, and then quickly began to check the surrounding surveillance.

Then the security captain came to a conclusion...

What the rookie security guard said is so fucking possible.

What is the ending of this group of dogs chasing cats and red eyes and meeting the cute little sister?
Of course, these dogs were raised by people after all, and there is a certain possibility that the dogs stopped or ran away when they saw people.

But the security captain didn't dare to gamble on this possibility.

"Xiao Liu, you are very sharp. Keep an eye on it. I'll go and see for myself. You can contact me on the walkie-talkie at any time."

The security captain felt the responsibility on his shoulders at this moment, the maid dress girl was in danger at this moment, it was the time for him to step forward!

Who are the people who live here?

They are all little rich women!

Let's see when the time comes, if it's someone's little four or five, leave behind a gentleman's back and hurry away, it's even better if you're single, he can become a gentleman!
Well, this gentleman and that gentleman may not be a gentleman.

So while several security guards looked at each other in blank dismay, the security captain left them a chic and eager back and quickly disappeared from their field of vision.


Ding Jiantuan is very distressed recently, because he was driven out by the damn security guards of this community, and notified their site to prevent him from coming to this community again.

It's really abominable, there are very few people ordering food here, and he was originally a part of the nearby area. If he doesn't let him in, the people who come over from their station will run away.

But it doesn't matter!
The most important thing is to save the actual task!

There is a monster in here!There are monsters!
These mortal security guards didn't even know what the chosen ones were, so they kicked him out just like that. These people are the villains in the movie!Or the silliest of people!

In the end, these people were either eaten by monsters, or they knelt in front of the protagonist and wept bitterly.

And he is the protagonist!
Today, he, Ding Jiantuan, finally found a chance to enter this community again!

Today, from nowhere, a group of dogs drilled a hole out of the green belt, and then he went over to take a closer look, and even a hole appeared in the fence. This is simply a godsend!

Sure enough, he said that he is the protagonist, and there is always a chance to find a flaw. Whenever he can't find a direction, God will give him a direction!
This is exactly how the protagonist of a novel is treated!

So, he got through a certain dog hole and entered this community.

He didn't feel shame, all he felt was responsibility!
Yes, this is the sense of responsibility of the protagonist of the novel. Although he used to be just a takeaway boy, as the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor!
Uh, don't bully the middle-aged and poor!
Hey, aren’t many of the protagonists in those novels also the souls of middle-aged uncles? People only become reliable and responsible when they reach middle age. What do those little kids know about superheroes?

Ding Jiantuan followed a few dogs all the way into the community. Of course, he was more careful than the dogs, because the dogs could show up swaggeringly, but he couldn't.

Hiss, it sounds a bit aggrieved...

But it doesn't matter, the aggrieved at this time is to slap them in the face when the time comes!Such a strong contrast reflects his infinite stature. When the time comes, his immoral things such as sneaking into other people's closed communities will be directly ignored. Anyway, he is just!
Soon, he felt that something was wrong. These dogs seemed to be looking for something, and they were very purposeful along the way...

Ding Jiantuan looked at the dogs from a distance and raised his eyebrows. Why?

Just when he was wondering, he suddenly saw Li Shuyao... Hiss, she is so beautiful... Ah bah, Ding Jiantuan, Ding Jiantuan, you are going to be a superhero, you must not be fooled by this monster!

Why is she so beautiful?Why is it so charming?She is also wearing a Maid dess evilly. This is to come out to eat people, this is to lure people out to eat people!
You see she is more beautiful than last time!
You see how wickedly she dresses!

Look at her with bunny ears!

Maybe her body is the rabbit essence!

Cough cough, it's too evil, it actually made me, the protagonist, drool, ordinary people can't resist her at all!It's so powerful!

However, the strength of the enemy reflects the importance of me as the protagonist.

Wait, the dogs seem to be running towards her again.

Suddenly, Ding Jiantuan's eyes lit up!
Come, come, this is his destined pet, a member of his protagonist group, and his right-hand man!These dogs are the summoned beasts bestowed on him by the heavens!It is to help him defeat the evil monsters!

It turns out that my ability is beast control!Such a powerful ability, so exciting!

Ding Jiantuan saw that Li Shuyao also walked into the grass and squatted down, and when he raised his hand after a while, his hand was stained with some blood...

At this time, several dogs were barking at Li Shuyao.

Ding Jiantuan's eyes gradually turned red. He knew that it was his companions who were fighting for him. He understood that this was the call of his companions, to stop the monsters from committing crimes, and to let him go there and fight side by side with them!
At this moment, his blood is boiling, his heart is beating faster, he feels it, he feels it, this is the call of fate!
So he took a deep leap, jumped out of the grass, jumped to his partner, pointed at Li Shuyao and shouted: "Hey, monster, I caught you today, and my righteous partner and I are going to treat you right now!" Lower the punishment, you wake up!"

Li Shuyao: "???"

Dog group: "???"

Security captain: "What is this..."

 Is there any recommendation ticket~ Ask for a ticket~
  (Thank you for the reward at the corner~ Meme~)

(End of this chapter)

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