Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 35 She's a Monster!monster!

Chapter 35 She's a Monster!monster!
Li Shuyao and the dogs looked at the man who jumped out suddenly with confused faces. There was a pinch of green leaves on this man's head, and he looked like he had a personality.

The security captain, who was watching secretly not far away, also looked confused. Isn't this guy wandering outside the community? Why did he come in today?

In fact, Ding Jiantuan did not come here every day, otherwise Li Shuyao would meet Li Shuyao when he came out often. He also had to go to work, and he was very busy at work, but it happened that he had a rest today, so he came here, and then saw the dog hole by accident, I have to say it was heaven Favor it.

Li Shuyao is also confused now.

She was happily taking a walk against the sun, experiencing high heels... um, that, just experiencing this outfit... It's not right, oh, it's just walking anyway.

Then she heard a group of dogs barking.

It's a real dog barking, not a metaphor.

She was still wondering, she had walked this road many times, and she would occasionally see little squirrels, stray cats, and the like, and she even saw a cat with a mouse in its mouth.

But it was the first time she saw a group of dogs barking.

And there is no master yet, which is strange.

Then she saw a dying kitten covered in blood lying on the lawn. The kitten looked at her pitifully and meowed, her breathing was very weak.

She walked quickly to the side of the kitten. She was sure that if she took a step slower, the kitten would be taken away by these dogs.

It's so doggy that he doesn't even let such a cute little milk cat go!
So she gently touched this little milk cat, and then she was stunned for a moment, she looked at the complex genes on the kitten with a confused face, this... is it a cat?

She has also touched many cats, and she basically knows the attributes of cats. Even if this cat has super fast, sharp claws, night vision, and jumping, she can understand it.

But why does this cat have intelligence and a color change...

You're writing a novel here.

In addition, there are some weird things, such as physical breakdown, such as skin rupture, such as blindness, such as deafness...

What happened to this little guy?
Is this something a cat can have?
How did it survive till now...

Oh, it looks like he is going to die.

Of course, the worst thing about this cat is that its DNA has been damaged in a large area, and many DNA strands have been broken. Li Shuyao has never seen such a situation.

So she subconsciously started to treat the cat, directly deleted the genes she thought were bad, and then started to repair the DNA.

Fortunately, she was wearing gloves, otherwise she would probably have cat blood on her hands.

She treated her here, but the dog on the other side kept barking, but it didn't rush forward, and it seemed that she would not attack people at all.
While she was being treated, Ding Jiantuan suddenly jumped out...

At this time, she is repairing the damaged DNA of the kitten. She must not let it go. Although the kitten is dripping with blood, the scars have nothing to do with those dogs. collapsed.

The cells in the biological body are constantly being updated, and DNA is the template, and cells are constantly copied and born according to the template. If the DNA is completely fragmented, the organism will gradually fail, because the old cells die No new cells are born after that.

That's when I met Li Shuyao. Li Shuyao is the only one in this world who can save this little cat...

It's just that Li Shuyao was a little puzzled, what exactly did this little milk cat go through, and why did it become like this?

Of course, there is no time for her to think about these things now, that Tie Hanhan who jumped out for some reason was pointing at her and yelling at her... Uh, not cursing, just saying some weird things.

"Monster, let go of that kitten. I didn't expect you to be so cruel that you wouldn't even let a cat go!"

"Today, my righteous partners and I stand up! Just to destroy you and save the world!"

"Monster! You've finally shown your true colors, you bastard!"


The other Li Shuyao can bear it, and she can't stand the rabbit spirit, you are the rabbit spirit, and your whole family is the rabbit spirit!

At this time, she can't control so much anymore, can you bear it if someone points at you and scolds you?
Is it tolerable or unbearable? Uncle can bear it and auntie can't bear it!
She's here to save cats, didn't she see those dogs standing there obediently, what are you twolegs doing here?
"Hey, where did you come from?" Li Shuyao shouted with staring eyes, "If you are sick, go to the hospital as soon as possible, don't wander around outside, you know that you are so easy to get beaten."

Fuck, so cute...

Cough, bah, bah, bah, these are all monsters' tricks to deceive people's hearts. As a messenger of justice, how can I be confused by this monster.

Damn it, this monster is so charming, I can't resist it as the protagonist, and ordinary people can't resist it even more.

That's why the gods sent dogs to help. Sure enough, everything was arranged!
"You rabbit spirit put away your supernatural powers, your charm skills are not good for me!" Ding Jiantuan put his hands behind his back, and when the wind blew... a leaf fell on his head accurately.

Well, if another gourd falls on top of his head at this time, he can already cosplay the gourd baby in place.

"Get out! You're mentally ill." Li Shuyao panted out of breath. If she hadn't been treating Kitten, she would have kicked him up and down, but she was wearing high heels, which would be pretty cool. pain!

Hiss, the scolding look is also so cute.

Cough, calm down, calm down.

"Friends of justice, go and end the evil in this world!" Standing beside the dogs, Ding Jiantuan waved at Li Shuyao.

The dogs ignored him, looked at Li Shuyao and then at the little milk cat, and sat on the ground unwillingly.

Well, some even yawned.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"You'd better get out now, or I'm not sure what will happen in a while." Li Shuyao was almost done with the treatment, the kitten's DNA was really broken, otherwise it wouldn't take so long.

Li Shuyao picked up the kitten, and now the DNA has been repaired, but the wound is still not healed, so she still needs to take it to the pet hospital.

Seeing that Li Shuyao was about to leave, Ding Jiantuan also came out, and the dogs all stood up.

At this time, the security captain who had been watching secretly for a long time finally showed up with a younger brother...

Well, this little guy is also concerned about the safety of the security captain and the residents, so he took the initiative to come over to help.

"Excuse me, sir, are you a resident of this community or a resident here to visit?" the security captain said with a smile.

"No, I'm here to slay demons." Ding Jiantuan said anxiously: "Don't let her run away, she's leaving, you see she's going to suck the blood of that cat, catch her quickly. "

"Sir, sir, don't get excited." The security captain said with a smile, "We've ordered a car, and we'll send you to kill demons right away."

"Captain, what kind of car." The team member next to him whispered.

"The car from the mental hospital." The security captain also whispered, then turned to look at Li Shuyao...

Uh, Li Shuyao has already left with the cat in her arms.

Who can bear to encounter mental illness every day.

"No, Comrade Security, she is a monster, she really is a monster, you have to believe me! She is a monster." Ding Jiantuan, who was kindly invited out by the security guard, said as he walked out.

The remaining dogs looked at Li Shuyao's direction and barked a few times, then turned and left unwillingly.

 Well, I want to add a line, but I’m hesitating. Write it down. If it feels awkward, I won’t add it. I’ll dig a hole first, and it depends on my mood. Haha, it doesn’t affect the main line anyway, it’s just a hidden line.

  Hey, take it easy, you won't hit me~
(End of this chapter)

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