Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 348 This product is indeed a bit neurotic

Chapter 348 This product is indeed a bit neurotic

Hearing Li Shuyao's exclamation, everyone subconsciously looked towards the screen. At this time, the picture on the screen was at the gate of the base. It looked like it had fallen to the ground, crookedly illuminating the picture inside the lawn.

This camera should have been taken down by Li Shuyao, and then it seemed to be attacked at the door?
Ah this...

Are you serious?

In the compound of CR, everyone who comes in has passed the security check. Are you sure you will encounter an attack here?What age is this, and can we still encounter attacks here?
Well, even if you take a step back, there are really people inside CR who can't figure it out and launched an attack on you. Is there anyone here who is your opponent?
Ordinary girls may be physically fit even if they have practiced more martial arts, and they may still be a little powerless in the face of attacks, but are you an ordinary girl?

Can ordinary girls split bricks with bare hands?
Good guy, you can join the army directly and fight with the female soldiers.

Can you still be attacked like this?
Anyway, we don't believe it!

Can you act a little more fake?

If you work a little harder, I'll believe it!

Everyone looked at Shi Qiulian in unison, what you said before was correct, what do you think of your situation now?
Shi Qiulian shrugged: "You guys go play together, it's very interesting, haha."

A few people glanced at each other, and felt that what Shi Qiulian said was indeed a bit reasonable, it was all about playing anyway, so let's play together.

So a group of people ran out with a whoosh.

Because it was next door, when I came out, I saw a video camera lying on the lawn at the gate of the base, but Li Shuyao was indeed missing.

Everyone searched around, but there was no sign of her in the entire CR compound.

At this time, many people from CR have already come out and started dancing the money grabbing dance. After such a big commotion, it was already past seven o'clock, and it was really hard to find it all of a sudden.

It's not that Li Shuyao is afraid of sneaking into the crowd.

It would be easy to find her if she really burrowed into the crowd. The dancers were basically in suits and leather shoes. Li Shuyao was wearing a clean white exercise suit, and she would definitely stand out from the crowd when she stood there.

The main reason is that these people are a bit blocking the line of sight, if Li Shuyao ran far away, it would be hard to spot.

"Hey, there's something here." Tantai Jingyi searched around in the grass, and suddenly found a small note.

"I was captured by aliens, you have to find me within half an hour, otherwise I won't cook porridge for you!"

Tantai Jingyi slammed her mouth, okay, there are so many tricks... But, you left some clues, are you just looking for it?hide and seek?
Several people ran back and forth around the base. It stands to reason that they came down within 2 minutes after Li Shuyao called out.

From this point of view, Li Shuyao should still be around.

So, while shouting her name, several people rummaged around looking for someone, but they still found nothing.

Several people were divided into two groups, one group searched inside the house, and the other group searched outside.

Several people even lifted the sofa and opened the kitchen cabinets, but Li Shuyao was still nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? I found something here." Xiao Ye ran out from the base, holding a note in his hand with a horizontal line and a dot written on it.

Tantai Jingyi: "This... what is it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this...may be the famous Morse code." Xiao Hui rubbed his chin: "I watched a spy war TV series in the past two days, and there is such a thing in it."

"You understand?" Coffee Bean asked.

"I don't understand..." Xiao Hui shook his head resolutely, he was just joking, he was just watching TV, so why really want to study the Morse code?Besides, TV dramas may not be completely accurate, people just point and draw casually.

"So...she stayed here in the hope that we could understand this thing?" Totoro tilted his head.

"It should not be." Tantai Jingyi shook her head. Although Li Shuyao usually likes to say that she is very smart, she still knows what level the big guy is. Just hide it, no one will find her.

"Huh? Do you think this thing looks like a painting?" Xiao Ye scratched her head and turned the note upright.

"When you put it that's really a bit similar."

Several people nodded, this thing really looks like a tree.

"Well, she can't be on the top of the tree." Xiao Hui said a little uncertainly: "The trees in our yard are not low."

"Let's go, let's go out and have a look..."

Together, several people ran outside. There was a row of trees at the gate of the base, but they really didn't look up before.

After running out, several people started to look up, and then saw a big black spot on the Metasequoia just at the gate of the base...

"I'll go, is that Yaoyao? She looks like a big black mouse."

"I'm coming down..." Seeing that everyone saw her, Li Shuyao laughed, and jumped down from the tree naked.

"Damn slow down."

"My God, someone jumped a tree."

"I'll go, Brother Yao, you are too aggressive."

"Don't, don't, don't fall..."

Several people were stunned when they saw Li Shuyao jumping down vigorously. It must have been four or five meters, so you just jumped down?

Then, when Li Shuyao was about to land on the ground, he lightly kicked the tree trunk next to him, then jumped to the opposite tree, tapped the branch, turned somersault in the air and landed smoothly!
The difficulty factor is 99999, and the friends next to me are shocked!Even many of the little friends who danced the money grabbing dance over there did not catch them.

Well, in fact, the dance of catching money over there is coming to an end, and many people have started fishing. If there is a lot of movement here, look here... Then I saw Li Shuyao jumping a tree...

Then there was a little commotion.

It was indeed a little bit scary.

Jumping from a tree is scary, doing somersaults in the air and landing even more!

This... hangs on to Wia?
I didn't see the device...

This is a bit outrageous, isn't it true that you are the legendary Qinggong master?Why don't you perform light kung fu and float on water?

But no matter what, there is one more urban legend about Li Shuyao...

"Haha, what's the matter, are you startled, haha." Li Shuyao patted Tantai Jingyi's shoulder and said with a smile: "How, are you scared, haha, are you scared, don't worry Don't worry, it's April Fool's Day, haha, I lied to you."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

I'm afraid of a P, who can you scare?
Oh no, it was really scary for you to jump down from the tree at the end. Can you do those dangerous moves in the future? If you jump from the top of the tree, even if you are fine, it’s not good to hit any flowers and plants. !

"What kind of expression do you guys have? Haha, are you shocked by my previous performance? Haha, it's all right, it's all trivial, but minors shouldn't imitate it, it's dangerous." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

Everyone: "..."

Well, sister Qiu Lian is right, this guy is a bit nervous.

 Happy weekend everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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