Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 349 The Fool Chapter Not A Fool

Chapter 349
After doing morning exercises together as usual, we drank a bowl of porridge comfortably, and then we all lay down on the sofa...

It took a long morning, and everyone was a little sleepy. Except for Li Shuyao, everyone else got up early in the morning, and the cost of this whole person was quite high.

After exercising and eating, drowsiness flooded back, and the four boys fell asleep a little bit. Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were also resting beside them. There was no training task today, and everyone was very relaxed.

Li Shuyao lay on the sofa and suddenly smiled...

"What are you thinking about?" Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows.

"Suddenly thought of an April Fool's Day when I was in school." Li Shuyao slapped her lips, "That time the class monitor called me and said that there was a list from the instructor, and asked me to call the school committee quickly. I was very anxious. "

"Then after I called the school committee, she said it's nothing..."

"Oh, you were deceived." Tantai Jingyi suddenly said.

"Well, the school committee said I was being tricked, haha, it was quite interesting to think about it at the time." Li Shuyao chuckled: "Do you feel that this day is actually the most sincere day."

"Ang... how to say?" Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes.

"You see, people usually do everything possible to conceal, cover up, and deceive. Only on this day, they will admit that they have lied to you openly, and then laugh and sincerely say 'I lied to you' , and then both sides easily uncovered it.”

Li Shuyao shrugged while lying on the sofa:

"Only this day, everyone will boldly lie to others with confidence, then admit it casually, and get forgiven very easily."

"You see, if you are cheated, people may not admit it, and you will not forgive each other easily. This is a big gap."

Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth, although what you said is quite reasonable, but the figure of you hugging a pillow at the door pretending to be an agent and then jumping out of a tree just now is really deeply rooted in people's hearts.

It's hard for me to combine these two you, are these two really one person?I'm afraid you're not a smart girl!

If something happens to you and you are sad, I understand. You were jumping up and down just now, and then you sat on the sofa and suddenly smiled, and then you started feeling emotional about life...

I really can't turn this corner!
You flicked my tail so suddenly that I was caught off guard.

"Hmm..." Tantai Jingyi nodded, it's fine to nod seriously at this time.

Well, you can't smile and nod, you must nod seriously, so that it looks like you agree with her point of view.

This way it seems that you respect her very much, and it also seems that you understand it quite well.

You can't talk too much, because if you talk too much, you will reveal your secrets!
"Sometimes, I actually really hope that every day is April Fool's Day, so that even if I make a mistake, even if I do something that I regret, then I laugh out loud and say 'I'm lying to you' and laugh at each other, Then it went back to how it was before..."

Li Shuyao shrugged and said with some emotion:

"You said that if I yelled to the sky, 'I'm lying to you', would I go back to the previous world?"

"Ah? The previous world?" Tantai Jingyi scratched her head: "Oh... I hope it's okay."

Tantai Jingyi smiled and hugged Li Shuyao, sure enough the child missed his parents again, otherwise he wouldn't have thought about these things, and sure enough he suddenly began to feel emotional about life, there is a reason for it.

Li Shuyao knew that what Tantai Jingyi was thinking of should not be the same world as she was talking about, but it didn't matter, speaking of it, if she really went back, she wouldn't want to...

In that world, I was still a social animal who worked hard without complaining, but this world suddenly became free, so I definitely don't want to go back, even if you drag me back!
Suddenly, at this moment, she felt the shattering of time and space, and the surrounding environment was receding. At this moment, she looked up and saw the KVT she traveled through... Shit.

Haha, I am very happy with the skin.

There is no such thing as traveling back in time, and Li Shuyao just sighed for a while. There are too many liars on the Internet during this period of time, and about [-]% of the private messages are liars.

There are all kinds of cheaters, and there are all kinds of people.

Li Shuyao also sighed a little, and didn't know why, there seemed to be more and more liars in this world, and every day I could always see all kinds of scammers trying to cheat money and sex.

Although everyone played a little prank today, they all admitted it openly afterwards.

Then she suddenly remembered these things, feeling a little bit emotional.

"It turns out that April Fool's Day is actually the least foolish, which is somewhat ironic." Li Shuyao shrugged.

"Yes..." Tantai Jingyi nodded seriously.

"Thinking about it now, online marketing accounts are deceiving people, many netizens are deceiving people, people who meet for the first time are basically deceiving people, and superiors and subordinates are also deceiving people... Oh, it seems that countries and countries are also deceiving people, Come to think of it, we seem to be living in a world woven of lies."

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth:
"Maybe we don't know what the world is like at all, or maybe we shouldn't know. After all, the truth is always cruel. We live in lies, but at least we will be happy, foolish and confused. For the rest of my life, I don’t have to bear such heavy pressure.”

"Actually speaking, I admire those who fabricate the lies of this society. They let many people live a happy life, and they put all the pressure on themselves."

"These people are actually very great, and their lies can be said to be great lies..."

"There are also some so-called white lies, some of which are indeed well-meaning, but some are hurting you in the name of your own good."

"Look, people are actually such contradictory creatures. For the same thing, it's good to say that, and it's bad to say that. Even lies have good intentions."


Li Shuyao let out a long sigh and leaned back on the sofa:
"Human emotions are too complicated. There has never been absolute right or absolute wrong. In fact, whether it is justice or evil hegemony, it is actually summed up by human beings with their own emotions."

"We always say, don't be influenced by emotions. In fact, our laws and morals are not all evolved from human emotions for thousands of years."

"Human beings can never escape the influence of emotions."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Didn't you talk about deceiving people before? How did you flicker to some kind of justice? How did you turn around so smoothly...

Didn't you talk about the class monitor and the school committee at the beginning, why did you suddenly become a human being... Your span seems to be so wide.

Forget it, this thing has always been like this, um... it's quite interesting.

Although I don't know what this bastard is talking about, but seeing how much you talk, then you are right!

Tantai Jingyi has always been very generous to Li Shuyao in this regard, I don't quite understand what you are saying, right, anyway, you are smart, so what you say should be right.

It should be like this.

 The school will be closed tomorrow, come on, I hope the epidemic will pass quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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