Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 350 Advance to the Finals

Chapter 350 Advance to the Finals
The promotional video had already been released before the playoffs started. Although Li Shuyao didn't watch it, she still opened the promotional video under the strong request of the audience. It was not long in total, only about a minute and a half.

"It's not that I want a live broadcast. You asked me to watch it." Li Shuyao was speechless. She was actually planning to download the video, and she slightly rejected the video, but the audience's request was too strong. , and then accidentally opened it.

In fact, the promotional video is relatively simple. It is a group of teenagers exuding the atmosphere of the second year of middle school. The main thing is that everyone walks up the steps step by step. The surrounding is the feeling of the cosmic starry sky. Flying next to it, in order to chase the trophy placed in the center.

It was quite normal to come here, but when Li Shuyao sat down in front of the guqin and looked down at all living beings with a proud face, the barrage suddenly went wrong:

"Rumor scold me!"

"Please step on me hard!"

"Hey, I can do it from this angle!"

"Suddenly moved!!!"

"I didn't expect Yaoyao to be able to do this!"



Li Shuyao: "..."

what are you guys saying?
What the hell is that string of stars?Why was it blocked directly? How many others I didn’t see and were deleted? Why did you post these things in the official video?
So pure, I can't understand what you guys are doing at all!

Uh... well, although I can understand a little bit of it, but this is the reason you are talking about here!
Li Shuyao estimated that there might be more deleted.

for a moment...

She blushed a little.

This thing is clear and understandable, but when it really happened to me...

You just wait, when labor and management finish the playoffs, I will give you the whole cool special when I go back!Frighten you!Let's see if you still call out by then!

Then Li Shuyao saw that her live broadcast room had fallen... a large area was full of "my sister scolded me..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

This is definitely premeditated!

Well, although I have said that I haven't followed the fan group in real time these two days, I occasionally look at it, when are these people...

Hiss...could it be Fang Xuening?
It seems very likely.

Hmph, when the playoffs are over, let's settle the old and new scores together!

"Okay, okay, today's live broadcast is almost here. I will start preparing for the playoffs in the next few days. Maybe the time for live broadcast will be a little less, but there will still be a lot of videos. Haha, there are still some in stock. .”

Li Shuyao decided to ignore these guys, watching the excitement all day long is no big deal!
"Songs, let's wait until the playoffs are over. In fact, the production is almost done. Oh, why do you ask for it so frequently! Sows don't give birth like this. Let's see which singer releases a song a month. , the teachers who appraised the prizes must have been too busy."

"Okay, okay, let's get off."

The vigorous playoffs will soon begin. Compared with the regular season, the intensity of the playoffs has obviously been raised to a higher level.

After all, after a season of running-in, everyone's tacit understanding has been greatly improved, and everyone's research on their respective opponents has also deepened.

At the beginning of the Spring Split, there was still too little information on the opponents, and the analysis teams of the major teams still had the impression of the opponents from last season, so accidents often occurred.

The beginning of the season is the time when upsets are most likely to occur. After all, at that time, everyone did not know what routines the opponent would have. Once there is a new tactical system, it is easy to open up the situation.

And as the season continues, this situation of relying on novel routines will not be able to sustain, and the more strength will be needed in the future.

After all, the coaching staff of the major teams are studying the latest tactics and how to deal with the latest tactics, so if you want to rely on one routine to break through all the teams, you need to be strong enough personally.

CR is currently like this.

CR's routine for the Spring Split is very obvious, that is, the top lane is the core, and the top lane is used to break through the opponent's defense.

This routine doesn't seem difficult, but it needs to be strong enough in the top lane. After all, the resources in the early stage have been tilted to you. If you can't be strong, then the whole situation will collapse directly.

So in fact, by the end of the regular season, CR's opponents had already begun to consciously target the top lane.

It's just that Li Shuyao's current personal strength is too strong, so there is no way to crack it, and some other teams have begun to imitate this style of play to a certain extent.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire LPL competition area's emphasis on top lane has suddenly increased.

Therefore, in fact, which position in a competition area can produce talents depends on the style of the competition area. In the past, lpl basically played the core of the bottom lane, so the AD position is full of talents, and the ecological environment of the top lane is extremely poor. A breakthrough was opened from the top lane.

Now that the focus has shifted to the top lane, the top lane is also full of talents. After these few seasons of running-in, lpl's top lane can be said to be one of the best in the league.

During the impromptu playoffs, some statistics for the regular season of the spring season were also calculated. Li Shuyao won the MVP of the spring season, the best rookie, and three honors in the top lane. It can be said to be unprecedented.

Since the beginning of LPL, it can be said that a complete rookie has achieved such a result in the first season.

There are also foreign players who have achieved such achievements, but they are not newcomers. They are newcomers to lpl, but they are already very good in the competition area.

There is no objection to this announcement.

The key players' results are there. The record of winning all games in the Spring Split is too impressive. The only big game that CR lost was played by Xiaohui.

Xiaochang naturally loses. Li Shuyao is easy to lose when playing meat, which makes Chaomian very helpless. Chaomian wants to practice more lineups, so as to give the team more error tolerance.

But this guy is useless once he plays with meat, which is very speechless.

Although it is not that he has not won a game, but the winning rate is very touching...

So Chow Noodles gave up letting Li Shuyao play with meat.

Anyway, judging from this version, fighters are more powerful in the top lane. After Li Shuyao gets up, he can basically kill the opponent's AD within two seconds, commonly known as the AD killer...

In this way, there are still teams that play the core of the bottom lane and basically explode when they encounter it, and the AD is directly blown through if it is seconds.

After the playoffs round after round, by the time of the semi-finals, basically all the remaining teams are teams with top lane as the core.

CR faced FSG, the only opponent that lost a game in the spring split. This time Li Shuyao played and advanced to the final of the winner's bracket with a score of 3 to 1, while FSG fell into the loser's bracket.

This year's final is a double-elimination competition system. Those who have advanced to the top 4 will have a "Resurrection A" before the final finals to play again in the loser's bracket.

The winner of the winner's bracket and the winner of the loser's bracket compete for the final championship.

CR lived up to expectations, fought all the way out of the winner's bracket, and directly entered the finals. As if the old enemy of fate, FSG also fought all the way out of the loser's bracket, and met CR again on the stage of the finals.

This journey of falling in love and killing each other can be regarded as earning enough attention. Before the start of the finals, the fans of the two sides have already met online, which can be regarded as full of gunpowder.

 I dreamed last night that I caught a cold and was in the hospital, and then miraculously transferred to a hospital in Taiwan Province, and then our leader came to the hospital to give condolences, haha, in the dream I shook hands with the leader...

(End of this chapter)

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