Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 351 The eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 351 The eve of the decisive battle
"When we meet again in the final, is it the CR who has won all the way to victory, or the FSG who came back from the darkness and succeeded in counterattack!"

"Let's predict the result!"

"The yellow crane rides the wind, and we will meet again at the peak!"

"Extranet forecast: Most are optimistic about FSG's victory."

"Is it the winning streak of the dark horse of the rookie, or the return of the world champion."

"FSG loser's bracket winning streak, unstoppable, CR danger!"


All kinds of self-media posted various languages ​​and voted on Weibo, and because most of the spring finals in the outer divisions had already been played, it can be said that the eyes of the whole world have gathered here.

There is also a lot of discussion on the Internet about this game.

"FSG has fought all the way in the past two days, and the state is hot. I feel that FSG has a better chance of winning."

"CR feels stronger. I won from the beginning to the end. This must be won."

"FSG has five world champions. The experience of BO5 in the finals will definitely be richer. CR is now relying on Yaoyao, but Yaoyao is a newcomer no matter what. When the time comes, if you get nervous, you may pull directly."

"Come on FSG, smash CR!"

"Some people in the comment area should not be too sour, feel comfortable, huh!"

"CR, give me a rush!"

"Look at the status. Although I have always supported CR, if I really go to MSI to play DIK, I feel that only FSG with full status can play now. It's really not good for CR to play against an unfamiliar team."

"It's a surprise that CR has come so far, let's work hard in the finals."

"From not making it to the playoffs last year, to the current winning streak all the way to the finals, I really dare not think about it. I just want this spring season to have a perfect ending."

"B+ team, every extra round is earned [狗头]"

"FSG, come on, don't leave any regrets, just do your best."

"Are you all crazy? Haven't you seen CR's dominance this year? FSG took the lead and won."

"From the perspective of the honor of the competition area, let FSG go, CR went and was smashed back."

"By the way, you guys think too much about our FSG... We can't beat it, we really can't beat it."


There are many discussions on the Internet about this competition. Although CR has won all the way, there are not as many people who are optimistic about CR as imagined.

After all, the five members of FSG have much richer competition experience, and three of the five members of CR are entering the finals for the first time...

Not only Li Shuyao, but also Xiaoye and Totoro entered the LPL finals for the first time. This is the first time they have experienced such a big competition. If they were not nervous at all, no one would believe it.

Relatively speaking, the FSG players are all veterans, and they have played many times in the World Championship, so everyone feels that their mentality will be better when facing big scenes.

When it comes to the finals, experience and mentality are actually very important, and mentality is also part of the state. If the mentality is not good, it is very likely that you will not be able to show your strength.

Many people are usually very strong, but they can't do it when it comes to big competitions.

And the champion will compete with the champions of other divisions for the MSI trophy. Last year's world champion DIK is still strong and won the LCK championship.

So many people hope that FSG, which has achieved better results in foreign wars, will participate in this MSI.

But all along, this kind of thinking has been very speechless. Originally, whoever wins the competition will go. If you follow what you said, there is no need for a competition, and everyone can vote directly.

In an instant, e-sports has become my brother's debut...

And when the Internet was full of ups and downs, CR was also doing the final pre-match mobilization internally.

Not in the conference room, but on the sofa at the base after dinner. Everyone leaned lazily on the sofa, looking very relaxed.

"Tomorrow is the last day. No matter what, it's the last moment. I don't think we need to be so nervous. In the past six months, thank you everyone. In fact, being able to come here has already achieved our goal."

Chow Mein laughed and said:
"Speaking of which, can you imagine that we will achieve such a result in the spring split this year? To be honest, I didn't expect it. Our initial goal was the playoffs, and then we won the first place in the regular season, haha."

"Then since we won the first place in the regular season and we all won the prize money, I thought, can we make it to the finals? Although there are no intercontinental competitions now, the points for the finals are high."

"Then we won the winner's bracket finals all the way. At that time, I thought, if this hadn't been changed to a double-elimination format, wouldn't we have already been the champions of the spring split?"

Chow Mein smacked his lips and sighed:

"It's a pity that there is no if. We have to play another spring final, but I don't think it's okay. There are 5 of us and 3 rookies. Right, the outside world is not too optimistic about us. Go to MSI."

"But I think that since we have come here, why should we feel that we are going to fail before we do anything? We train so hard every day, get up before 7 o'clock every morning, and exercise first when we get up."

"I think we have the strength to be champions. We have a mental advantage, right? We can always maintain the best state on the court. I think many teams can't do this."

"Don't look at FSG as if they have won all the way from the loser's bracket. It looks like a rainbow, but in fact their state is not that good."

Fried noodles looked at the faces of other people and smiled slightly:

"We were originally challengers. At the beginning of the season, everyone was not optimistic about us. They thought we were B+, right? Every time we win a game, we make money, but I want to make money to the end."

"I don't know what you guys think. Maybe it's putting pressure on you, but I think you need to put more pressure on you at this time. The victories along the way make some people a little bit proud, right?"

Chow Mein smiled:
"I hope that each of you has a mental advantage, but I don't want you to be proud. Every game needs us to take it seriously, no matter whether we are sure to win the game or not."

"Actually, I don't think there is a game that is guaranteed to win in this world. Any game is unknown until it ends. Upsets are not uncommon in e-sports."

"There is a saying that despises the opponent strategically and values ​​the opponent tactically. This is a cliché, but I think the reason why it has become a cliché is the classic of this sentence."

"So, I'll put the burden on you and tug at your sleeves. Don't be too proud."

Seeing everyone laughing, Fried Noodles also nodded slightly, sat up and moved over:
"In short, I believe in you, I believe that you also believe in yourself, come..." Fried Noodles stretched out his hand and put it on the coffee table: "Anyway, the end of the spring season is over, and we have no regrets when we come here. We are creating miracles every step of the way.”

"Come on, brothers and sisters, we have come to this point, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

"come on!"

"Rush rush!"

Everyone put their hands on the hands of fried noodles one by one, and then shouted together:

"CR, come on!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao suddenly raised her hand, ready to give the big guy a high five lovingly... But the moment she raised her hand, everyone took their hands away.

"Crack!" Li Shuyao slapped the table...

Everyone: "..."

If you use a little more force, I'm afraid you will smash this table into pieces... You are like the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

 Thank You Xia Hanmeng for your reward, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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