Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 352 Kicks off

Chapter 352 Kicks off
April 4 is a day worth looking forward to for the LPL audience. The fateful match between CR and FSG has attracted the attention of many people from the very beginning.

CR, a veteran team, returned to the finals again in a state of almost being broken and reorganized. FSG also ran all the way from the loser group and returned to the stage of the finals.

Both teams can be said to have the buff of the Avengers, and this season alone, both sides have won the other once, and this time it can be said that it is time for a showdown, and it even feels like a winner takes all.

Few people remember the runner-up in e-sports competitions, and if it is not for the points, many times they will not compare to the third place. This is a place where the championship represents everything, and people only remember the championship.

In fact, in many cases, the strength of the runner-up and the champion is similar. Many of them have reached the fifth game, and there is really not much difference in the hard power of the two sides.

But in the end, the winner is the king, and no one will remember the loser.

This time, no matter who wins the two sides, it is very topical. If CR wins, it will complete the legendary team rebuilding. From failing to enter the playoffs to winning the league championship, this will be a classic for countless future e-sports managers to learn from. case.

If FSG wins, then they will complete a series of three counterattacks in the loser's bracket.

"This time the trash talk is so conservative." Tantai Jingyi smiled and pushed Li Shuyao: "I thought you would say something."

"What did I say..." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "That guy Lu Yao called me all kinds of things a long time ago, asking me to be humble when I talk trash... God knows why I have to be humble when I talk trash. Trash talk?"

"She can't help it. These two songs Fade and Tiny Me Have Big Dreams are too popular in the e-sports circle recently. If you talk too much in the trash talk, you lose again." Dan Tai Jingyi put her arms around Li Shuyao and said with a smile: "That will have too much negative impact on you."

"That's right, it's a pity that it's not interesting." Li Shuyao shrugged.

Hearing the cheers from the mountains and tsunami outside, and the voices of the host and commentator commenting in front, Li Shuyao was still very calm inside.

They have come to the scene and are now waiting in the lounge, waiting for the game to start.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Hui just came back from the bathroom, and Coffee Bean and Totoro looked at their mobile phones together, laughing from time to time.

Everyone's condition is still good, at least, not so nervous.

Well, maybe Xiao Hui is the one who is most nervous, but after all, he doesn't have a great chance to play, but he is a little excited about this big scene.

I just let go of the previously recorded "trash talk", but both sides are very conservative in what they say. They are either talking about what they have already said, or they are being humble to each other. The smell of gunpowder is not heavy.

This can’t be helped, some people will always use this “trash talk” to drive the rhythm of the players. Trash Talk" was born.

Lu Yao was even more afraid of Li Shuyao's nonsense, so he called Li Shuyao early. After all, after reading some self-media interviews released two days ago, this guy seemed to have slipped his mouth several times... Let's just spit it out The tongue is trying to get away with cuteness.

Now is the critical moment, and Lu Yao is planning to edit some high-energy videos with Li Shuyao's songs after she wins the championship. This will not only promote her songs, but also increase her popularity among contestants. "Trash talk" was spoiled.

"Come on, it's about to start, let's set up the tactics, and then Yaoyao will take it to do exercises." At this time, the fried noodles came in from the outside, and the coaching staff behind set up the small whiteboard.

"Today, we still mainly play on the top lane. FSG's top lane is very strong and can often play a huge role in the game. Then we will kill their top lane, so that their top lane cannot show their strength..."

Fried Noodles began to express his thoughts quickly. In fact, generally speaking, when facing such a strong opponent's top laner, he might avoid his edge a little bit. When facing FSG, many teams would choose some functional top laners, so that at least Useful in team fights.

However, Fried Noodles doesn't think it's necessary. Li Shuyao's strength has been fully demonstrated in this season. The opponent is strong, and she is even stronger than the opponent, so there is no need to dodge or anything. Just forcefully defeat the opponent's strongest point. shattered his confidence.

After setting up the tactics, it was almost time. Everyone went to the bathroom, and then came back to do exercises together under the leadership of Li Shuyao.

Everyone is used to this. In fact, many people are researching why CR has to come here so suddenly before each game. Many teams are asking around what kind of changes CR has made this year.

Many teams are aware of the change in schedule, but everyone is a bit confused, wondering what it has to do with performance.

At present, CR's confidentiality work is still good. The cooperation between Professor Yan Xiaohua and CR is still very pleasant. After all, CR has so many e-sports branches, and these are open to Professor Yan Xiaohua and her students.

It's just that the thesis cannot be completed so quickly, and still requires a lot of data.

Li Shuyao and the others had just started doing exercises, and soon became the focus. The director wisely opened a small window during the opening ceremony, and broadcast the situation of the two teams.

FSG is nervously arranging tactics, while CR is doing exercises...


"Sister Lu, tell me, can Yaoyao win this time?" Fang Xuening was sitting in the old place on the second floor, watching the game while eating hot pot.

Anyway, eating hot pot is the most convenient, the whole base, and then the whole seasoning, just make a bunch of vegetables and eat it, and it takes a long time to eat, you can eat slowly for more than an hour!

So it is the most popular when everyone is watching the game.

Well, this everyone refers to everyone who eats at Li Shuyao's house.

"I don't know, I hope to win." Lu Yao stared at the hot pot ingredients just put down, she was a little dazed, her mind was a little empty now...

Hiss, the bubble looks cute when it flips up.

"Oh, why is the opening ceremony not over yet, let's start the fight!" Fang Xuening pouted anxiously.

"There will be another song's Yaoyao's song." Lu Yao watched the bubbles floating up to the surface of the water, and said, swaying back and forth in a daze.

"Huh? There's a piece of music? Why don't I know?" Fang Xuening was taken aback for a moment, then pouted and said, "Wow, you've started hiding it from me now!"

Lu Yao raised his eyebrows, then looked at Fang Xuening with contempt: "I keep it from you all the time."

Fang Xuening: "???"

No more love no more love!

Lu Yao curled his lips: "As long as you leak everything, can I tell you?"

Fang Xuening opened her mouth aggrieved: "I...everything leaks out, I'm the one who claims to be the best at keeping secrets!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Fang Xuening: "..."

You are perfunctory me, you must be perfunctory me, you are just perfunctory me!

As the two of them were talking, heavy accents elicited the distant flute sound...

 The school is closed today~ I have to live in the school~
(End of this chapter)

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