Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 353 debut

Chapter 353 debut
The accent before was nothing, but the sound of the flute afterwards drew Fang Xuening's attention. She was a little surprised to see the performer in the screen who was wearing Hanfu and playing the piano in the center of the stage. There was a little brother playing flute, and when the wind blew, his long hair fluttered slowly along with the hem of his clothes.

Behind them, traditional instruments such as dulcimer, drum, pipa, and guzheng are divided into two parts behind the two people in the center.

There are no superfluous performances, and there are no dancers, just playing the music.

The originally noisy scene gradually quieted down when the song played, and the bullet screens in the major live broadcast rooms also changed from impatient to surprised at this moment, from hoping to start earlier to asking questions What song is this.

Even the director is sighing at this time, the appeal of this song is too strong, when the song is in the middle, the popularity of all major platforms has suddenly increased.

This is not only an increase in the number of people, but also a sudden increase in the number of bullet screens:

"What song is this what song is this what song?"

"Fuck, the song for this year's opening ceremony is too strong."

"It's the first time I've heard such a nice opening song."

"Who composed this song? I want to go to the competition when I hear it."

"God, what a domineering name."

"I remember that what I composed before was the nursery rhymes in the book."

"I saw it, I saw it, Yaoyao's song! It's amazing!"

"The perfect combination of traditional musical instruments and e-sports is finally here!"

"It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds good..."

"Majestic, majestic..."


In fact, many of the songs that everyone usually listens to are Western-style. Although they are all very good, they are closer to their own family after all.

When the World Championship was held in their own country before, the official invited many singers to sing the Chinese promotion song of League of Legends for publicity.

But those songs are very perfunctory at first glance, the tunes are all fast-paced, and the lyrics have no charm at all, they are all written in plain language.

The lyrics these singers usually write are not bad, but the songs that came out that time were very disappointing. At first glance, they were not seriously produced, and some even changed the lyrics of their previous songs and released them.

Either they don't pay attention to it at all, or they don't understand it at all, and there is a feeling of rushing ducks to the shelves.

This piece of music feels completely different. It is well-made as soon as you listen to it. Apart from the cultural intimacy of traditional musical instruments, everyone is more excited.

For the audience, this is actually a surprise. Finally, there is a song that combines traditional musical instruments with e-sports. Just like the name of this song, this is a breakthrough.

At this time, many people naturally felt that this was the first song of the competition area, and the official song of Riot was also very good, but this one belongs to their own family, which is different!
" this composed by Yaoyao?" Fang Xuening smacked her mouth, then looked at Lu Yao: "You actually secretly made such a beautiful song behind my back!"

Fang Xuening pouted, then pinched her waist.

"Yeah, it was decided on the spot." Lu Yao looked at the soup pot that had started to become popular with a little expectation, oh my, this tomato pot is just so cute.

Of course, it is impossible to have a spicy pot. As long as Li Shuyao is not around, there will be no spicy pot in this family!

She had listened to Kai Tian's song many times, so she didn't feel anything special at this time, it was just a pretty good song, so she wasn't as excited as Fang Xuening when she heard it for the first time.

In fact, Fang Xuening only thought this song was very good from a musical point of view, and those old e-sports fans were already a little crazy.


"Hahahaha, I just said, I just said, Yaoyao's first final is absolutely impossible to be so dull, haha, this song is so cool, ahhaha, what is Kaitian, that is to say, I Li Shuyao is going to start a new era!" Zhou Shiyou walked up and down the bedroom excitedly.

"Don't worry, let's wait for Yaoyao to win." Hao Xiao rubbed his hands, his eyes flickering: "Don't say it too early, don't say it too early."

"Look and see again." Jiang Shi also nodded: "But the song is really good, let's talk about it, let's talk about the results, the song is really good."

Sun Xiaoming silently looked at the two teammates who were a little excited, and then continued to masturbate.

It hasn't started yet, one or two of you seem to be more nervous than the players on the field, you should not talk now, otherwise it will be bad if these guys get a little excited and accidentally hurt themselves all of a sudden .

I'm going to go to the research institute next week, and the tutor has already been contacted, and I don't have so much time to watch the live broadcast of Yaoyao with everyone in the future.

Well, after going to the research institute, can you bring the people from the research institute to watch the live broadcast of Yaoyao?

Uh, the live broadcast may be a little bit worse, but listening to music should be fine.

He has learned before that people in the research institute also go to and from get off work. It is not as scary as everyone thinks. On the contrary, it is relatively free in many cases. No one restricts when you come and go, and no one regulates it. what are you going to do.

However, who can come there, who would be lazy.

"It's coming out! Haha, I don't know what Yaoyao's mentality is now, listening to my own song from the stage." Zhou Shiyou laughed and said: "In the future, Yaoyao will play this song every time in the finals. It feels like it can be used as an exclusive song. The BGM is gone."

"I guess the director may release this song in the last round of BO5. Anyway, there is usually an advertisement at this time."

"That's right... Hey, I really want to see Yaoyao go to the World Championships, I want to see her meet the top players in the world." Hao Xiao said with a sigh.

"Yes, yes." Jiang Shi also nodded: "It always feels a bit awkward to be a hero in the league. I still have to go out and make gestures."

"Hmm..." Sun Xiaoming nodded while biting the mutton.

"Haha...Yaoyao still looks very shy. She just waved her hands when she introduced the players from both sides, and didn't make any movements."

"Understand, understand, for the first time, it may be a little nervous."

"Really, it's really nervous at the first level, but why do I feel that she is not nervous at all, and even looks a little unfinished..."


As soon as Jiang Shi finished speaking, everyone was a little silent. It seemed that they didn't look nervous when they looked at Li Shuyao's eager eyes.

Li Shuyao is really not too nervous now, maybe the social fear gene she got from Chongchong is a bit strong, anyway, she has never been nervous since she took the stage.

Of course, this social fear is not social phobia, but social boredom!

Anyway, she didn't feel scared at all, on the contrary, she enjoyed the moment of being cheered on stage.

Well, you can consider opening a small solo concert.

No, no, it should be called a fan meeting, just a small venue, one or two hundred people, and then you can play whatever you want, no burden!
If Lu Yao didn't keep telling her on stage today, she might have given you an Ultraman, right?

Anyway, there is no Ultraman in this world, so she needs to bring light to this world!
Well, but it's the first time after all, it's better to keep a low profile, and we'll do it next time when we wait for the world championship!
(End of this chapter)

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