Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 354 The whole big one?

Chapter 354 The whole big one?

The players all started to go to the competition area, and the screen returned to the commentary booth. Today is the spring match, and the commentary lineup is also very luxurious, divided into analysis desk and commentary desk.

An official commentator on the analysis platform brings two guests, and two commentators on the commentary platform bring a guest.

These guests are mainly from League of Legends anchors or retired professional players.

If it's a world competition with a particularly large influence, it is estimated that some stars will come over. These stars are basically here to catch the heat, but they are basically related to e-sports.

For example, there is a star who used to be a member of the youth training of a certain club, but later he couldn't continue his career and went to become a star...

It's just... outrageous.

At this time, the sound of the background was also given to the commentary booth, and the game was about to start there soon. The camera flashed over the players of both sides, showing the current state of the players of both sides.

"Okay, the exciting opening ceremony is over. I heard that this song was composed by our CR's top single, Yaoyao." Ge Li laughed.

"Yeah, it's really rare that we have a song like this in our competition area, it sounds very exciting." Wawa laughed and said, "I don't know how Yaoyao will feel when she hears this song of hers. How does it feel."

"I feel very excited, haha." Shen Chao also laughed along with him.

Shen Chao is a professional player who once retired from CR. He is considered one of the professional players in the "ancient" period. He also had a relatively outstanding performance in the World Championships. After retiring, he also did well in the live broadcast circle. Relatively speaking, it is relatively low-key, and there is no other negative news.

"It can be seen that the players on both sides are quite relaxed at the moment. Hey Shen Chao, usually in this kind of important competition, the coach will usually say something to relieve the pressure on the players." Ge Li faced Shen Chao laughed.

"Actually, it usually means relaxing and playing, maybe even a little joke, and then let the players sing or something." Shen Chao laughed.

"Oh, yes, yes, I saw that there was a hero singing in the microphone before, haha, so there is such a saying." Wawa laughed and said: "Then CR is not very cheap, the effect on the buff of Yaoyao Don't be too nice."

"Then he just listened to his own song." Ge Li laughed.

"Oh, yes, do you think there is some mystery in the exercises that CR does before every match?" Wawa said with a smile.

"There should be such a mystery, alas, hahaha..." Ge Li said, and the two of them laughed together.

"What's the matter, brother, do you have any inside information?" Wawa laughed.

"That's definitely not the case, haha." Ge Li said with a smile: "But I practiced a bit, and then felt that my mind would be a little more concentrated. I don't know if it's my illusion, haha."

"I know a little bit about this." Shen Chao said with a smile.

"Oh? Do you know why?" Wawa asked.

"I know, but I won't say..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You are too bad, hahaha..."

"Will there be a bunch of question marks floating on the barrage now?"

"When the time comes, the CR officials will explain these things themselves, so we won't say more." Shen Chao laughed.

"Okay, we have seen that we have entered the game screen, CR's red side, FSG's blue side, CR side banned Thresh in the first move, FSG side also directly banned Bull Head, and then banned Lost Lucian, the rumored hero who performed very well in the regular season."

"CR directly blocked Tam, and FSG blocked Kai'Sa, who played very well in the coffee bean regular season."

"CR's third move was to ban Riel, and it was to block the opposing support hero three times in a row."

"Indeed, we saw that in the previous games, CR didn't have a high winning rate against a hero like Tahm who had hard-protected AD, so this time they didn't have a head-to-head, and they were banned directly."

"I don't know what kind of lineup the two sides will come up with in this round."


"Brother Yao, the other side has banned your Lucian, what are you playing today." Coffee Bean smacked his lips and said.

"I think Jess is good." Fried Noodles said slowly from behind.

"Will you play Jess first? It's too easy to be targeted." Tantai Jingyi frowned. At present, she usually takes some heroes or traditional mages who are easy to pace in the middle lane, also in order to be able to match Li Shuyao's rhythm.

At this time, Li Shuyao's tactical status is relatively high.

If you hold Jess in one hand, it is easy for the opponent to get the targeted lineup.

"Yaoyao, what do you want to play?" Fried Noodles asked directly, "Think about it first, the opponent has already made a move, so let's go to the bot lane and the jungle first."

"Let me be more flexible, little cannon." Totoro said.

"Then I'll be a Titan." Coffee Bean followed up.

"Well, the opposite side is on the road, Daomei, I chose Daomei and Xia, and the support has not been released yet, we can continue to block their support." Xiaoye thought for a while and said: "Give me Udyr."

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth when she saw the page where the second round of banning started after the first round of selection was over.

"Students, should we play something big?" Li Shuyao smiled.

"Huh? Don't make troubles, we are in the finals." Fried Noodles immediately became vigilant. This guy is strong, but his ability to make troubles is not bad at all.

Don't look at the winning streak before, but there are a lot of small rounds lost because of this guy's troubles.

"Don't worry, I'm experienced in BO5." Li Shuyao chuckled and said, "Jingyi, you can choose whatever you want. I will be the last one. I guarantee everyone will scream!"

"Then I'll choose Victor. This version is more stable, and the cards have been banned." Tantai Jingyi rubbed her chin: "What do you want to choose?"

Now that the hero pools of both sides are well understood, for example, FSG banned Kai'Sa, Lucian, Kaka, and Jian Ji basically destroyed the system played by CR.

After the opponent locked Galio and Clockwork, CR also took down Victor, and now Li Shuyao was left without a hero choice.

"Brother Yao, what are you going to play?" Coffee Bean scratched his head: "The time is coming."

"Hmm... Wei En." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Huh?" Several other people looked at Li Shuyao in shock.

"Choose quickly, if you don't choose, it will be too late." Li Shuyao urged Coffee Bean, and Coffee Bean found Wei En with a confused expression on his face, and clicked on this hero.

When this hero appeared, the audience suddenly erupted, and many people cheered.

"Coach?" Coffee Bean quickly asked, "Are you sure? Are you really sure?"

Fried Noodles looked at the countdown on the screen, and slightly licked his slightly cracked lips with his tongue. As time passed, the corners of his mouth gradually grinned upwards:

"Make sure."

"Huh?" Xiaoye and Coffee Bean were shocked together, and the fried noodle coach also went crazy together.

"Hahaha..." Li Shuyao burst out laughing when she heard what Chow Noodles said: "Chow Noodles, I thought you had a good eye from the very beginning, haha."

With Wei En's confirmation, the field cheered again, and the commentators also exclaimed.

This is the first time Li Shuyao has brought out that hero on the field.

 On the first day when the school was closed, I didn't feel anything else, except for the epidemic prevention work... I just brought the wrong pillow... The pillow was too soft... My neck hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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