Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 365 Happiness is still to be shared

Chapter 365 Happiness is still to be shared
"Then do you plan to do this for the time being?" The reporter asked with a suppressed smile.

"I still have plans. Let's take a look. After the holiday this time, I should have a chance to do it. Well, Lao Shen, we have a holiday." Li Shuyao said while looking at Shen Zongyue next to him. .

Shen Zongyue: "..."

It's fun, don't cue.

Then everyone asked a few questions to other people, and then went back to Li Shuyao.

"Yaoyao contestant, we have all listened to Kaitian's song before, it's very nice, so after winning the championship this time, will you create any more music related to e-sports?"

"Well... there will still be." Li Shuyao nodded: "And it won't be too far away, everyone can look forward to it."

After going around and asking a lot of questions, the reporters finally let the CR team go. This interview was very time-consuming, and an hour or two passed by flickeringly. .

Li Shuyao looked at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock, and today was considered a big class... Fortunately, it was over in 4 games. If we play the entire BO5 again, I don't know how long it will take.

After the group interview was over, everyone finally left in twos and threes. The outside of the arena was divided into two distinct sides, with dejected FSG fans on one side and elated CR fans on the other.

I don't know why, after such a long time, there are still fans of FSG who have not left.

Li Shuyao looked over curiously, but was blocked by the crowd of CR fans... The fans were very qualified and just cheered them on with signs, and they didn't frantically come together.

The fans' thoughts are simple, they just want to take another look at the players before they come out.

Li Shuyao and the others smiled and greeted the fans as they walked out.

And when they walked out, Li Shuyao also heard the cheers from the fans over there... It's just that the fans over there were all cheering, while the fans here were all congratulating.

At this time, Li Shuyao also understood a little bit, that was FSG who had just stepped out over there.

The defeated FSG did not leave directly, but chose to face the defeat and also participated in the visit.

This point still requires courage. Many teams will choose to leave directly after losing. After all, there is no silver medal in e-sports. Even if they are runner-up, no one thinks they have won.

In fact, Li Shuyao thinks that the FSG players should feel very happy at this moment.

Even if they lost the game, even if they participated in the group interview, there were still a group of people waiting outside, cheering.

When you win, there is never a lack of cheerers. Only those who are still standing by your side when you lose are the most cherished people.

When Li Shuyao boarded the bus, he watched the FSG players standing in a row from a distance, and bowed deeply to the fans cheering for them.

Li Shuyao could no longer hear what they were saying.

There might have been sadness and warmth there, but she didn't like that feeling.

Then... keep winning.

Li Shuyao tidied up her mood, and ran to the bus.

Don't think about those messy things when you win, let's just enjoy the joy.

"It's finally over, old Shen, where should we go for dinner? By the way, why are you back? Didn't you say you booked a hotel for us?"

On the bus, Li Shuyao hugged the seat in front of her and greeted Shen Zongyue sitting in the front with a smile. For the CR players, after leaving the field, the game was considered to be completely over.

However, there may be many, many impacts...

For the time being, everyone doesn't think so much, and everyone is looking forward to the next big meal.

Because the fried noodles classmates said before that Shen Zongyue made a reservation, so they have been holding back until now. Before the group visit, everyone just ate a little chocolate to make a cushion, and now they are all hungry.

"Seafood buffet, haha, what expressions do you all have, don't think that self-service is not good, this time is specially approved by our boss Yu Fengying, and the general manager of Lanzhai personally found it."

Shen Zongyue glanced at the fried noodles with a smile, Lan Zhai obviously found it, but he said he found it himself, hehe, with bad intentions.

"Considering that you must be very hungry when you come down, so you didn't find those restaurants that would take a long time to wait. You can eat directly when you go here. How about it, conscience."

"Conscience!" Coffee Bean roared, "I want to eat right now!"

"Me too!" Jingyi also stood up, raising her hands and yelling.

"I want to eat too!" Even Totoro stood up and shouted.

It seems that Totoro is really happy today.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Hui sat on the seats and laughed silly. It seems that sometimes hunger can not only make everyone forget the sadness, but also calm everyone down from joy.

Uh, sometimes the joy is too great, maybe a little hunger can't calm down.

such as……

After classmate Xiao Hui raised his head, everyone roared together...

"If the reality is unfair to you, don't worry about it too much, let's go, the rainbow after the storm..."

"Maybe it will fail, maybe it will be ordinary... All the intersections in life are by no means the end..."

Maybe at this time, this song that once shouted for itself can finally become a counterattack to the past doubts, and they finally did it.

Singing and dancing all the way... Well, everyone waved along, so it's considered dancing!

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive at the restaurant. From the outside, it looked magnificently decorated, but everyone didn't bother to look outside, everyone was hungry!
A group of people rushed in flickeringly, and then saw Fang Xuening, Lu Yao, Yan Xiaohua and several of her classmates were there, and the staff of CR were also here.


The sound of two fireworks sounded, and everyone who had just walked in the door was bathed in a "golden rain" again.

"The protagonists are here, haha, I won't say much, they must be starving to death, come, come, serve, let's eat!" It seems that a host is speaking with a microphone, but everyone can't hear that, I just heard it's ready to eat!
Okay, this host can handle it!
Exquisite food was put up like an assembly line, and a plate of dishes was put on the table, including concave-shaped lobsters, queue-shaped oysters, and king crabs with stacked arhats...

In addition, all kinds of classic traditional food, pastries, and drinks are also available.

There's even a touch of low-alcohol wine.

Almost all the people present are adults. If you are happy today, you can drink a little wine. For the celebration banquet, it feels like something is missing without wine.

However, there is no such thing as persuasion. For example, Li Shuyao and the others held a glass of juice and no one said anything.

They don't have time to hold a celebration party with everyone, and now everyone has one goal - to eat!

Apart from eating, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi also dragged Fang Xuening and Lu Yao together to talk about the competition...

"When I was with you, haha, I fell from the sky at that know that's the posture."

"Me too, me too, I just rushed up in a flash, haha..."

Fang Xuening looked at Yaoyao and Jingyi who were still babbling with stuffed mouths and shrugged helplessly towards Lu Yao.

These two guys not only talk, but also pose in various ways.

Why are these two people not ladylike at all now...

Forget it, the two of them are happy today, never mind, happiness is over!
(End of this chapter)

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