Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 366 This thing is not very advocated

Chapter 366 This thing is not very advocated
The celebration banquet went smoothly. It started with eating and ended with drinking and drinking. Everyone was full and very happy.

Such good results are naturally inseparable from the hard work of Professor Yan Xiaohua's team. Now they have gained more authority, which can be fully implemented in other CR teams.

In the past, they mainly promoted League of Legends teams. Although other game teams started to pay attention to work and rest, they still didn't have the same thing as here.

There are even some teams who are not decisive enough to make changes, which instead lead to a decline in performance due to fluctuations in schedules and training matches, as well as the resistance in the hearts of the players.

After all, they are a group of children, and it is quite normal to have inner conflicts.

This is the time when you ask me to do what I will not do.

Not everyone can readily accept the sudden change of schedule and need to exercise. Before there are real examples, it is so easy for everyone to believe it.

Many teams feel that their current performance is good, and their own training methods are the best. Although a team captain and coach obviously dare not challenge the CR executives, there are also secrets who secretly act against each other.

It can be said that this time is a good opportunity for Yu Fengying, who just waved a big stick to clean up those disobedient ones before.

If you think it’s still usable, just beat it and keep it, if you think it’s not usable, look at the contract, if you should kick it, if you need to find something else, find something else, anyway, if you don’t obey me, you will toss me!
The food here is very happy, and the fans of CR on the Internet are naturally carnival. They have never dared to say it before, but now that they have won the championship, one or two finally stood up:

"Welcome back to the era ruled by CR!"

"Before the start of the Spring Split, I would directly draw anyone who said that the CR lineup could win the championship. Wanwan didn't expect that I would be drawn."

"Tears in my eyes (^)"

"Who would have thought that this CR would be rated B+ before the game, and would not be recognized even if it won the first place in the regular season along the way, and would be ridiculed for having 3 players, and the champion of the winners group is still not favored , and now we have finally won the championship."

"The five players all played very well, and their status was online in almost every game. From laning to operation, they were almost impeccable."

"Raidao Beer! From the day you went to play professionally, I knew that you are invincible! You abused us so much during the live broadcast, there is no reason why you can't even win a championship!"

"This season Xiaoye's performance is really perfect. We always see Yaoyao killing all sides in the game, but it is Xiaoye's invincible rhythm in the early stage and waves of soldiers fed into her mouth that make her so Meng, of course, Yaoyao is also very powerful, but I don't think I should ignore Xiaoye's contribution."

"It's because I think the five of them are very powerful. Only when they get together can they be complete. Yaoyao is the sharpest spear. Xiaoye and Coffee Bean are the points that drive the rhythm and start the group. Jingyi contributes silently. My Neighbor Totoro's mid-to-late stage Guarantee, without a CR, we would not be able to get to where we are today.”

"I haven't read a book, and I can't think of any other words except beer."

"Yao Yao hastened to come back to shoot the video. It's been a long time since I updated the video. Hurry up and join me!"

"CR must strive for one more S tournament seat for lpl, and must enter the MSI finals."

"Foreign wars are unanimous, CR goes to Snow Island and smashes DF!"


The entry about CR winning the championship quickly rushed to the hot search, and it was the kind with several hot searches. Li Shuyao alone accounted for two or three hot search entries.

Following these hot searches, the number of Li Shuyao's fans skyrocketed again, and the microblog official Weibo released a message under the winning Weibo that quickly reached more than 1, which can be regarded as medium among many hot searches of comments.

However, in addition to praise comments, there are naturally many bad comments.

The flow of the spring finals is much larger than before, and it is naturally full of mud and sand. There are all kinds of people. Last year's world champion changed its name to DF this year. The LCK spring champion is naturally the most mentioned:
"CR is going to fight a foreign war, it's scary to think about it."

"DF is unstoppable this year. Although he changed the top laner, his strength is still very strong."

"DF come on, beat CR."

"It's embarrassing to go out."

"I wish the CR group game home."

"Are you kidding me, three rookies going to the World Championship? I'm a 9th gear fan on handstand day without being beaten by others."


The ups and downs on the Internet have nothing to do with Li Shuyao. After a good meal, everyone will return to the base, and they can have a holiday starting tomorrow.

Well, although there are still a lot of commercials to shoot, Li Shuyao is free to choose whether to shoot commercials or not.

Anyway, if she wants to fish, no one can stop her!

Even the new song that was scheduled to be released this month has been postponed, and this song can't be released too frequently, so the audience has to feel a little bit of anticipation!

However, the hole dug is still filled.

It's the haunted house video I mentioned earlier, but I'm going to do it in the past two days.

Although Li Shuyao is lazy, but she must do what she promised, and she still has a clue about this, otherwise she should not make promises, and she must do what she promises.

This is what her mother told her since she was a child.

But before that, Li Shuyao still had to pay a visit to Teacher Han Liang.

The next day, Li Shuyao went to teacher Han Liang's house with a big bag and some things. In fact, she was invited last night, but he had a rest early, so he didn't come.

But Li Shuyao will not forget that the beginning of all this is actually from Teacher Han Liang. If they didn't learn kung fu from him, they would not be able to get in touch with these things at all.

And she never seemed to ask for anything from her. She just promoted her in live broadcasts and videos, and in the end, she taught her all the real kung fu.

Including breathing methods and so on.

This is already at the level of a direct disciple, but they have never asked for anything, not even the title of a master, just let Li Shuyao be called a teacher.

So Li Shuyao is still a bit between A and C in her heart, and she can't justify not coming to see others after winning the championship.

She had been planning to go during the Chinese New Year before, but she couldn't go back to her hometown.

When Li Shuyao came to teacher Han Liang's house in a car...

They are not there.

Hey, he really is a busy person, so he went to school again?
Li Shuyao called Teacher Han Liang, and sure enough, this guy is still at school, forget it, let's go to school!

So, Li Shuyao drove back to school with big bags and small papers.

So... On the playground of a certain university, almost all the physical education teachers saw a person buried in large and small scrolls rushing towards Teacher Han Liang.

The boys were shocked.

I have seen gift givers, but I have never seen such arrogant ones.

Are you afraid that others will not know that you are giving gifts?
Those things don't look cheap either.

Fortunately, it's not a gift for myself. If I give myself a gift, I'm afraid I'm going to kill myself!Someone walking on the playground thought silently.

Teacher Han Liang looked at Li Shuyao helplessly. She knew what kind of personality this guy had. The gift from this guy should be purely to thank herself, and on the contrary, she did it because of her open heart.

It's just that she doesn't know very well. Now this thing... Well, it's not very advocated.

 I ate some snacks at school these days... Well, I have to control it, I can't eat it...

(End of this chapter)

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