Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 367 Inheritance

Chapter 367 Inheritance
Li Shuyao, who ran over halfway, became the focus of the audience in an instant. At the beginning, everyone was watching the excitement here, and they were all guessing where this guy came from, and he gave gifts face-to-face. Either he's stupid, or he's here to find fault.

Seeing Teacher Han Liang's expression did not seem to be angry, everyone thought that this guy might be really stupid.

But after this guy put the thing down, many people recognized it right away, yo, isn’t this Li Shuyao, he just won the championship last night, many people watched it together, and shouted “Nuuuuuuuuuu” last night What about beer?

Ah this...

Is this really a rumor?

How come you don't look very smart!

However, it is understandable. Many students know that Teacher Han Liang has his own account on station B, and a few know that Li Shuyao has learned martial arts from her.

Then, in an instant, everyone started whispering.

Those who know are explaining to those who don't know, and those who don't know start to make up for it in an instant.

Everyone was practicing their own martial arts movements, and then they started to spread the word in twos and threes, and gradually it became outrageous.

In the beginning, Li Shuyao cooperated with teacher Han Liang, and then learned some martial arts.

Then it gradually became Li Shuyao apprenticed to Teacher Han Liang.

After that, it gradually became that Li Shuyao was the closed disciple of Teacher Han Liang.

Then it became Li Shuyao is a distant relative of Teacher Han Liang.

After that, Li Shuyao's family is also a family of martial arts like Teacher Han Liang's family, and they fell in love with Teacher Han Liang's family. They agreed to teach each other's children martial arts, and then three years later, they will have a showdown in the martial arts conference!
As for whether there is a martial arts conference... that thing is not within their scope of consideration. Anyway, it is said that there is such a thing. As for three years... this thing is forgotten after class, and it can really be verified after three years?

Well, as for why you train the other party's children...

Isn't that a harmonious society? Only this can explain which company is more capable.

Teacher Han Liang reluctantly announced that everyone was free to move about first, and then brought Li Shuyao to the office. After arriving at the office, the two looked at each other, and then laughed all of a sudden.

"Teacher, I didn't expect you to have so many rumors in school. I've become a quack when I come here, haha." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Wow."

"Congratulations too, you finally won the championship." Teacher Han Liang said with a smile: "I also sent a post on station B to congratulate you."

"Hey, it's not bad, it's the first step." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I came here today to thank you specially. You didn't go to the celebration party yesterday, so I came here on purpose."

"Well... I rest early at night, and it was quite late last night, so I won't join in the fun." Teacher Han Liang said with a smile: "As for thanking... Actually, I don't really need it. I mostly do it for our traditional martial arts. Propaganda is fine."

"Propaganda?" Li Shuyao blinked curiously.

"Yes, publicity." Teacher Han Liang nodded: "Actually, I also made videos to promote martial arts."

"Oh..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully.

"Chinese martial arts have a long history, but because of the long-standing views of the sect and self-preservation, fewer and fewer people are exposed to these things."

Teacher Han Liang sighed softly:
"In fact, the threshold for martial arts is quite high, and it cannot be taught casually, so at the beginning, everyone was picky in order to select inheritors with high quality and talent, but gradually they became masters who taught apprentices to starve to death."

"Up to now, the legal framework of the society is constantly improving, and there is no need for heroes and the like, so martial arts are more about performances and physical fitness. In this way, although everyone admires martial arts and thinks martial arts is very handsome, but There are actually not many people who can inherit martial arts."

"In the final analysis, martial arts is a kind of fighting art. Real martial arts are dangerous to some extent, so you must be very careful in choosing your disciples. It doesn't mean that you open a martial arts gym and teach casually. Anyone who comes is not rejected. That's just a show."

Teacher Han Liang looked at Li Shuyao with a smile and said:
"During this period of time, you should have discovered something, the difference between coordinated breathing and ordinary moves."

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded, she has a deep understanding of this, although let's say, her martial arts is learned by the system, but after all, she has already learned it.

"Many people's aptitude does not support him to be able to match breathing. It's a pity. It's really too difficult to find successors with good quality, good mentality and good qualifications. This is also the reason why many martial arts are lost. .”

When he said that, Teacher Han Liang kept staring at Li Shuyao.

", I have met the requirement?" Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.



"You are far beyond my imagination." Teacher Han Liang said with a smile: "Your talent is comparable to those monsters in the legends, and even surpassed."

"'s okay, okay." Li Shuyao waved her hand in embarrassment: "It's so-so, but it's not good."

Teacher Han Liang pursed his lips and smiled: "So I think your character and personality are very suitable. I hope that one day in the future, you can also find the right person to pass on martial arts."

"For me, I actually hope to see the combination of traditional martial arts and modern trends, so that more people will no longer choose taekwondo and judo when choosing to exercise, but will choose our martial arts."

"It's good that there are people passing down real martial arts, and more and more people can rely on simple martial arts to strengthen their bodies."

"Inherit...promote..." Li Shuyao blinked, and suddenly the teacher Han Liang in front of her grew tall...

Thinking about it, it seems that Teacher Han Liang never asked for anything from the very beginning of teaching her.

It seems that it is really pure to want to pass on martial arts... and she has succeeded, not only passed on real kung fu to her, but also influenced a group of people to use martial arts to exercise their bodies through her.

If CR can really keep winning, and Yan Xiaohua's side really forms a theoretical support, with the huge traffic of e-sports, martial arts will naturally open up the situation for young people.

So for her, the higher Li Shuyao's achievements in e-sports, the more popular martial arts will be among young people.

If all e-sports teams will practice Tai Chi in the future, then young people who are determined to enter the e-sports industry will learn Tai Chi first, anyway, Tai Chi is not difficult.

And when e-sports becomes the mainstream, martial arts will also become the first choice for everyone to exercise.

Although this thing is unlikely to be realized in a short time, and it may not be realized in the future, it will not waste anything if you invest anyway. She has done many such attempts, and there are many people who are doing the same attempt as her.

Not necessarily which one will be successful.

The civilization of China is actually passed down from generation to generation in this way, and countless people are making efforts little by little.

Li Shuyao suddenly grinned, she remembered a sentence "I have three thousand ways, hidden in Nanshan, passed on to future generations", inheritance is engraved in the blood.

The two of them were sublimating here when Teacher Han Liang's phone rang suddenly.

After Teacher Han Liang answered the phone, he looked at Li Shuyao with an innocent face next to him with a strange expression...

The two hung up the phone after talking for a long time, and then teacher Han Liang said two words dumbfounded: "Ji... censor..."

(End of this chapter)

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