Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 371 Lu Yao's Suggestions

Chapter 371 Lu Yao's Suggestions

Lu Yao quite agrees with Li Shuyao's idea, because the traffic of the live broadcast must be very large at this time, and CR is organizing a few guys to start the live broadcast, and all kinds of advertisements are also frantically posted on Weibo.

The current CR can be said to be like the first emperor touching the wires - winning numb.

You know, the CR lineup can be said to be the most cost-effective one in the entire lpl. Although it is not the cheapest, it is definitely below the middle.

In the team, Tantai Jingyi and Coffee Dou are relatively expensive. After all, they are veteran players, and they have won many honors with the team, so their accumulated worth is not low.

But Xiao Ye, Totoro, and Xiao Hui are all teenagers, and Li Shuyao is still a pure rookie, so the salary is not that high.

So winning this championship can be said to be a CR bloodbath.

After the end of this wave, several people have raised their wages. Although the expenditure is more, the income is more. There are many merchants who are eyeing Li Shuyao's business value. In addition, the huge traffic carried by the champion CR, CR These two days were basically running around signing contracts.

After all, MSI is next, and no one knows whether MSI can win or not. According to CR's own estimation, the probability of reaching the final is quite high, but winning the championship is about [-]% to [-]%.

If you can't win the championship by then, the traffic will dissipate soon, so hurry up and make money now!
So for Lu Yao, as long as Li Shuyao posts a video or broadcasts it live, the income will be very high.

But before Li Shuyao said that she wanted to take a break, she didn't object when she didn't want to broadcast live, and she still had to decide this matter by herself.

As for choosing the leading actor for your live video... This is an interesting idea, but it’s not easy to find an up master to audition. After all, everyone is familiar with each other. It’s embarrassing whether you choose someone or not. .

and so……

"We still choose the protagonist by ourselves. You can choose an audience member to be a supporting role and a secondary role during the live broadcast. It is a benefit to fans. When the time comes, send them some of your peripherals. The water friends will be very happy. Just treat it as a small offline meeting. gone."

Lu Yao gave his own suggestion:

"At this time, we can directly find interested up masters to cooperate and shoot videos, and then as a fan benefit, find a few fans to play tricks and give them exquisite gifts, so that everyone is very happy."

"If you find a few up masters to PK, it won't look good if you eliminate anyone. In the end, maybe everyone's fans will fight each other online."

Li Shuyao nodded and sat up: "Sure enough, your idea is more mature. In this way, we will cover the travel expenses for the fans who come. If the shooting time is long, we will also cover food and lodging, and then send some peripheral items. This will be better. Those with a relatively large role can also be paid some money."

"It would be a bit troublesome to give the reward." Lu Yao scratched his head: "The first bread, travel expenses and board and lodging are fine, but the latter reward, it's better to replace it with items, so that it will be better to give gifts to fans."

"Well then, I will provide some gifts, and those who come can choose three of them freely. Take a look, for example, my signed team uniform in CR; an NS; a set of my peripheral gift bag; a set of my The co-branded keyboard and mouse peripherals..."

Li Shuyao counted her current surroundings with her fingers, and there were already quite a few of them. These items were basically not for sale, and they were all produced in limited editions and distributed to fans.

For example, Lu Yao has set up a special housing management group, which is basically the top few in the live broadcast room, and the group of people who always charge Li Shuyao for the video at station B.

Basically, these people can often get Li Shuyao's surroundings.

Almost everyone has one gift bag for the surrounding area. Apart from autographed photos, custom T-shirts, key chains, custom phone cases, custom backpacks, and custom brooches, the most satisfying thing for everyone is the two photo shoots.

Of these two photos, one is a photo of Li Shuyao taken in some scenic spots. Naturally, she is well-dressed and even conservative. When the photo was taken, the director provided a lot of clothes that were chilling to look at, but they were all It was rejected by Lu Yao.

Lu Yao's idea is that Li Shuyao doesn't need to be sidelined at all, the powerful faction is just so stubborn.

The second photo shoot was not taken on purpose, it is the screenshots of those MVs made by Li Shuyao, in addition to the released MVs, there are also some photos of her recording songs in the recording studio, most of which have not been released .

These are made by Lu Yao's team for such a long time. Next, they plan to make some dolls for Li Shuyao. These things can be used as pillows or dolls. The dolls can be big or small, and the big ones can be life-size. The small one can be hung on a key chain.

Li Shuyao's fans are very sticky now, especially those housing managers, one or two of them have become her diehard fans. In addition to the fact that her songs are really good, Lu Yao's behind-the-scenes work is also very important.

For those fans who have given a lot to Li Shuyao, they have seen a lot in return and feel respected.

Well, there are also those who wholeheartedly want to date Li Shuyao, if they are not too much, they will express their gratitude, and if they give some things, they will decline, and if they are too much, they will be blocked directly.

Anyway, Li Shuyao hasn't added any viewer's WeChat so far, nor has any idea of ​​further development with any viewer.

In addition to the housing management group, Li Shuyao often draws some merchandise to give to lucky viewers during live broadcasts. They are all direct barrage draws, and those with fan brands can draw prizes by posting barrage.

As long as you set up a brand and maintain this brand, you can always participate in the lottery. The fan brand is not expensive. This can also filter out some people who use robots to grab things. At the same time, it can also increase Li Shuyao's turnover, which is a win-win situation.

As a result, many of Li Shuyao's fans received her presents, and the amount she gave was quite large.

It's not easy to manage Li Shuyao's fans well. If there are so many people, there are all kinds of people. There are even small groups among fans, especially since she spans several fields, and these small groups will fight among themselves.

Lu Yao is now basically trying to win over these house managers, and then let these more influential house managers then influence other fans.

It is definitely impossible to control others. After all, this is not a serious company or unit, but influence can still be achieved.

"Well, that's not bad." Lu Yao nodded with a smile: "If you are willing to accept it, come, if you don't, forget it."

"Why don't you want to do this? You can travel for free, get gifts, and be on camera..." Fang Xuening spread her hands: "You guys are too kind to fans..."

"Hey, we're just small up hosts. When the time comes, everyone can say to me: 'What a conscientious anchor', I'm satisfied, haha, anyway, we are not short of money, and if we treat the audience well, we can keep them. " Li Shuyao said with a chuckle.

In fact, she never felt that she had a large number of fans, that if she made a lot of money, she would be higher than others or something, and she didn't think that she would become a star or anything.

It is only a profession for her to be an up host and an anchor. I do this to make money, and what I earn is the fan economy, so it is natural to maintain a good relationship with the audience.

She treats the audience well, and the audience will naturally treat her well.

Some celebrities treat their fans like leeks, and there will be a thunderstorm one day.

(End of this chapter)

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