Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 372 Shake People Shake People

Chapter 372 Shake People Shake People
In fact, Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao are similar, after all, they are all made by Lu Yao, but she doesn't have that string in her mind, and she usually broadcasts a lot of peripherals, but she never thought of making videos with the audience this kind of thing.

She is even purer than Li Shuyao. Now she is having a lot of fun with Li Shuyao's fans every day. The fans of the two families are almost forming a family. Apart from posting videos and live broadcasting, she hardly does extra things. ...

So she thought about the attitude of other anchors she saw towards the audience and Li Shuyao's attitude towards the audience, and suddenly felt that being a fan of Li Shuyao was a very happy thing.

Well, she is also a fan of Li Shuyao.

Still can touch real fans.

Wow, who in the group is better than me!
You can just look around at most, I can still grab my little hands, haha.

"Jingyi, do you want to play a role too?" Li Shuyao turned to look at Tantai Jingyi and said with a smile.

"Me? I don't want to act." Tantai Jingyi hurriedly shook her head: "I can't act."

"Oh, there's no need to act, I'll put on makeup for you when the time comes, and you can just stand there and act like a ghost." Fang Xuening chuckled: "Eh? No, why don't you ask me if I will act or not."

"You still need to ask?" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "Without you, you can ask the scriptwriter to add a role for you. How dare I not take you?"

"Am I so shameless..." Fang Xuening was speechless.

"Yes..." Li Shuyao, Tantai Jingyi, and Lu Yao nodded together.

Fang Xuening: "..."

Fang Xuening considered the comparison of the strength of the enemy and us, and also considered that he had fought two battles just now, and decided to let these three hateful guys go.

Although these three guys are very irritating, how can we say that we are all good friends, good friends just want to love each other, even if the other party does something to hurt yourself!Heart!want!Absolutely!I have to forgive the other party.

I'm going to take a shower tonight.


"I think the little MV you shot before was good, you can work together again." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Yes, yes, but last time it was organized by Big Tomato and a certain fantasy." Li Shuyao scratched her head: "I don't know if they have time."

"Then let's get in touch tomorrow, it's quite late today." Fang Xuening blinked: "Let's take a shower quickly."

The three of them looked at her strangely together.

"What's the matter?" Fang Xuening looked innocent.

"You wash first!" The three said in unison.

Fang Xuening: "..." Wash first, then wash first, hum!

That night, when everyone was taking a bath, Fang Xuening would quietly appear behind her, and then began to have a cordial and friendly exchange...

Then Fang Xuening washed it four times in a row with satisfaction...

As for why Fang Xuening could go in.

Well, this starts with her being friends with artificial intelligence.

As the saying goes, with Xiao Yao in hand, I can walk freely in this house, so after becoming good sisters with Xiao Yao, student Fang Xuening can already walk sideways in Li Shuyao's house.

As a result, Fang Xuening was sanctioned by the trio again...

But, Fang Xuening's authority has not been taken back, which is very intriguing.


The next morning, the unwilling classmate Fang Xuening was about to pay for her actions and promises, and she was forcibly dragged out of the bed by Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi.

It's not cold in the morning, and I even sweat a little after exercising.

However, I still drank sweet soy milk and ate crunchy fried dough sticks in the morning.

This thing is not made by myself. It is breakfast delivered by others. The food delivered in the community has always been very good. Many people don't cook, so they have been delivered home.

After breakfast, everyone rinsed off briefly, and Li Shuyao was ready to start contacting Big Tomato and Mou Huan.

"Hey, brother eggplant, not at home, not for lunch...haha." Li Shuyao answered the call of Big Tomato and laughed.

"Oh, Yaoyao, congratulations again for winning the championship." Big Tomato said with a smile, " I need to say something?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Li Shuyao froze for a moment.

"That... aren't you shooting a video?" Big Tomato was also taken aback for a moment.

"No." Li Shuyao scratched her head: "How did you analyze that I was shooting a video?"

Big Tomato: "..."

Then the two suddenly froze.

"Ahem, well, I'm going to shoot a video, and I want to ask if you're interested, just for two days." Li Shuyao said.

"What video? Haunted house video?" Big Tomato asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, yes, how is it? Are you interested?" Li Shuyao laughed and said, "I have finished writing the script. If you are interested, let's discuss it together."

"Yes, yes, haha." Big Tomato smiled and said, "Send me the script for a look."

"Okay, then we can play together, this time we can really make a small movie, haha."

Big Tomato: "..."

Ahem, it seems that the word "small movie" cannot be used casually.

After hanging up the phone, Li Shuyao sent the script to Big Tomato. After more than 20 minutes, Big Tomato called and said nonsense, "Is this... so affectionate?"

"'s scary."

"I think we can add a little humor in the front, and then when this tragedy occurs, the contrast will be greater." Big Tomato said.

"Ang..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully, "I think it's okay."

"Okay, let's discuss it together. I think this script is quite interesting." Big Tomato smiled and said, "When are you going to start filming?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Huh? So fast." Big Tomato blinked: "Well, it's your style."

"I'm going to play some tricks in the live broadcast tonight, haha, why don't you join in the fun?" Li Shuyao laughed.

"Choose water friends for live broadcast?" Big Tomato was stunned for a moment.

"That's right." Li Shuyao nodded: "I'm going to invite fans to film together and let them play ghosts together, haha."

Big Tomato opened his mouth: "Okay, this idea is good."

"Well, I'll find a few more people, let's go together, haha." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Let's form a group later, I'll shake people first."

"Go, go, I'll think about it."

I still trust Li Shuyao in Lao Tomato's creative ability, and I also believe that he can be funny and affectionate at the same time.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, and then started to make a phone call. This time, she mainly needed two female characters, four male characters, and a group of little ghosts.

She felt that she and Fang Xuening would be fine for the two female characters, and for the four male characters, it would be good to have one of Big Tomato... one of Mou Huan, one of Grandma Zong, and one of Liyuan Bacteria.

Uh, do you want to add a character to Brother Yu?
Forget it, just let it go, call Liyuanjun later, if brother Yu is at Liyuanjun's house, come together, if not, forget it, just sauce!
"Crooked~ Liyuan Bacteria... Hey, it's Brother Yu... Isn't this the phone number of Liyuan Bacteria... Oh... He's taking a bath... Ah this..."

 I have a little idea for the next book, haha, don’t worry, I usually start to conceive the next book when I’m halfway through writing the previous book. This way of thinking will take longer, and it can be more perfect, so don’t worry , You can think about it slowly, and it won’t take too long to start a new book. There is still a lot to be written in this book. No matter what, I have to write more than 100 million words, and I have no plans to finish it in the short term.

(End of this chapter)

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