Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 373 What a dedicated person

Chapter 373 What a Dedicated Person

"That's right, he's washing dates." Brother Yu said, "I happened to buy some dates, what's the matter, I called him?"

"I'm going to make a video, and I'm going to let you come together. Just these two days, do you have a schedule?" Li Shuyao didn't care whether it was taking a bath or washing the dates, and she was ashamed to use such a rotten meme!

"Yes, yes, yes." Brother Yu laughed and said, "I don't have any material right now...ah no, I'm not that busy recently."

"Brother Yu, what's the matter?" Liyuan Bacteria's voice came from the phone.

"Yaoyao asked us to make a video..."

"Pat, pat, pat, there is no material, hurry up and shoot!"

"That... I haven't hung up yet."

"Ahem, that rumor, we happen to have nothing to do recently, oh, what a coincidence you said, we just flew back yesterday, oh, I was very busy the past two days, tell me."

Li Shuyao: "..."


After making a round of phone calls, everyone was still very interested in joint submissions, so Li Shuyao pulled everyone into a group. Anyway, there are so many such groups. After the discussion, just brush it down and don’t save it. If you don’t save it, you can’t find it. kind!
Several people happily discussed the script for a day. These people were able to gain a large number of fans in the early days of the video site's rise, produce excellent works, and their personal abilities are very strong.

Everyone said something to each other, and improved Li Shuyao's script. Now, the whole plot is quite full, and there are many stalks in it. The funny in the early stage and the reversal in the middle and late stage will form a sharp contrast.

This feeling of laughing with tears is very in line with the current mainstream...

Well, their positioning is also very clear. This is not to add tears to the skit, but to add laughter to the thriller. The two are completely different.

The theme of Li Shuyao's script is a bit heavy, and some jokes can reconcile the mood of the audience.

In the end, Liyuan Bacteria gave this play a famous name - "So I'm a Ghost".

Li Shuyao felt that this name was very specific to her...

However, everyone unanimously approved the name, and then the micro-movie "I Am a Ghost" was put on the agenda. Everyone has filmed with Li Shuyao several times, and they know exactly what kind of piss Li Shuyao is, so One and two moved.

Although let’s just say, everyone usually fishes if one or two can fish, but as long as there are good works, everyone’s subjective initiative is still very strong.

After all, everyone knows that Li Shuyao is going to go abroad to play in a while, so she must be very anxious to shoot videos at this time, and Yaoyao is really hardworking. Taking out such a little rest time to shoot videos is simply a role model for us!
As a result, everyone was immediately moved by Li Shuyao's dedication to work. If you let yourself go... then you must have a good rest, and let's ship the stock first.

In an instant, Li Shuyao's image of love and dedication was established in everyone's eyes!
Take a look, take a look, they just rested for two days and still have to shoot a video for fans, this really touched Bilibili!

Anyway, others didn’t know, they were touched, they were so tired from playing professionally, they finally won the championship, and they came back directly to shoot videos for the audience, if they didn’t help, they were still human!

So, everyone is active in the group this day!

Although Li Shuyao herself looked confused, she thought that one or two of these people would do their best to help her film the video.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the group highlighted a harmony.

Lu Yao's side also started to move, not only prepared a lot of peripheral gifts, but also contacted venues, costumes, props and so on, and even hired special people for the cameraman and director.

Although from the perspective of the plan, the longest video will be more than 20 minutes, but since so many up masters have been united, it will definitely not be so simple to record a video by yourself and finish the job.

Lu Yao still attaches great importance to Li Shuyao's current video production. She has the same idea as Li Shuyao. No matter what achievements he has made in live broadcast and e-sports, video cannot be left behind.

So even the daily vlog needs to be well edited, let alone this one.

And even though everyone is jointly contributing, but when you send those fans around, you can't leave other ups hanging around, so you still have to send drops.

Everyone gradually became busy, but Li Shuyao suddenly became idle.

She started to prepare for today's live broadcast. She arranged those small lanterns in her room, and then put some words like happiness and happiness in the sky next to her, turned off the bedroom lights, and then turned them on specially. The little colored lights tried it out.

At once……

The effect is not bad!
Although it's not that scary, it's enough for live broadcasting. If it's too scary, it will frighten children. After all, there are still many underage children in the live broadcast room.

The atmosphere was almost in place, so Li Shuyao turned the small lantern into a red and green pattern, and then sat on the chair...

"I'll go, why don't you make it so scary." Fang Xuening took a step back as soon as she entered the room.

The bedroom lights were turned off, and then small lights in red and green colors lit up on the wall from time to time. At first glance, it was indeed a little scary.

"Look at your cowardice." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "This is scary, what will you do when the time comes to shoot the video?"

"Then I'm prepared, I don't have you." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes.

"By the way, why don't you go to the live broadcast, what are you doing here?" Li Shuyao turned on all the live broadcast software, and also opened a YY, and is going to choose people on YY today.

This afternoon, her fan group has been busy all afternoon. The fan group signed up for the audition in the early stage, and the house managers helped check things together.

Then the fan base will select and send some players out.

After all, if you choose directly during the live broadcast, you probably won't be able to choose until tomorrow morning. It's a waste of time, and it's easy to run up a group of perverts!
So for the quality of her live broadcast, she planned to let Lu Yao choose first, and then put them up one by one during the live broadcast.

Today's live broadcast Li Shuyao has already made preparations to live broadcast until late at night. Anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow, just the preliminary preparations. Come one by one, even if one person takes 5 minutes, that hour is only 12 people.

Li Shuyao didn't plan to make a big scene, so she only needed about 20 people. She estimated that after trying about 50 people, she should be able to pick them out.

Moreover, she plans to pull a few ups together to be judges, and everyone will score together, so it seems that the scene is even bigger.

Right, make it more formal, this will also make those who fail the list more convincing, and make those on the list happier.

Well, as long as you participate today, you will be given a small gift. Even if you fail the ranking, you have contributed to the effect of the program, so you can't just let people go.

"Didn't I come to tell you that the fan group has registered enthusiastically, and several housing managers are getting tired. After screening, the distance is relatively close. Those who have nothing to do in the past two days can come. There are still a few One hundred, and then draw lots directly, it is not easy for you to gather 50 people." Fang Xuening slammed her mouth: "But it seems that there are quite a lot of girls drawn, I feel that there may be a problem with this system! "

(End of this chapter)

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