Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 377 Isn't it just a ghost, who is afraid of who!

Chapter 377 Isn't it just a ghost, who is afraid of who!
Li Shuyao's heart is a little broken right now. Originally, she was going to hold a selection. She thought that these people could come up and tell a little ghost story. Delay it.

According to the plan, it will end in 2 hours, but in fact she came in 4 to 5 hours, after all, it is easy to chat for a long time.

So she is going to broadcast live until after 12 o'clock tonight.

But she really didn't expect that from the first person, she went astray, and it was gradually outrageous. The more she ran, the more she deviated.

At the beginning, she still nodded and smiled. After all, it was live broadcast. Although the mics were crying and howling, she still had to pay attention to the influence as the field controller!
But then...

You know, when people can't stretch themselves, they often can't stretch themselves...

As a result, her expression became outrageous along with it. At this time, she didn't care how many pictures those people took, she just wanted the next person who connected with the mic to be more normal!
Today's progress is extremely fast. There are already 26 people involved, and it's only been over an hour. Although it takes more than 1 minutes for 1 person, Li Shuyao has also spoken!

Every time she looks at the group, she can see Big Tomato laughing wildly...

Alas, although I can understand what these people are laughing at, I still feel angry seeing them laughing there. Why do I have such a group of viewers?

"Ahem, this, thank you to classmate No. 27, your ghostly smile is very essence, yes, we wait for the judges to score, and then... well, I just want to ask the students in our live broadcast room, are you all I have practiced it, how come one or two are so powerful."

Li Shuyao was a little speechless:
"Ahem, let me say it again, we need 20, that is, the 20 'ghosts' with the highest ratings from the judges... Ah no, 20 audience members, so even if you are not selected, don't be discouraged, anyway. Your performance has won me over."

"Come on, let's continue!"

"Baby No. 28, come up!" Fang Xuening said with a suppressed smile.

"Brutal!" As soon as the mic was turned on on the 28th, a bird cry appeared, but the bird cry was not so crisp, as if the bird's neck had been stepped on.

Li Shuyao opened her mouth...

Good guy, this one is even more heavyweight. Have you ever learned ventriloquism?But your ventriloquist seems a little bit wrong, why does your bird seem to be dying.

Oh yes, we are playing ghosts.

Hiss, it fits inexplicably... If you're going to follow me later, give me a Di Ting. No one should have heard of Di Ting's name.


"Come on, let's invite baby No. 36!"


Li Shuyao: "???"

"Yaoyaogui, I'm listening to the truth." No. 36 said.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Hurry up and go back to the underworld, okay, people can't do without you, you are such an important beast, if you leave the underworld for too long, it will definitely affect the order of the underworld, be obedient, go back quickly!

At the same time, Big Tomato and the others also set up a small room to communicate with each other while watching Li Shuyao's situation, but now it is basically filled with hahaha.

"Haha, don't tell me, Yaoyao is really a talent for live streaming, how did she come up with this idea." Big Tomato laughed.

"It's really a 'ghost' talent, this is too ghostly." Liyuan Jun laughed and said: "This is the most 'ghost' live broadcast room I have ever seen."

"As expected of Yaoyao, I just want to have fun playing the game, and I have to watch the live broadcast of Yaoyao all the time." Ah Zong laughed and said: "This Yaoyao is too good."

"Yaoyao's audience is also awesome, why do you do this." Mou Huan pursed his lips and smiled: "I want to call all these people, and 50 of us can do it."

"Haha, I think it's okay, these audiences are so interesting." Brother Yu slapped his mouth: "I was thinking, should I also start a live broadcast, right, it seems to be very interesting."

"It's all right."

"Forget it, lazy."


"Hey, the fans of Yaoyao are really talented. What's the situation with this imitation of Plants vs. Zombies, ahaha."

"Okay, it's an eye-opener tonight, and I can still live broadcast like this."

"But Yaoyao's expression is too amazing, haha, this is really painful and happy."

"Come on, come on, score and score."

"How many full marks do I give, haha, it's too strong, I think at least 30 people are okay."

"Add drama, add drama, add drama temporarily."

"Come, come, add it right away!"


Today's live broadcast by Li Shuyao made everyone laugh, and at the same time, their inspiration exploded. These talents are a group of people who are full of fans in the up master. If they can do better, they must do better. One or two are to hold back Recruiting and looting materials have smashed all kinds of video websites all day long.

This time, Li Shuyao's actions were obviously not small, and he must have a little time!

"Aiyo, aiyo..."

After listening to another water friend crying and howling, Li Shuyao received a message from Big Tomato, and said quickly:
"Did you hear something, one or two performed so hard, which impressed our other up masters."

"Our creative team was deeply moved by your performance..."

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth as she spoke, saying why these people were moved by such weird things, hey, why are you so moved so weirdly!

"Ahem, after being touched by this, we all feel that everyone is also a talent, right, so we may need a little more people. Well, the screenwriter has been changing the script overnight."

"So don't be discouraged for the babies in the back, work hard, we're not so stuck, right, you guys are really awesome, and we've even moved the judges."

"Come on, let's invite the next little one to be a ghost!"

Li Shuyao is also going all out, anyway, the ghost has become like this today, even if you don't admit the title of female ghost, it's useless, so come on!
Hmph, isn't it just a ghost, no one is afraid of anyone!
Who is not a ghost anymore!
As the saying goes, scaring is healthier, and this psychological quality comes from being scared little by little. Anyway, she is not that scary, at most she has a flimsy feeling.

She believes that after this live broadcast, the psychological endurance of the audience in her live broadcast room can be improved by a little bit.

Li Shuyao slammed his mouth when he heard the water friend who seemed to be crying harder.

Or how can I say that the live broadcast room is the students' second... er, third?It seems that there is also... Forget it, the ninth class!What's ahead for you!
Children raised in honeypots must not have the mental capacity to endure anything. Look at the many suicides. Sometimes they can’t protect them too well. The setbacks that should be endured still have to be endured. some.

Appropriate setbacks can make everyone see it.

Hmph, who let you come into my live broadcast room, every cause has its fruit, and your retribution is me!

Thinking about it, Li Shuyao raised the corners of her lips slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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